Gloomy_Sunday/Silas Immerdusk/House Misrim Rank 2 + special background
[1:15 PM] Gloomy_Sunday: Topic Title: Gloomy_Sunday/Silas Immerdusk/character background and retainer house Misrim
1). Human/Ranger/LE/4/Silas Immerdusk
2). Background in a noble house, membership of House Misrim as retainer
3). A low ranking member of House Immerdusk, and a member of Obyn’s entourage, Silas spends much of his time drinking, womanising, and looking down his nose at peasants in the various inns of the city. Silas is competitive, and considers himself the very best at whatever he does, whether it is hunting or fencing, despite being average at best. Recently he has taken to fancying himself some kind of treasure hunter, and has designs to earn prestige within House Misrim, and the well to do of the city by scouring ancient tombs, and cleaning them out of anything worth gold.
[1:16 PM] Gloomy_Sunday: let me know if you want the goals bullet pointed, unsure if thats still needed for apps!
[1:43 PM] Gloomy_Sunday: - Eschewing the use of heavy armour, large cumbersome weapons, and enhancements by magical spells and blessings, Silas will host fencing tournament’s sponsored by House Misrim. They are the mark of a true gentleman.- Rare beasts will be hunted for their pelts, and they will more often than not be brought down by well paid adventurers and mercenaries in Silas’ employ. Silas will then retire to the hunters union to brag of his prowess.
- Silas will lead ventures into the Helmlands and the Stonelands in order to plunder the many tombs and dungeons he believe are there, hidden in the sands.
Yep. Solid player and this will be fun. If he gets some traction immediately then we promote to senior retainer officially.
This guy gets my vote.
Added him to forums
I set him up
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on