[Set]Petey/Puffy I need to play a tiefling/slade
petey512Yesterday at 18:15
Puffy I need to play a tiefling. Everyone is being too whiny and they need a bad guy to hate who isn't represented by you mean dms.
I'm keeping the name slade cause that's just a cool tiefling name tbh but here's the app:
"Slade is an ex-Banite warrior looking to find a new patron to his lawful evil ideals. He is going to use his devilish cunning and might to establish order in the fractured city of Arabel. I intend to roleplay him as a terrifying and scary presence as a foil to the more good aligned or maybe "friendly" presence that tieflings in arabel have started to represent. -
Bad guys can be any race
but I sorta agree that tieflings are being represented too softly
Tieflings only require "app lite", right? -
@Echo said in Petey/Puffy I need to play a tiefling/slade:
Tieflings only require "app lite", right?
And this pretty much covers that
@Puffy said in Petey/Puffy I need to play a tiefling/slade:
"Slade is an ex-Banite warrior looking to find a new patron to his lawful evil ideals. He is going to use his devilish cunning and might to establish order in the fractured city of Arabel. I intend to roleplay him as a terrifying and scary presence as a foil to the more good aligned or maybe "friendly" presence that tieflings in arabel have started to represent.
@Echo said in Petey/Puffy I need to play a tiefling/slade:
Bad guys can be any race
but I sorta agree that tieflings are being represented too softly
Tieflings only require "app lite", right?All the above. Let him have at it.
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