[Set]Gloomy_Sunday/Rannus Black/Apprentice of the tower
1). Human/Bard/Chaotic Evil/Rannus Black
2). Apprentice of the Tower
3). Goals – Rannus’ focus is enchantment magic. At a tender age he found he had a gift to captivate with his vocal gifts, spending his youth seducing older women, spending their gold in gambling dens, and moving on when they were penniless. Now that he is in Arabel, at the vaunted tower of Raubagaush he wishes to explore taking this further to exact a degree of influence and manipulation through song.
Rannus wishes to accrue the most varied and complete library of exotic songs in Arabel. This will be accomplished by placing bounties on them, leading expeditions in pursuit of them, submitting stories, sonnets and songs to the powerful in return for their reward. He then intends to study and interpret them with a view to creating his own enchantment variations – sleep, confusion etc.
He will extend his expeditions and bounties into magic items and fantastical beasts as he looks to construct/commission musical instruments reflecting the unique properties of the creatures being hunted. Examples of this are a guitar made with Krenshar hair and the wood of a treant, and a cloak made from the skins of a wide variety of goodly fey.
Away from his musical pursuits, Rannus will foment hostilities between the Order of the True Sun and the Crimson Guard to distract the Knights from their studious investigations into the activity of the Tower. Both have expressed interests in hosting tournaments and have gone way to show their martial prowess, Rannus believes this could be expounded into a rivalry to occupy both parties. This owing to his resentment of rigid law and order, preferring, instead, chaos and mayhem.
Rivalling his hatred of law and order is a resentment of nobility and privilege, born of a typical anti-establishment mindset. He will contribute to efforts such as those of Joril D’Sable in forms of propaganda against the landed gentry, looking to combat the contrarian use of the terminology “Lord” Misrim in Arabels new meritocracy. -
I think he'll do fine, I approve.
Especially since I anticipate current Tower PCs are going to be involved in undead stuff, so they could definitely use a wingman.
Approve. Tower faction very active. Gloomy is not one to push stuff alone, he's best in a group.
Moving to confirmation
@Echo ?
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on