Deadwell undead problem
The expedition was a success and undead beyond counting were put to the sword.
A mage from the scarlets believes destroying the altars within the Mausoleum may weaken the curse but would attract the attention of the crypts masters.
Personally I believe the land is beyond repair and besides hunting necromancers and dangerous cultists who sometimes lair there little can truly be done.
What update is there, on the knife we recovered from The Deadwell? Both myself and Great Druid Greg met with many commoners from Bospir, being forced out of their homes due to the undead rising. Unless the dagger is distinctly tied to something in Eveningstar, I trust you will pass on said dagger to someone within the Council, seeking to undo the curse of Deadwell, or will do your outmost to assist the rest of us?
@Valkyrie -
What dagger do you refer to?
There were about three I saw, The Scarlets snatched one from the undead with the Stave and there were two on the altar at the bottom of the crypt.
I believe the Precept took one after deeming it was safe.
Was it not the Lathanderites who took them?
I am most puzzled. But then again, I was much too busy trying to carve "Cath was here" on one of the pillars, than to pay much attention to the chaos on the stairs.
Since powerful necromantic artefacts have been scattered to the wind, should we inform Bospir that it is time to panic?
A Clerk
No. I shall take up residence in Bospir, my former home, and defend it. The adventurers and mercenaries I seek to recruit, shall do similar. Having capable swords in the area, will buy us time. If the council can come together, instead of measuring who has the biggest greatsword in their arsenal.
If it is Undead the Aster will aid whenever they can. But no dagger was entrusted to me. The scarlet and other people in the party were to concerned with the ongoings within the mausoleum. So I could not even tell you either where they went other than the Precept has one of them.
Dawnlord Jadzia Sunguard
Perhaps it was this reported blade that is causing new problems?
Good day,
I am a new recruit to the Greywatch, I was told you are my point of contact.
I wanted to provide you with a quick report from my scouting near Bospir last evening. I arrived on the outskirts of town to find a large hoarde of undead fighting with some local adventurers and a band known as the black clover. Eventually we were able to cull the undead threat, at great cost to life and limb. The clovers recovered and odd necromantic blade used in the ritual as well.
Unfortunately the necromancer responsible (an undead war wizard apparently) escaped back into dead well. Although the residents of bospir as safe for now I think it’s important that we coordinate with the black clovers and hunt him down soon.
Clark Skinner
I've yet to see this blade though so I have no clue as to its origins
It is an old, but mundane tool of torture. It was inspected at the scene and is no more magical than a stone. However it’s history of violence is likely the reason for its use as a focus.
-Blood Dragon, Naresh Sabzvari
The Order of Aster has taken a renewed interest in the area known as Deadwell.
The story, as we heard it, was that it was once a cemetary maintained by the clergy of Cyric. One day, adventurers came past, and found the clergy butchered, and hanging from the trees in the most brutal of fashions.
They cut down the priests and proceeded the bury them. The next dawn, the adventurers, every one of them, were now found in the cemetary, strung up in the precise same fashion.The secrets of Deadwell have been left uninvestigated for too long, and the Order of Aster will no longer stand by to watch.
If you could assist us in two things, it would be greatly appreciated it. Spread the word amongst your own, that the Order of Aster has cast its glance on Eveningstar once more. And check your archieves for any further information on the subject.
Dawnsquire Stillwater
Not sure the dagger was recovered. But let me know how tiverton can help.
Raven Arn Targon
Yesterday I led an expedition into Deadwell to call out the wanted criminal known as the twisted assassin as information has revealed she frequents the area with cultists of Bhaal.
Joining me were Dawnknight Harcourt, Awakened Jaylah, Therku of the Ravens, Trueblood Riversnow and Brother Teeth of the Precept.
Whilst the Twisted assassin was not located a challenge was certainly issued and we made it to the very heart of Deadwell where the air is hard to breathe due to the negative energy within and a throne or altar most likely to Bhaal resides
Harcourt has said he will report our findings to the house of the morning.
Meanwhile I'll continue to hunt the twisted assassin
Pierre of the Black Chalice
The twisted assasin is dead, An operation led by myself and including Therku, Jenny, Magus Nikos Knight and assisted by Harcourt and Argun pressed deep into Deadwell and slew her.
It is the hope of the Aster that with her slain they can begin cleansing the Mausoleum
Pierre of the Black Chalice
A druid known as Cormack has expressed interest in attempting to call some form of guardian spirit for Deadwell to get rid of the undead and stopping more rising now that the twisted assassin is dead.
I see value in this and suggest that the council assist
Pierre of the Black Chalice
Removing the cultists that reside within should be the first step.
Wards and guardians will be of no use as long as the cultists are there to destroy them.-Ydira
The Twisted Assassin is dead Ydira.
When she fell the entire Mausoleum began to react and we barely made it out alive
Harcourt and Argun can confirm this
She might not be the only cultist but seemed to be a major source of the issues within.
It's worth attempting at least I believe or new cultists will keep coming along
Pierre of the Black Chalice
My plan is to commune with a powerful spirit of the wilds and persuade them to act as guardian over the Deadwell. What is required to do this will vary from spirit to spirit, however I am told by one of the High Druids that this is possible, and that aid will be given.
What is required is trusted men and women who can defend us while the spirit is summoned and the terms are agreed upon.
Cormack Blackstock
Do you need anything to commune with this spirit
I can certainly have some Ravens act as guard during this
Pierre of the Black Chalice
Does anyone have any other suggestions on this?
Cormacks idea turned out to be human sacrifice to call forth this spirit.
Naturally unacceptable
Sir Pierre
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