[Rejected] Apoptosis / Viktor Hoarfrost / Aasimar Subrace + Misrim Retainer
Aasimar / Sorcerer / Chaotic Good / 0 / Vikhorn Hoarfrost
Aasimar, Misrim retainer
Launch a propaganda campaign, both overt and covert, by: paying adventurers for any information on the actions/goals of prominent figures and adventurers in Arabel; grooming low ranking members of other factions (especially the Tower of Raubagaush, which can be a breeding ground for unchecked power) to provide information in exchange for Vikhorn’s assistance in their promotion schemes and adventures; creating a periodical designed to fill the city with propaganda that supports an Islyn-led House Misrim and undermines enemies of the house or those deemed dangerous by Vikhorn.
A heretical Ilmateri, Vikhorn believes the only way to ease suffering is to destroy those that cause it: organize raids targeting local threats, especially those associated with infernalism and necromancy; place bounties on each abyssal, infernal, and undead creature slain by adventurers; target agents of powers that promote harm and suffering (Talona, Shar, etc), working to alienate them, banish them, and even killing them.
I told him Aasimar might not be supported, he gave Human as an alternate race.
Asked me if Aasimar wasn't supported mechanically, whether or not he could RP it. I told him I didn't know, he shouldn't hold his breath.
Said killing is a last resort, he wasn't planning on acting like an assassin.
Vote: Yes (see below)
Aasimar are not currently supported so he'd have to be human. He is free to RP whatever, and deal with the consequences such as potential fear, exclusion, being outright called a liar, and of course being targeted with a propaganda campaign himself. The rest looks fine and fun to me but it does seem a bit thin on why House Misrim if I was to nitpick.
-Monstrous Races- Creatures of uncivilized descent that pose an inherent risk to the brave revolutionaries of the Free City of Arabel. They are not to be allowed unless granted special access by Officiates of the People's Revolution:
Giants and Giant-like Beings
Full-Blooded Orcs
Descendants of Planar or Elemental Beings.
Descendants of Draconic Beings
Cormyrean Nobility
Note; Half Orcs, being the unfortunate children of conflict, are welcome by decree of King Gondegal as no race is above another. -
Subraces arent currently supported.
He can claim to be whatever he wants to claim - but IC repercussions are IC repercussions.
I don't know much about Misrim so I gotta abstain for now until more info comes in. It seems more like an evil friendly house; we have an NE Abbathor cleric there, as well as evil NPCs.
I'll let him know about the subrace.
I would recommend him rewriting the app since I can't see at all how he ties this in with Misrim. Also no subrace atm
It is intelligent evil friendly, not stupid evil friendly.
Basically it's intelligence friendly. Good and evil doesn't matter as long as you can make a convincing case for your course of action.
Islyn is NG and fits in fine with the exterior appearance of the house, whilst Obyn is LE. Players can shift the house to evil or good, as long as they are smart about it as Spiffy said.
Marking this as rejected, I'd forgotten all about it and told the player earlier it looked like it was denied.
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on