Known Bug: Massive crits coa weapon list
Area name: Feat Menu: Improved Criticals
Issue Location: Feats for exotic special/coa specific weapons
Quest Name: Can Gruff hit level 8 and stay there?
Store Name: No Criticals Anonymous
NPC Name: Sir MassivecritsAlot
NPC Location: Feat Menu
Server Version: 191118
Screen Shot: Is Bad. Cant Screenie.
Time: Description:
the COA specific exotic weapons are not listed on the improved Crits table when selecting the weapon. I have specialization/focus Falchion.
To confirm he is talking about the Improved Critical feat.
how.. did i do that.
Won’t be fixed for awhile.
Currently being worked on by @Haquin and the Builders Guild
Still being discussed.
I think this is fixed?
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is this still an issue?
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