(Hell no) Lavishfeast \ Wild Walker \ Lion subrace
1). Race/Class/Alignment/Level/Name of Character
Lion / Cleric / LG / Unmade / Ryan the Lion2). What specific perk(s) (subrace, faction, etc)
Lion subrace & Wild Walkers faction3). A general outline of goals, plans, or storylines to pursue
Ryan the Lion is a Cleric of Nobanion, blessed by Lord Firemane with anthropomorphised qualities such as speech.Ryan the Lion, as a member of the Wild Walker faction, will promote ‘Life’ as the centric hub around which everything connects. Frugal with all of life’s myriad gifts; Ryan the Lion will scold the wasteful, the lavish and extravagant in favour of a healthy balance. Hunt not to extremes; take not in excess; protect the weak and guide not as the tyrant but as a leader.
By demonstrating compassion and a deeper understanding of the balance of Life all can live in harmony; both with nature and with one another.
Further; Ryan the Lion would be a proponent of animal rights. He will challenge House Misrim and their use of the horse drawn cart, the Hunters Union and their employment of the able hound. Wildlife and man can coexist in harmony as equals.
Ryan the Lion would court a place as a member of the Rabble Rousers; capitalising on the embedded near-reverence of the cat amongst Cormyrians he will seek to instil himself as a bastion of faith into which the common man can pour their trust.
Ryan the Lion recognises the sandbox that is Arabel under Gondegal and believes, moulded with the correct paws, it could be a focus of good and a vehicle through which he could spread his ideology.
- Subraces quirks
Ryan the Lion, despite his progress psychologically, still possesses a fear of man’s fire.
- Subraces quirks
I told him we don't have this subrace and if he's willing to pick one already supported, waiting his answer.
Lion, what? Doesn't he mean Wemic? And I can't see this working with a subrace. Even the god's pushing it.
I'm going to abstain until a more suitable version of this is posted, I feel like this is just trying to push our buttons (even the name sounds like a meme...).
Same here, I'm waiting for his answer. I'm just posting it here as a placeholder for future discussion.
No, I have no interesting in opening up the subrace floodgate yet. We have more important things to fix first. If he wants he can go for it without the.. lion? subrace whatever that is. Or wait till the subraces are available.
Yeah. No Wemics. Subraces are still closed.
As I said on Discord, I'm pretty sure he's trolling. It's the kind of stunt he'd pull, based on around 14 years of interactions with him. Rhyming name, desire for something uber (Wemics are no joke, they're half-dragon level in stats). If he's not asking for Wemic, he's asking for something that isn't supported in anything other than NPC format.
I'm voting a hard no until I see something that disproves my belief.
It’s entirely possible. He had a rant. Then he wanted storyteller and when that was denied he said he was not interested in an existing app nor would he be playing CoA.
Moving on.
Edit: I don’t think he wants Wemic since they can actually talk. I think he wants to be a 🦁 that can talk.
I agree with all the above.
Just informed the player it was denied, if he considers changing the race we might give it another go.
It's like he combined Simba, Shere Khan, and Oz's Cowardly Lion.
He's made the character IG as a human druid, neutral good.
Maybe he's taking a diff path, but bears monitoring.
His plan was to wildshape into a lion, and then probably talk in wildshape, a no no.
He also litterally named his PC "Ryan the Lion". Pretty sure titles in names require if not an app then at least DM approval.
In short, Lavish is almost certainly just trolling.
This is an amazing troll and should be allowed to continue on the basis of entertainment value.
I second this, I already made him a lion head to give him at an appropriate moment, 9.05 point piece of loot.
I really don't like trollsy concepts. It ruins my immersion. I hope he is opposite timezone as me lol
Ryan the Lion is fine, he mostly looks dumb anyway. lol
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