Suggestions: Monster tweaks
@HellzYeah said in Suggestions: Monster tweaks:
Young Wyverns have DC 26 Con poison
This seems high
Standard spawn. Will address when we get to the Dragon Category.
@Orin1234 said in Suggestions: Monster tweaks:
Ghosts and their Negative blast are a bit rough when encountered in groups of more than one. They heal eachother and damage the party at the same time. And the damage is often double digits. Facing 3, you might get hit for 45 hp of damage easy in one round. And they can do it again their next attack.
There are two types of Ghost that can do this. Ghost1 is lame and doesn't get to sit with the cool Ghosts.....
- Lowered Undead level
- Monster Ability Negative Pulse
- Lowered uses from 5 to 2
- Lowered damage (based on Creature HD)
- Lowered DC to save for 1/2 damage (based on creature HD)
- Lowered HP
- Lowered Undead level
- Monster Ability: Negative Pulse
- Lowered uses from 5 to 2
- Lowered damage (based on Creature HD)
- Lowered DC to save for 1/2 damage (based on creature HD)
- Lowered HP
- Removed Negative Energy Dragon Breath
- +2 CR for XP and increase challenge due to spell like abilities.
That's it nerds? Come at me bro/sis!
ZQA: Redwoods, Haunted Castle Exterior (7-10): Overall, this quest is really fun. Enemies are well-balanced, (though put in more ghouls, those are juicy!) aside from the boss. Blackguard and Apostle of the Demon Prince has 200 HP, 24 AC, 22/17 AB, CR 20 with 10 levels of fighter and 10 levels of undead, and when you smack it everyone gets hit by NEB which is a bit a lot much.
@sharkinajar said in Suggestions: Monster tweaks:
Blackguard and Apostle of the Demon Prince
Updated to be less.. well ridiculously OP barely cuts it.
Work/rl has slowed down again so I am able to be much more active. Please use this post again for suggested monster tweaks, quests and random spawns.
I suspect a high level was in the area fore you and that spawned when he/she was around but did not encounter them. They do not despawn when said high level leaves.
Bump, looking for feedback
Replaced with other new thread!