[Set]Verk/Francis Devalle/Divine Champion
[4:35 PM] Verk: Verk/Francis Devalle/Divine Champion
[4:36 PM] Verk: Human/Fighter/LE/10/Francis Devalle
[4:36 PM] Verk: Champion of Helm
[4:42 PM] Verk: Purifying the Helmlands: Francis seeks to form a Temple of the Helm in the Helmlands as Helm stood guard in the Godswar, He will seek a relic of Helm to consecrate the lands, Searching in the Helmlands and the blasted Moonsea Ride, Hunting the Gnolls of Fireclaw in case they have stolen one
[4:46 PM] Verk: Combatting Chaos: Francis seeks to bring order to the land and will seek to punish overly chaotic people harshly, such as the F.U.N group who he believes are heathens and Anathema for seeking deals with fey, Arresting them and having them publicly punished so all can see what happens to those who bring chaos to the streets
[4:51 PM] Verk: Hunting threats: Francis will state that Helm protects the city and seek to hunt the bountied criminals actively, offering rewards for information on thier whereabouts, leading hunts for them and piking them in front of the abbey when they are caught and executed
[4:53 PM] Professor Misclick: I'll deal with this when I get back. :slight_smile:
[4:55 PM] Verk: Thanks, As a note if the team feels Champ aint valid I'd be open to Knighting by the church if possible since churches could knight, He's like hunted down 3 deadly criminals on the list, Kruglek, Zumren and Rodrick, and punished some PC criminals, caused some conflict and just done the Holy Week of Helm :wink:
[4:56 PM] Verk: And sorta pushing the goblin war, and hunting gnolls :wink: -
Basically he was given OC already and gear appropriate to it. I don't have any problem with opening up the DC PrC for him.
Just do a test first and see if it works
Fargle made a tester and using Arabel Wand, granted access to Divine Champion. Works fine it appears.
Moving this to 24 hour confirmation.
Final votes and thoughts?
Looking forward to some divine champion conflict between helm and cyric. Chaos and law battling it out.
Has he been given the PRC yet?
@Prof-Misclick said in Verk/Francis Devalle/Divine Champion:
[4:42 PM] Verk: Purifying the Helmlands: Francis seeks to form a Temple of the Helm in the Helmlands as Helm stood guard in the Godswar, He will seek a relic of Helm to consecrate the lands, Searching in the Helmlands and the blasted Moonsea Ride, Hunting the Gnolls of Fireclaw in case they have stolen one
Basically this is approved pending some progress on the above goal. He already basically is DC/OC. Not exactly sure what Spiffy did with the set up. So if one of you has time, go ahead and help him with that goal via events and so on. Francis needs to start moving towards a retirement event as well.
He's gunning to kill my NPC Retribution in Purple as he has been the main driving force behind the miniplot. I reckon after he has done that someone should just set him up for the prc.
Thats him done
@Gloomy_Sunday said in Verk/Francis Devalle/Divine Champion:
He's gunning to kill my NPC Retribution in Purple as he has been the main driving force behind the miniplot. I reckon after he has done that someone should just set him up for the prc.
He accomplished this?
Yep -
Verk has been wanded for the PrC and decided for FTR 5/DC 5. HPs and everything appear to be working.
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on