Horvald Arthur/Baton for the Tower/I Forgot His USername
Beat up a kenku for verk, it was pretty funny.
Has he been set?
Abstaining, no real knowledge of the player or character. And I don't think he's been setup at all, especially if this was seven days ago.
Though IIRC during quest testing, he had faction gear. So you may wanna check.
No. He's a lay priest (Cleric) of Gond. Let him do Gondar stuff. If we are going to have a cleric in the Tower faction at least it should be a cleric with the proper domains.
Preferred Deities
Predominantly those associated with Magic, The Weave, Knowledge and Spellcasting
Gods with access to Illusion, Knowledge, Magic, Spells, Rune
Clerics must have chosen either Magic or Spells (or both) as their domain(s) -
No for the same reason Prof gave.
Changed my vote to no, based on that. I hadn't considered the cleric issue being unsuitable despite Gond being subservient to Oghma.
I thought that requirement was for those eho wanted the mage path?
I don't think we really specified so we can discuss that. My point still stands. Let a Cleric of Gond do Gondar things. We've too many clerics in non religious factions, but that is another convo likely.
edit: And by that I mean, Clerics who are not perfectly aligned with the faction. Verk's Talos and Rose's Targus Heresy are a stretch in the Crimson. But a cleric of Gond.... in a Tower of Magic. That's too much a conflict I think.
@Skulduggery said in Horvald Arthur/Baton for the Tower/I Forgot His USername:
No for the same reason Prof gave.
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