Unfie / Tuck Swinny / Crimson Guard
Human/Fighter/Chaotic neutral/Tuck Swinney
Crimson Guard
Tuck Swinney is a cheap, brownnosing man-at-arms who wants to rise through the ranks of the Crimson Guard and increase their influence by riling up the common people against the heretical and overly ambitious Knights of the True Sun. I’m going to perform patrols through the city and generally antagonize any knights I come into contact with, and if everyone goes as expected, I’ll get my ass kicked 90% of the time.
Spiffy actually read the app and said yes.
Misty didnt but did.
calling this confirmed. <_<
Going to tag @Echo so she does not miss this.
Shortest app ever
Haha. We’ll rank two is supposed to be easy and Unfie will make it fun based on the previous characters I’ve seen.
Approved and all, has he been set up?
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on