[Set]Orin / Misrim Retainer, EiG Harper
[11:40 PM] orin1234: So I am looking at Retainer of Misrim who is trying to catch the eye of the Harpers. he thinks he knew one in his past and that person made a mark on him. He took the retainership as part of a plan to be recruited. As a retainer to a merchant house, he will be able to travel as needed, have a cover to be in nearly any city. Will have contacts with the guilds and with smugglers. Got a bard made up and ready in the starting area for when ever we are a go. -
I think we should avoid the Harpers like the plague as with any canon organization.
But that is my personal preference.
@Echo said in OPEN ENROLLMENT:
Just in time for the holidays!!! An open-enrollment into various factions, special backgrounds, canon organizations. Also, loosening the restrictions on things like that are normally more difficult to pass.
Canon organizations: Harpers, Red Ravens, Fire Knives
It's in the announcement.
I'm not going to backpedal on it.
It's EiG anyway so there's no guarantee it'll happen, and I am certainly not opposed to him earning it. -
And if you we really do not want harpers, we can come up with a similar organization. Which would be easier to keep secret.
Set. Harper is background and solely at our discretion so whatever. He'll be IG, playing, and bringing the fun to others.
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