Module Changes
- Server updated to reflect recent events related to the White Horde
- Added prestige points to quest look lacking it
- Eveningstar has been updated
- Tilverton now have some CNR resources, to allow exile crafting
- Bard songs now grant prestige if handed in
- Ore/minerals updated to grant lower more general prestige
Attempted fixing an issue with SF: Conjuration incorrectly giving buffs to summons that should have been granted only to Wizard school specialization: Conjuration.
Summoning Theme adjustments
- [Animal/Beasts of the Wild/CoA Default]
You should be able to modify your shields as of version 7154.
Same way you mod cloaks/helms
Updates to Mirsim estate and Tilverton to reflect IG events.
Summoning Theme adjustments
- Book: Mechanical Monsters / Constructs
- Book: Exterminator's Guide / Vermin
- Prestige costs have been lowered across all prestige stores
- Some prestige items have been tweaked to reflect the lower price
- Some too good to be true items have been edited
- More prestige items will be added as more suggestions are put forth
- Palace prestige store now has FLAGS! Enjoy
New treasure system implemented.
You shouldn't notice a huge change from the player side of things if I did it right.
This is to allow us to make changes more easily and with better control, so we can make cool stuff more easily.This first implementation though, tries to stay as close to the status quo as possible, so.
Please report anything totally wild happening, or any major changes you find to quest loot, loot dropping from monsters, amounts of gold you get anywhere etc.
The following quest have had some tweaks. Mostly to make them scale better to the party (or lack of a party if soloing)
Starwater Tomb (6-9)
Party Size: 1-10
Quest Giver: Jasmine Popine, located in Eveningstar -
Troll Bog (6-9)
Party Size: 1-10
Quest Giver: Jessikah Tinga, located in King's Forest, Collinwood -
Raging Elementals (6-9)
Party Size: 1-10
Quest Giver: Jacqueline Farsight, located in Helmlands, Blasted Lands -
Hullack Bandits (6-9)
Party Size: 1-10
Quest Giver: Hullack Bandits, located in Hullack Forest, High Crimmond
(NOTE! - This quest still require less powerful versions of a certain arachnid to allow scaling to less powerful parties... for now, I advise smaller groups to avoid the extra area through a tight space check. -
Goblin Valley (6-9)
Party Size: 1-10
Quest Giver: Red Raven, located in Moonsea Ride, Stonebolt Trail
(Very minor mod to the boss)
- Dhedluk (6-9)
Partysize: 1-10
Quest Giver: Katheryn Jamesway, located in King's Forest, Nelnueve's Rest
(This has not been modified, but will be)
- Arabel updated to reflect fall of the White Witch
- Eveningstar updated
- Tilverton Updated
- Stonelands updated
Some prestige stores are temporarily unavailable, they will be returning within the following days as they are updated. New prestige items coming in!
Bugs Fixed: Implemented: -
- Tilverton has been updated with the new Temple of Cyric, plus some new slummy features
- As an optional resting point, people can now rest inside the Griffon Hill barracks (Tilverton is nicer if you can enter it obviously)
- Respawn options now available to: Temple of Tymora (Arabel), Temple of Cyric (Tilverton), House of the Morning (Eveningstar), Chauntea's Shrine (South Outskirts), Body Location (If a reset happens/or the body goes missing, it respawns by Chauntea's Shrine next reset)
- Calantar's Road, Blisterfoot Inn - Updated to reflect the location of the Sword River better
- Arabel, Outskirts, High Road - Updated to reflect the location of the Sword River better (Redspring transition has been moved to the Stonecliffs area)
- High Road, Stonecliffs - Updated to make more geographical sense (Now connects to Redspring)
- High Road, Starwater Bridge - Updated to make more geographical sense (Now connects to Eveningstar)
- Redspring, Meadows - Updated to reflect the location of the Sword River better (Now connects to the Stonecliffs area)
- Redspring, Backwoods - Updated to reflect the location of the Sword River better, Nan's glade has gotten a minor update to reflect all the wildflowers left there by PCs
- East Way, Masoner's Bridge - Updated to soften the difficulty climb to the Hullack (Bospir transition has been moved to the Crossroad areas)
- Easy Way, Crossroad - Updated to soften the difficulty climb to the Hullack
- Dragon Trail has been split into 2 areas, same layout as before with a few more details
- Minor bug fixes to the new areas
- More lore added around the mod
- Shrine of Deneir and Milil added to Clover Market
- New priest of Deneir added
- Deity info added to starting area
- All CARES have been rebalanced, please bug report any issues
- New prestige stores available
- New faction available
- New DMless pact features available in some dungeons
- New DMless prestige reward system implemented
- New PCs may now start in the Faceless Inn (Arabel), Eveningstar, The Winking Moon Inn (Tilverton)
- New features to the Hullack Forest
- New plot lore added to the general module
- A few bug fixes
- Subraces are now treated with disgust/fear by most NPCs and merchants, with possible penalties (excluding quest ones, for now)
- Falcon's Rest no longer welcomes freaks
- Remove Curse potions have been added to the potion stores
- Falcon's Rest now remove ailments upon rest
- New major DMless plot features have been added IG
- More features to the DMless plot
- Tymoran store added (WIP)
- Selunite store added (WIP)