Council Roster
Name: Therene Tanner
Sponsor: Crimson Guard
Talents: Following orders, Flanker -
Name: Rismente Waldon
Sponsor: House Misrim
Talents: Merchanting, arcane knowledge -
Name: Grurec Torunden
Sponsor: Ottilie Taaliyah
Talents: Warrior Skill, Stoicism, Good Sense -
Name: Dextar Jes'tar
Sponsor: Ottilie Taaliyah
Talents: Warrior, Helping hand, Bottle Maker, Smithing -
A solemn Saga is seen updating the roster
- Osco Appleblossom- Died/sacrificed himself to overcome the wards of the White Witch
Sir Nicholas Appleberry- Died/sacrificed himself to defeat the White Witch
Ottilie Taaliyah- Died/sacrificed herself to awaken Laam Wilaml and defeat the White Witch
Nanthleene Forestchild- Died/sacrificed herself to awaken the Warrior Sprite of the Redwood and defeat the White Witch
Kirin Ashewood- Resigned with distinction, successfully breaking the arcane power of the White Witch
- Osco Appleblossom- Died/sacrificed himself to overcome the wards of the White Witch
Name: Bryce Ampharen
Sponsor: Greywatch -
Name: Gregory Fleck (Greg)
Sponsor: Wildwalkers
Talent: Great Druid of the Hullack and Guidance -
Name: Dawn Lord Jadzia Sunguard
Sponsor: The Church of Lathander
Talents: Cleric of Lathander -
Name: Soppi Chestnut
Sponsor: Wildwalkers
Talent: Great Druid of the Redwood -
Name: Naresh Sabzvari
Sponsor: Precept Arcanum
Talent: Manhunter and Archeologist -
Name: Valtyra Castemont
Sponsor: Bishopric of Eveningstar
Talents: Angel blooded holy warrior -
Name: Calatha "Cath" Clearwater
Sponsor: Soppi Chestnut
Talents:ChaosChancetouchedforester and trackerAdventurer -
Name: Levi Drago
Sponsor: Calatha Clearwater
Talents: Archaeology, Practiced Magics (Specializing in Abjuration and Transmutation), General Magics, Translation of rare or uncommon languages (Presently only Netherese) -
Retiring Valtyra Castemont
Name: Ezri Hanes
Sponsor: Dawnlord Jadzia Sunguard
Talents: Songstress, Sometime Warrior, Sometime Caster, Blessed with the Greatest luck in all Arabel. -
Name: Berner
Sponsor: Greywatch Seat
Talents: Retired bounty hunter. Bit rusty, but it is coming back to me. -
Name: Ethel Cicely Blythe
Sponsor: Zuralankar Dalmon
Talents: Evoker, Spellsword, Studious -
Name: Benjamin (James) Rawen
Sponsor: Raven's of Tilverton
Talents: politics, charm, literature, strategy -
Updated the roster. Please try and add/remove members as you or they come and go!
Happy Gaming
Name: Gareth Tylel
Sponsor: Ethel Blyth for Member of Merit
Talents: The Art, governance, leadership, battlefield command, broad and thorough education, well travelled, chess and many more.
Other: Adherent to the Crimson Chalice and seeker of the Codex of the Lanceboard Stratagem