Quest Name: Heroic Plumbers
Man this quest is the worst. Such a slog, with enemies that can get really out of hand really fast. Especially as it's usually solo'd.
I will say I've never died on the quest, but I usually find it such a taxing chore that I'm always tempted to just skip it when I'm doing my obligatory noob train to 6.
In the end I always feel like an asshole that I even did the quest to begin with. It just takes so much time and eats up so much healing.
I would recommend that a wand of elemental warding is given at the beginning of the quest, and maybe increase the gold payout for this one considering your employer is the most prestigious inn in arabel.
Anything that will soften the blow would be welcome tbh.
My suggestion is to give the oozes some bludgeoning vulnerability, they're supposed to be weak enemies and shouldn't soak up 4 rounds of combat apiece.
Maybe that would be enough, though I'd also like to see some more gold or wands, since those suckers hit hard and often.
Bit of a nuisance for melee characters, but I never had an issue with ranged weapons.
You can regularly solo this quest with ranged magical cantrips or a bow without taking a single hit. None of the enemies will outpace you, so long as you are smart about where you run and don't end up backed into a corner(Even with the dead ends, you should have adequate time to kill the enemies since they move so slowly). This quest is dangerous for melee combatants, as the things that do hit you, will hit you hard and the boss has an extra devastating trick for things it catches. I think this design choice was intended.
That said, I think the quest itself only has...2? Actual loot containers. I guess the loot could be increased, but I think 1-2 loot containers is the par for 1-6 quests anyways.
I'm also in favor of removing the boss's nasty trick so melee inclined people can have a whack at it so to speak, but that's just me.
Yeah it's not so much that the quest is too unsafe.
It's more that the quest is just a little bit more than you'd expect, every time you do it. Even if you've done it dozens of times. Enemies have just a hair more resilience than you'd expect. They move just a little bit faster than you remember. You can shoot and run just be careful not to run out of tunnel. Also is it just me or is that sewer tile set super janky with pc pathing?
It's like every little bit of the design just goes that one extra mile to be a little annoying, and I don't think it was even done on purpose.
I can't be the only one that feels this way.
New types of oozes were added
More possibility for loot containers to spawnAny further suggestions for this quest?
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