[Set up] Gruffman / Victor Grauch / Misrim Retainer
1). Human/Fighter/Lawful Good/6/Victor Grauch
2). I’d like to become a retainer for house Misrim, Victor is a bannerman under Maddox currently, who is senior retainer. I have his recommendation.
3). Goals & Storylines:
Victors plan is to have the Fellowship begin to make waves in Immersea, causing a ruckus with the Cormyrean supporters. They will attempt to rebel, and be put down by a combination of the New-Sun Order and House Misrim, as well as any other organization possible.
This will be accomplished by ‘sponsoring’ the Fellowships leader quietly and speaking of a ‘free immersea’ in Immersea, causing the people to ‘choose their own path’ as Arabel did.
Generating Profit and Renown for House Misrim is how Victor plans to make himself known. -
Immersea has a valuable port. The plan is to seize control of it and by doing so seize control of the profits in Immersea, impose taxes on import/export. Players will be tasked with assisting in securing this resource, and we will involve as many factions as we can as we plan.
Instigating rebellion:
The main plan (seizing the docks) relies entirely on instigating a rebellion that immersea will lose. This will uproot any Cormyrean loyalists and make way for House Misrim to seize control of resources. Spouting rumors, paying the foolish bards of the city to speak of ‘immerseas resistance force’ and ‘the bloodcloaks lack of interest in holding ‘such a useless military point’ will be the beginning of the end for immersea.
Winning the Rebellion:
I’ve spoken to Toman Arna of the True Sun faction who believe any attempt to ‘leave’ New Kingdom would need to be put down, and that the ‘insurrectionists’ must be dealt with quickly. This secures them as an ally in the brewing conflict.
4). Gruffman/SadGruffman – V5: Arfas Klennemen, Nelven, Vulgaris Penn; Kyre Kyerm, yada yada. -
I saw LG in the first line and voted yes.
I don't know enough about Misrim to vote, is this more appropriate than the last Misrim app? @Puffy @SpiffyMeister
He has IC recommendation. Can we just consider this confirmation?
Yes. Go ahead and move to a quick confirmation.
Set up
Rank 2
Wage 5 -
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on