[Set]Sharkandin/Aritian Faressain/Custom Starting Loot
An aasimar of upstanding morality. A holy sword of Lathander. Artian took pride in his planar blood moreso than that of his human mix, finding himself to be slightly above others thanks to the celestial heritage. He was raised and was molded by the Order of the Aster- though a bit more of a hardcore faction of it, taught to give no quarter to evil or those that began to slip into evil’s way. He would do his best to drag them out of such dastardly ways, or end them himself.
He came to Arabel, sent by his temple to spread the good way of Lathander. It was already a stable religion within the city, yet Arabel was a lawless place filled with all sorts of chaos. He had a few missions that he was sent with (goals):- Remove the White Horde threat
- Serve as a beacon of shining morality where there is little
- Establish a sect of the Order of the Aster within the city or a better congregation of Good faith
- Hunt down evil and eliminate it when necessary
- Turn those walking down the wrong paths around and help them return to the light
- Hunt down clerics of Evil deities such as Bane and Shar
- Let no undead escape Lathander’s Light; purify Deadwell
- Serve as a lawkeeper in the lawless land of Arabel, for the Morninglord will eventually become the true Sun God and bring Law under his banner.
[11:02 AM] sharkinajar:
Integrity – As a member of Order of the Aster, one must lead the way and not simply tell others how to uphold good standard for oneself, but show them. As a holy sword of Lathander, never lowering to the petty standards and heated arguments of others over foolish, unimportant topics. Never take bribes, and never waver.
Honesty- Lies and mistruths are the works of lesser beings and those that walk the gray or darker paths. One must be of upstanding nature, as bright as the Morninglord himself.
Righteousness – Pursue truth and understanding, yet hold no quarter when dealing with vile beings. If there is no chance of the Morninglord’s light shining upon them once more, stop at nothing to cut them down.
I suggest we give him
+1 vs evil
+2 Persuade
Light (Normal/Yellow)
80% Weight
Paladin 1
OUB by Paladin
OUB by LGHelmet
+2 Concentration
Remove Fear 1/dayWe can upgrade his armour/gear if he makes some progress with the Order of Aster stuff/becomes Official Clergy
@Prof-Misclick said in Sharkandin/Aritian Faressain/Custom Starting Loot:
Order of the Aster
OMG YESSSS. This group has so much potential for conflict and HOLY LATHANDER GLORY!
This is so much more appealing than a tiefling werecat :angry_face_with_horns: :cat_face:
I agree. I was trying organize a plot faction around them. I'll likely recycle some of this depending on how Shark does.
Final gear
- In Official Clergy faction storage as of Professor v7006
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