[Withdrawn/Closed]CandyCorn / Sunny Cuthyne / True Sun Sgt-at-Arms
1). Race/Class/Alignment/Level/Name of Character
Half-Elf/Paladin/Lawful Good/Level 6/Sunny Cuthyne2). What specific perk(s) (subrace, faction, etc)
I am apping for True Sun Knight, Sunny is already a squire at this time, but is now actively investigating the mage tower
and has been reporting directly back to Sgt. Holance Durmet. Sergent Holance Durmet has told both Sunny and Aurora
Sunny he will push for their promotions from Squire to Knight. (Hence,it is time to app!)
Sunny is useful to the True Sun because she is adept at sensing out evil for them. In addition,
her strong paladin codes will make her a true fit for the True Sun.3). A general outline of goals, plans, or storylines to pursue:
Sunny is a Helmite Paladin pursuing good under the knighthood. She sees the knighthood as the
perfect fit for a Helmite who wishes to protect Arabel. She mainly wants to join to do righteous
deeds and sees the True Sun as the faction that best will serve that. She will encourage others
especially Helmites to join that faction. She will work with the Amaunator for the common good,
but really believes Helm is a far superior diety.
She plans to deliver swift justice, using her hammer to deliver mercy to the fallen.
She senses strongly that the mage tower is up to no good, given recent events, especially
Jerri... and she has her eye on him. Being a Helmite, she has a strong stance on protecting the
weak and underprivledged. I plan to play her full on Paladin, full of witty comments on how
she is delivering mercy even when she is smashing someone's skull in with a hammer. Her hammer
shall bring eternal light!4). If you're not applying on your normal log-in or handle, what accounts have you played under?
Always Candycorn, played Mildred Hatchet, Trixie the Bard, and Harvest BloodMoon. -
I'm confused. Didn't she just get made the subject of a discussion about paladins not acting paladiny?
Plus yelled at by Rosebloom over aiding known necromancers.
I'm gonna abstain until more information's in.
Convo on this one?
Needs a discussion. I don't think she's earned it, honestly.
I want to see her making even small waves before we allow her in, tbh.
I agree with Spiffy
@SpiffyMeister said in CandyCorn / Sunny Cuthyne / True Sun Sgt-at-Arms:
we allow her in, tbh.
Same with Echo and Spiffy we can even grab a True Sun NPC and just tell her "her progress is being watched with great interest" just to hint if she shakes things up she'll get promoted.
If she does anything with this to help out the faction then I'll vote yes.
Withdrawn application She's retired this character and doing a non-paladin.
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on