Deadwell undead problem
Not sure the dagger was recovered. But let me know how tiverton can help.
Raven Arn Targon
Yesterday I led an expedition into Deadwell to call out the wanted criminal known as the twisted assassin as information has revealed she frequents the area with cultists of Bhaal.
Joining me were Dawnknight Harcourt, Awakened Jaylah, Therku of the Ravens, Trueblood Riversnow and Brother Teeth of the Precept.
Whilst the Twisted assassin was not located a challenge was certainly issued and we made it to the very heart of Deadwell where the air is hard to breathe due to the negative energy within and a throne or altar most likely to Bhaal resides
Harcourt has said he will report our findings to the house of the morning.
Meanwhile I'll continue to hunt the twisted assassin
Pierre of the Black Chalice
The twisted assasin is dead, An operation led by myself and including Therku, Jenny, Magus Nikos Knight and assisted by Harcourt and Argun pressed deep into Deadwell and slew her.
It is the hope of the Aster that with her slain they can begin cleansing the Mausoleum
Pierre of the Black Chalice
A druid known as Cormack has expressed interest in attempting to call some form of guardian spirit for Deadwell to get rid of the undead and stopping more rising now that the twisted assassin is dead.
I see value in this and suggest that the council assist
Pierre of the Black Chalice
Removing the cultists that reside within should be the first step.
Wards and guardians will be of no use as long as the cultists are there to destroy them.-Ydira
The Twisted Assassin is dead Ydira.
When she fell the entire Mausoleum began to react and we barely made it out alive
Harcourt and Argun can confirm this
She might not be the only cultist but seemed to be a major source of the issues within.
It's worth attempting at least I believe or new cultists will keep coming along
Pierre of the Black Chalice
My plan is to commune with a powerful spirit of the wilds and persuade them to act as guardian over the Deadwell. What is required to do this will vary from spirit to spirit, however I am told by one of the High Druids that this is possible, and that aid will be given.
What is required is trusted men and women who can defend us while the spirit is summoned and the terms are agreed upon.
Cormack Blackstock
Do you need anything to commune with this spirit
I can certainly have some Ravens act as guard during this
Pierre of the Black Chalice
Does anyone have any other suggestions on this?
Cormacks idea turned out to be human sacrifice to call forth this spirit.
Naturally unacceptable
Sir Pierre
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