Module Changes
Crafting Changes
Alchemy -- increased crafting xp
Gem Cutting and Polishing -- increased crafting xp
Gem Crushing -- increased # of dust from cut and fine gems
Armor Anvil -- increased crafting xp; put game xp on par with other crafting styles
Bakers Oven -- increased crafting xp; increased crafting xp
Silver-Coating Brazier -- increased crafting xp
Titanium Brazier -- increased crafting xp
Brewers Keg -- increased crafting xp; put game xp on par with other crafting styles
Brewers Kettle -- increased crafting xp; put game xp on par with other crafting styles
Brewers Oven -- increased crafting xp; put game xp on par with other crafting styles
Curing Tub -- increased crafting xp, increased recipe level for grizzly, malar panther, polar bear, dire tiger and dire bear
Enchanting Altar -- increased crafting xp
Enchanting Pool - -- increased crafting xp, moved spear from throwing to polearms category
Enchanting Statue -- increased crafting xpFarmers Mill
- increased crafting xp (this was the lowest of all crafting types for xp)
- lowered meal recipes from 2 to 1, adjusted xp accordingly
- lowered flour recipes from 3 to 2, adjusted xp accordingly
- increased malt recipes from 1 to 4, adjusted xp accordingly
Farmers Press
- added required recipe levels on oils (they had 0 for all of them)
- corn/rice/almond RL1, Game XP 5, Crafting XP 20
- chestnut/pecan RL 2, Game XP 10, Crafting XP 30
- hazelnut/walnut RL 3, Game XP 15, Crafting XP 40
- increased crafting xp on juices from 10 to 30
- increased crafting xp on raw parchment from 10 to 20
Hide Rack -- increased crafting xp
Tinkers Furnace -- increased crafting xp
Ink Desk -- increased crafting xp, added to Misrim Estate, People's Palace, Sembian Merchant area in Immersea
Scroll Scribing Desk -- increased crafting xp, added to Misrim Estate, People's Palace, Sembian Merchant area in Immersea
Tinkers Device- reduced number of ingots required for arrow heads from 4 to 1
- reduced number of ingots required for studs from 2 to 1
- reduced number of ingots required for iron spikes from 2 to 1
- increased crafting xp gained
- reduced caltrops recipe from 3 to 1
- reduced compound bow cam recipe from 7 to 5
Tinkers Toolbox
- increased xp gained for making tools
- lowered recipe level for minor traps from 8 to 6, adjusted xp
- lowered recipe level for average traps from 9 to 8, adjusted xp
- left strong traps recipes at 10, but adjusted xp
Tailor's Table
- adjusted recipe levels (down on some , up on others)
- increased crafting xp gain across the board
- Reduced "hardness" on mineable rocks
- Coal is no longer marked 'stolen'
- Changed requirements for smelting from 25/75 str/dex to 25/55/20 str/dex/wis
- Reduced number of nuggets required to make ingots (for those that previously required more than one nugget)
Carpenters Bench
- Reduced the output for wood shafts from 2 to 1.
Tinker Shop
- Replaced outdated feathers in tinker shop with updated ones.
- Replaced some of the mundane pelts with cool-looking new ones, like this, for dire tiger:
Version 6978:
Poison(Quality of Life Change):
Dot Command have been refactored in order to:- Allow Players to set poison type without breaking stealth
- Easier Application via Dot command
Setting a Poison for Application:
When you wish to set a new Poison type use the following dot command:
The name doesnt need to be case sensitive but must be the exact name of the poison!
This will set your selection to that poison until one of the following things happen:- Reset takes place
- You overwrite the type with a different type
- You run out of Vials for that Poison
Applying Poison to Weapons/Ammunition:
Unlike the old dot command version you will no longer have to type .poison left, .poison arrow and all that.
You simply have to type the following dot command:.poison apply
The code will identify your weapon of choice at the moment the dot command was used:
- If you have no weapon equipped - It will try to target your Gloves
- If you have a Ranged weapon equipped it will try to target your ammunition
- If you have both Main-Hand and Off-Hand weapon equipped it will try to target both in succession
In the case of dual-wielding you must have one vial for each weapon.
Each failure will show the appropriate error message.
%(#ff0000)[As always: If you find some exploits, things that are too good to be true make sure to report these right away!]
- Added Enchanting stations to Tymoran Temple (added a small room to the map to accommodate these placebles)
- Lowered the cost of spider silk from 10 to 3 (they can still be collected in some areas of the server for free)
- Increased the cost of bow strings from 3 to 8 (it takes 2 spider silk to make a bow string, this way crafting them is still cheaper than buying them)
- Added titanium brazier to Historic District and Hillmarch near the smithy
- added ingot recycler to Hillmarch area
- reduced group size of young wyverns
- fixed exploit in the ingot recycler
- New quest available in the Hullack
- More dwarven lore added IG
- New DMless plot encounters added IG (They are hidden! So good luck searching ;) )
- Various new lore additions IG
HOWEVER, most of the changes/updates in 8193.16 pertained to clerics and wizards so you will likely experience some issues. We are working on it.
V6999 and V7000
Potion prices in shops and made via imbuing have been reduced in gp cost by 25%.
Happy shopping! -
Lowered costs at tailoring manequins - please let me know if you see any issues
Nerfed black boars
Increased XP for Immerflow quest; fixed jump/swim checks (maybe)
Tried fixing shield enchanting - probably didnt work -
December 6, 2020-Pending reset and upload
When troubleshooting something Dec 2, 2020, I inadvertently undid some previous changes to custom class stuff
- Removed Divine Power from base list
- Removed Lesser Heroism from base list
- Domain: Nobility grants Lesser Heroism as level 4 spell
- Domain: War- Added Divine Power as level 5 spell
- Domain: War- Removed Greater Magic Weapon
Bard Spell Casting reset to match here
- Added Lesser Heroism as level 3 spell
Ranger Spell Casting reset to match here
- You should no longer have spell slots that you cannot fill at levels 1,2,3. First spell granted at level 4
Paladin Spell Casting reset to match here
- You should no longer have spell slots that you cannot fill at levels 1,2,3. First spell granted at level 4
Please contact me if the above is not accurately represented IG
Previous post should now be live.
This post is deleted! -
Added stuff in preparation for mysterious things later.
v7056: Crafting changes
- Birch Trees: Increased minimum birch bark from each tree from 1 to 2; maximum is still 6.
- Alchemy: Made it so that if you fail roll when making barkskin you do not lose the birch bark but you do still lose the essence of bark (and have to make another)
- Brewing: Made it so you dont lose your "wort" when failing a roll at beer brewing
- Enchanting: Made it so you dont lose your leather bag when failing a roll at making elemental bags
- Enchanting: Made it so you dont lose your weapon when failing a roll to add elemental enchantment to it
- Carpentry: made it so you get back 1/2 of your metal ingots when failing to add metal to wooden weapons. You still get 1 mangled metal piece back as well.
- Carpentry: made it so you dont lose your arrowheads or elemental bags when failing at making arrows/bolts; you still lose shafts and feathers
- Carpentry: made it so you dont lose your bow cams when failing at making compound bows
- Carpentry: made it so you dont lose all your ingredients when failing at making druid staves (you still lose some, but not the 'rare' items like elk antlers)
- Enchanting: maybe enchanting shields and wizard staves will work now? IDK!
- Enchanting: made it so you dont lose your enchanted gems or enchanted metals or rare bounty items when failing rolls. You still lose basic stuff and elemental bags.
- Tinkering: made it so you dont lose your molds when failing at making items
- Tinkering: made it so you dont lose your molds or leather bags when failing at making items
- Tinkering: made it so you dont lose your elemental bags when failing at making traps
- Scribing: you no longer lose your gem dust when failing to scribe scrolls
- Jewelry: you no longer lose your mold or enchanted metal when failing at making jewelry. You now also receive gem dust when you fail at making jewelry.
- Titanium Stuff: Made it so you dont lose your weapon or all of your enchanted metals (still can lose 1 where >1 is required) when failing a roll to add titanium coating to it
- Silver Stuff: Made it so you dont lose your weapon or all of your enchanted metals (still can lose 1 where >1 is required) when failing a roll to add silver coating to it
- Baking: Made it so you dont lose your oil or yeast when failing to make bread/pies; adjusted meat pie recipe just a bit
- Misc: construction rocks might work now.
Changes to Rogue class tested and working.
Barbarian Rage number confirmed working
Added Weapon Specialization feat for
- Maul
- Short Spear
- Falchion specialization issue s/b fixed
Professor v7062
- After feedback from crafters and a review of consumables we have adjusted prices closer to their original number. We'll continue to monitor them and make adjustments as we think are needed.
- Added new potions to some stores.
- Attempted fix for
Puffy v7063.
- Added spawn point to Murdered Manticore
- Helmlands have been updated in regards of CARES, layout, CNR spawns and some accesses.
- Forgotten Tunnels not accessible cause I just remembered that I forgot to set up the new trans.
As of today's hak update:
Fighter now have
- 8 hp per level
- 4 skill points per level
- Free Bonus Feat: Dodge granted at level 6
Level 7
- Bonus feat selected from Fighter Bonus Feats - Must meet feat pre-requisites
Level 9
- Bonus feat selected from Fighter Bonus Feats - Must meet feat pre-requisites
Fighters will also have access to a custom store with items that are only usable by (OUB) Pure Class Fighter. No multiclasses allowed. - Pending implementation.
Echo v7080
Paladins have been reset to 7hp per level.
Hit Points
Hit Points is worked out on an dice average and adjusted to balance out other class perks. Each level a class will be given a set point of HP. The
HP average for each class is listed below:d12- 10hp - Barbarian (Dwarven Defender)
d10- 8hp - Fighter, (Black Guard, Divine Champion, Purple Dragon Knight, Weapon Master)
d10- 7hp - Paladin
d8- 6hp - Ranger, Cleric, Druid (Arcane Archer, Shadowdancer, Shifter)
d6- 4 hp - Bard, Monk, Rogue (Assassin, Harper Scout, Pale Master, Red Dragon Dicipline)
d4- 3hp - Sorcerer, Wizard -
Professor v7081
XP granted for End of Quest turn in will now scale based on level. It will also take into account ECL.
Puffy 7082
- New Pure Fighter Store available in Clover Market:
- Ants Nest has been combined into a single quest
- A new WIP quest called "Black Point" can be seen in Arabel, Outskirts, Calantar's Road. Not available yet!
Puffy 7099
Mysterious sandy ruin now had functional puzzle doors
Added spawnpoint to People's Palace
Fixed Cornbread recipe bug
Fixed iron halberd damage type
Fixed area transition bug in Ant's quest.
Fixed some of the darendaal crypt bugs.
Added a bell chain and signal device to Lathanderite temple.