[Set]CandyCorn/ Delilah VelHiri / Rank 3 Crimson
Doing well. She bringing forth interesting ideas. Representing the faction well. Has not been a goof ICly. Doing IC stuff and OOC boring stuff like trying to contribute meaningfully to reports and plottage. The faction needs a bit of a leader and she's Chaotic and well liked by PCs and NPCs alike.
A much better option IMO than Lilah
Adding this.
Dear Council,
As my Pa always says, too many brew masters will ruin the brew. I for one do not want to run into battle helter skelter! We do need a leader in combat, we need our roles defined. Yes, this is a council but it is also an army at this point. Lets be honest. That being said I ain't giving my life up for some ego inflated wanna be. I won't follow blindly, soldier or not. I'm quite satisfied with being in the back line, but capable enough to do the front line as well. I have no inclination to lead this, but I see clearly when we start fighting, we will need someone to make quick decisions. I'm not even pitching my hat in here, I'm just saying we do need a capable leader.
We obviously need to vote on this. Not necessarily who the commander is, but if we should have one. I vote YES.
Council Member, Fang Delilah VelHirii
Moving to confirmation. Unless something silly happens I’ll promote her after the event.
Unless there is any last minute objection I am going to have Saga promote her sooner than later.
I can't comment on the pc. I am pro promotion rather than against, if prof is vouching tho.
Haven't seen them in game but I put my vote in anyway- based on forum stuff! Weird but, yep.
Had Jastyne promote her for being a pint size warrior worth someone 3 times her size. Updated her rank, her wage, assigned a room and am going to make a couple pieces of gear for her. Lilah(Sunman stormed off. More about that in his thread)
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on