OOC: How this faction works
This is strictly a plot faction, with the main purpose to work as a coordination platform for the various adventuring groups/factions within the Kingdom to work together against greater threats.
There has been some discussion and confusion about what the purpose of this faction is and how it should work/or not work ICly
This it not a "faction" like the others. Players are supposed to be pursuing their own plots, be it personal of as part of another faction.
There is no faction gear or a uniform as anyone who is not from another faction is an independent adventurer that has decided to put the people are Arabel as a whole, as a priority.https://nodebb.cityofarabel.com/topic/52009/lesser-faction-council-of-twelve-peers
- A way for players and PCs who are and/or want to be involved in greater threats which required the Council of Twelve as a cooperative platform
- Guiding current meta plots and making them feel alive and real to the setting
- A repository for all relevant information about big threats (minus secret factiony stuff) to make it easy for everyone to keep informed and up to date
- To promote player agency and ability to do stuff
The Role/Perks of the Twelve
- They have a direct line to bring proposals and ideas to the King and Queen through Saga Drakesbane
- The get that little bit more weight given to their words from NPCs
- They can earn special distinctions and perks depending on ideas and directions they sway the rest of the council
- "Power/Influence" is gained from the prestige gained by the members doing things.
- Do not be afraid of dictating to non council members how things are going to be done, if that is IC for your character.
- If someone does not do what they are supposed to, then sanction them.
- An example of this would be the position of Field Commander.
- The Twelve agreed to follow her orders in the field. Any other PCs who accompany the Twelve on a mission should be made aware that they too should follow orders. If they do not, then it gets dealt with ICly for example.
How the IC process works
- IC Coordination of events, information, etc are dealt with via the forums. OOC coordination is done via Discord
Old rules
* One of the Twelve brings forth a topic for discussion and for OOC courtesy waits at least 24-48 hours to let all the players have input.
* Once a general idea is received from everyone one of the Twelve puts up a Vote
* * For sanity keep the voting options limited to 2 or 3 so a majority is reached
* This vote is then taken as a consensus by the Advisor to the Royal Council (See below) who if they have an issue with it will comment.
* Every member is expected to cast a yes or no because once a vote is resolved, the expectation if that everyone on the council will uphold the vote. The is no abstaining (it's more fun if you are forced to take a position)The Role of the NPCs
First Peer/Council Advisor Saga Drakebane
- Saga was officially named to act as the advisor to the Royal Council. Assuming the title of First Peer in honour of Jastyne Vaylan who formed the council. She continues to encourage recruiting adventurers to help deal with stuff that is way too big for "normal" folk and the other heroic/power types (prominent NPCs) don't have time or desire to deal with.
- We want to let players drive stuff but also recognize for setting integrity there needs to be some NPC oversite.
How is the council made up
- There are only ever maximum of Twelve on the council
- There will be one seat for each faction
- Each Special Position (Official Clergy, Great Druid, NPC sponsorship etc) is granted a seat on the council. Not all will accept it but they are granted one. Exceptions will happen and be addressed as needed.
- Special Council Positions may be created and removed by council vote as appropriate. Some may grant extra IC perks. An example would be Commander during the White Witch/Horde plot
How is a council member added or removed
- Council Members may recommend new members, however it is strictly administered by the Clerks
- Must be an open spot
- There is always 1 spot reserved for each Faction
- Member spots get assigned by the faction to represent them on the Twelve. Usually the highest ranking but not always. NPCs will be assigned to fill the seats but only as a place holder for PCs and to ensure there is a presence.
- Council members do not vote on who is assigned/unassigned, but may write to Dame Drakesbane if there are concerns
- Special Positions are dealt with on a case by case.
- Potential members are recommended by a sitting council member. Occasionally an NPC may request a recommendation for someone.
What this faction is not
- It is not a ruling faction
- It is not a place to make laws or worry about crop yields or taxes though these may be a background reason for why certain other plots are underway
- The council is not about using NPCs to solve problems. They are the Avengers who are there to solve problems.
e.g- OMG bandits are raiding our caravans and we are going to starve
- The council does not talk about levying a tax to hire more legionnaires to guard the caravans.
- The council would go and deal with the source of the raids and hopefully include a bunch of others (for and against the bandits)
Every member is expected to cast a yes or no because once a vote is resolved, the expectation if that everyone on the council will uphold the vote. The is no abstaining (it's more fun if you are forced to take a position) -
- Member spots get assigned by the faction to represent them on the Twelve. Usually the highest ranking but not always. NPCs will be assigned to fill the seats but only as a place holder for PCs and to ensure there is a presence.
- Council members do not vote who is assigned by the major faction.
Faction members are not exempt from a Peer Review but the council may incur the wrath or gain the favour of powerful people in doing so.
- No longer Major Factions
- Clarified Special Position (Official Clergy, Great Druids, NPC sponsorship etc) and how they interact with the Twelve Council
- This it not a "faction" like the others. Players are supposed to be pursuing therr own plots, be it personal of as part of another faction.
- There is no faction gear or a uniform as anyone who is not from another faction is an independent adventurer that has decided to put the people are Arabel as a whole, as a priority.
Giving this a bump for review of what the faction is about.
Just an OOC point of clarification. All the faction get to send a rep for this council. That includes the Ravens who represent the Duchy of Tilverton. There was a brief time when TIlverton had broken away from Arabel but that is in the past. TIlverton is a Duchy in the Kingdom of Arabel. Duke Obyn stands as the 2nd highest ranking noble in peerage directly below the king. Let a DM know if you have any questions or need some clarification. Happy Gaming!Due to the war between Tilverton and Arabel, Tilverton obviously isn't seated.
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OOC: Rules and guidelines have been updated to avoid voting drama