NPC Associates of the Council
The Crown
The Royal House of Arabel: House GoldfeatherThe Councils
Councils of PeersThe Council of Twelve
Council of Twelve Peers -
Dame Saga Drakebane
The Queen's right hand, the Last Crimson Viper, Leader of the Twelve Council
Former Crimson Viper, Saga was the right-hand of Archibald Vaylan at the time of his death during the battle of South Horn. For her failure to protect her leader and their men, she self exiled herself from Arabel and ventured to Tethyr. There she battled along side the avatar of the Red Knight, in the form of Lady Kaitlin Tindall Bloodhawk, during the Times of Trouble, converting to the new goddess faith and championing her cause.
After the assault upon House Vaylan, and the death of Saga's old trainee Hhreth. Lady Vaylan sent words to Saga, begging her to return to her home and aid the heavily wounded house in its hour of need. Knowing she must answer her old friend's request, Saga returned to the Kingdom of Arabel, dissolving her self exile once and for all.
The year of 1359 was a challenging one. First the death of Hreth and in the fall came the death of her friend and lord, Olaf Vaylah. Her fears were confirmed when the people of Arabel, confronted with the White Horde, turned in desperation once again looked to the young woman and "niece" Jastyne Vaylan to save them.
Facing defeat after defeat the brave legionnaires were pushed to the breaking point. Saga, ever present at the First Peers side had become the leader of not only the famed Crimson Guard but the Council's chief strategist and war leader. In December of 1359, the First Peer named Saga, Marshal of the Legions and formed a council of Twelve to take the offensive against the White Horde.
After the coronation of Queen Kestrel Goldfeather, the former First Peer's mother, and King-Consort Matrim Kingsley, Saga was knighted and given the noble title of Dame. She continues to serve as the leader of the Council of Twelve, as well as the Queen's right hand.
Lord Jastyne Vaylan
Current titles: The Crimson Lord, The Serpent's Fang, Chosen of Tempus
Former titles: The Queen Who Wasn't, First Peer of ArabelLord Jastyne Vaylan was the firebrand powder keg that embodied the character of House Vaylan. After inheriting the title as Lord of the House after her late father Lord Olaf Vaylan in 1360DR. Known for being a supremely competent warrior with few able to even match her. She leaded her troops from the front, reveling in the glory of battle.
During her younger years, she often got piss-faced drunk at her favorite pub, and causes havoc, chaos, and on one infamous incident- a city wide brawl where she climbed atop a bunch of knocked-out patrons wielding a chair leg and demanding that Gondegal come and show her a good time (to which, it is said, he sent a messenger to respectfully decline- the messenger was then taken to a temple for bruises).
Eventually she sobered up and fell in love with a farm boy in the Crimson Guards, collectively they steered their leader towards the path of a selfless leader and fierce protector of Arabel. Her joy and happiness was however short lived, first she lost her lover known as the "Crimson Heart" to the Stoneland Goblins. The latter which eventually join the White Horde, that claimed the life of her father and king. Rather than wallow in sorrow and ale, she took charge in rebuilding Arabel.
Refusing to claim the throne, she formed the Councils of Peers and was unanimously voted as First Peer by the highest council known as the Council of Regal Peers. Together with her fellow Peers, she steered Arabel towards a new dawn and era. Upon the death of the White Horde, and the White Witch Lord Vaylan stepped down from her position to embrace her position as Chosen of Tempus. Now the kingdom of Arabel lies in the hands of Queen Kestrel, the mother of Lord Vaylan, after the Queen revealed herself to be the heir of Arabel's royal house Goldfeather.
The council is served by various clerks and civil servants who manage the affairs of the council and offer legal advise and economic input into their decisions.
They are a notoriously diverse with petty rivalries fueling pranks and other underhanded schemes to destroy the careers of one another.
McGregor Falsteam is an overly polite, formal wizard who often informs the Council of the Royal Will and advises behind the reasons behind certain decisions beyond the scope of the Council of 12 Peers. He also lends advise of an arcane nature that hedge wizards and small organizations are often oblivious to.
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