[Closed/Denied]DracoS/ Lydie Casabon /Ghost, True Sun, starting item
DracoS/ Lydie Casabon /Ghost, True Sun, starting item
1). Human/fighter-sorcerer/LE/Lydie Casabon
2). Ghost in the True Sun faction membership, starting item.
- In nutshell Lydie wants to bring the Revolution to its knees so Cormyr can return order and justice to the Arabel region... and to get payback for the murder of both her father and mother, killed by the Rabble Rousers on the tip off from a kenku when she was only 12.
Both were killed because her father was a Purple Dragon Blade and her mother a obvious loyalist. Lydie escaped thanks to one of fathers fellow solider getting her away in time, through the fact her parents were both burned alive by the Rabble Rouser who caught them, has left deep mental scares on Lydie, and seems to have triggered her ice based sorcery awaking. After the ordeal, she was taken in by the Ghosts and trained to be a infiltrator.
Towards getting her revenge, she will join the True Sun and push them towards conflict with the Consortium (the filthy birds!) and the Crimson Guard (Jastyne is a barbaric savage whose murdered many loyal men!), causing the two biggest armed forces in the region to turn on each other with any luck, as Gondegal kenku spy network fall to pieces.Considering the low regard kenku are generally held already, I don't think it be too hard for her to push for harsher treatment of kenku. She also be trying things like trying to make the kenku based sending system obsolete through a new magic based one and other similar plots to put pressure on the kenku and make it easier to burn there Consortium to ashes!
With the Crimson Guard the link she plans to abuse there tempers and get them acting dumb, turning every ant hill into a mole hill and specificity try to turn Jastyne into that “dirty kenku lover”.. as she tries to demonise the kenku. :)
The starting item I like for this concept is some kind of simple heavy armour with reduced or no arcane failure. So I don't have to cower at the back in a dress, after mage armour runs out / is dispelled (probably by a Middy spawn!) and can do the whole armoured sorcerer, shooting spells in battle from the off, and then earn a better suit latter down the line as dm loot.
@Puffy said in DracoS/ Lydie Casabon /Ghost, True Sun, starting item:
With the Crimson Guard the link she plans to abuse there tempers and get them acting dumb,
TBH I think the app needs some work, it feels all over the place. I need a better explanation of why going True Sun. She won't have a deity and will just pretend to follow True Sun's dogmas hoping her Evil nature won't be discovered?
Also, I'm still not really sure why True Sun would care about Kenku or their message system, but hey I guess that's her plot to find reasons why True Sun could hate the birds.
Finally, armor with low arcane failure is a huge deal IMHO, so I keep that as EiG reward.
I think Dracos is better off focusing on his misrim dwarf
being evil in the true sun should be near impossible. I mean, they are a bunch of paladins with them, they'd eventually feel her evil nature.
Hard no.
I told Verk that evil is a no go in the faction with a few paladins. That's just a mechanical thing so LN alignment on a piece of paper is fine. If the player wishes to play a redemption from evil that's fine but needs to be clearly outlined. I'd welcome another player in this faction but has to be the right fit.
I will talk to Draco and help him with a more suitable app.
This is actually kind of on me. Told em I would help them with an app and then when they sent it to me at 3 in the morning I said oh it's probably fine.
I will help them touch up the app to make it more coherent and suitable. That said as much as I'd like them to stick with their dwarf I don't think they're really enjoying it. Better to find something you enjoy rather than stick with something that isn't as fun. If the app did get reconsidered I think it would be wise to let them know we wont accept any further app chars until they stick with a character for awhile again however.
@petey512 said in DracoS/ Lydie Casabon /Ghost, True Sun, starting item:
stick with a character for awhile again however.
In theory, we only accept one apped char per player. No one is forced to play a character that's not fun, that said if you have a character and place an application for another it is a safe assumption the previous will be dropped/retired and lose forum privileges.
Since you plan to talk to Draco here are my current concerns with his current application:
- Evil character, with no deity, joins a fanatical religious goody faction with tons of paladins without a very strong (and amazing) reason.
- Plans to bluff her way up in this faction even though fighters or sorcerers don't have persuade or bluff as skill.
- Not only that but is also a ghost infiltrator that plans to destroy the city by convincing paladins to destroy kenkus? Even though there's no apparent or historical reason for True Suns even care about them.
- And after destroying kenkus, plans to replace their own messaging system with "a new magic" one developer by...her? A spellsword?
I think its just too many ideas, it's trying to be/do too many things at the same time. In reality, paladins would kick her out (or worse) in the first few days and all the other goals wouldn't make sense.
Draco cannot handle being a Ghost, really. It requires a degree of subtlety and nuance I just haven't seen from him.
I can see that too. If anyone else has any other concerns I'll talk to draco about it again in 24 hours.
@SpiffyMeister said in DracoS/ Lydie Casabon /Ghost, True Sun, starting item:
Draco cannot handle being a Ghost, really. It requires a degree of subtlety and nuance I just haven't seen from him.
I agree.
To be a Ghost, you need to be capable of OOCly lying to people or doing misdirections. Draco is chattier than I am.
@SpiffyMeister said in DracoS/ Lydie Casabon /Ghost, True Sun, starting item:
Draco cannot handle being a Ghost, really. It requires a degree of subtlety and nuance I just haven't seen from him.
This. And what all has already been said. He can be a fantastic plot pusher, and the Raloris plot lost some steam since Mynae died. Get him back on the plot pushing track somehow.
Closing this out.
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on