Council Roster
Council has named Holy Strategist Keline Hallethen "Commander"
Name: Dawnknight Nicholas Alwin Appleberry
Sponsor: Order of Aster, Eveningstar
Talents: Devoted Lathanderite, moral compass, Paladin -
Name: Saralynne Elfdaughter
Sponsor: Commander Keline (and S.R. Polk)
Talents: Magic, lore, lateral thinking -
Senior Retainer Aric Polk of House Misrim name is removed
Name: Ottilie Taaliyah
Sponsor: Osco Appleblossom
Talents: Supportive, Lucky, Tymoran -
Name: Selifrey Laelithar
Sponsor: Elven Embassy
Talents: Music, diplomacy, history -
Name: Kirin Ashewood
Sponsor: The Crimson Guard
Talents: Brewing, Enchanting, Running, Drinking, Poetry, Enchantment Magic, Common Sense,UnortoUnorthodox thinking -
Saralynne has resigned, given Ottilie her key, and if asked states something vague about 'lack of leadership' and 'childish egotism'.*
Name: Selifrey Laelithar
Sponsor: Elven Embassy
Talents: Music, diplomacy, historyResigned and departed city to join Exiled Elves.
Name: Therene Tanner
Sponsor: Crimson Guard
Talents: Following orders, Flanker -
Name: Rismente Waldon
Sponsor: House Misrim
Talents: Merchanting, arcane knowledge -
Name: Grurec Torunden
Sponsor: Ottilie Taaliyah
Talents: Warrior Skill, Stoicism, Good Sense -
Name: Dextar Jes'tar
Sponsor: Ottilie Taaliyah
Talents: Warrior, Helping hand, Bottle Maker, Smithing -
A solemn Saga is seen updating the roster
- Osco Appleblossom- Died/sacrificed himself to overcome the wards of the White Witch
Sir Nicholas Appleberry- Died/sacrificed himself to defeat the White Witch
Ottilie Taaliyah- Died/sacrificed herself to awaken Laam Wilaml and defeat the White Witch
Nanthleene Forestchild- Died/sacrificed herself to awaken the Warrior Sprite of the Redwood and defeat the White Witch
Kirin Ashewood- Resigned with distinction, successfully breaking the arcane power of the White Witch
- Osco Appleblossom- Died/sacrificed himself to overcome the wards of the White Witch
Name: Bryce Ampharen
Sponsor: Greywatch -
Name: Gregory Fleck (Greg)
Sponsor: Wildwalkers
Talent: Great Druid of the Hullack and Guidance -
Name: Dawn Lord Jadzia Sunguard
Sponsor: The Church of Lathander
Talents: Cleric of Lathander -
Name: Soppi Chestnut
Sponsor: Wildwalkers
Talent: Great Druid of the Redwood -
Name: Naresh Sabzvari
Sponsor: Precept Arcanum
Talent: Manhunter and Archeologist -
Name: Valtyra Castemont
Sponsor: Bishopric of Eveningstar
Talents: Angel blooded holy warrior