Module Changes
- East Way, Masonrer's Bridge updated with CARES and decoration
- King's Forest has 2 new underground areas
- 7 new treasure maps available
- CARES updated with new improved FROST ORCS and BUGBEARS! Much love to Echo and Prof
- Various tweaks to faction storages to reflect last months prestige status
- Bug fixes to some hidden triggers
- New curious lore!
- New exciting prestige items, plus updates to some stores
- Kenkus are no longer available as a PC race
- The Mortuary is no longer available as a lesser faction
- CARES updated
- Various areas updated IG to reflect recent IG events
- Abbey updated to reflect recent IG events
- The People's Palace now has a fetch quest
- Updated done IG to reflect recent IG events
- Courier updated
- Module updated to reflect recent IC events
- High Crimmond and Murdered Manticore now has prestige stores, items to be added
- Wages can be collected by dodgy concepts outside the Palace, Palace goers should avoid using these NPCs for wages and Dodgy Concepts should avoid the Palace
- Two new Courier quests have been added IG that can be done outside the city
- Imbuing System released
Lycanthropes have received a boost. Will be live from next reset.
Some of the harvestable crafting materials have been updated to stackable versions:
Stacks of 10:
Grains: Barley, Corn, Oat, Rice, Rye, Wheat
Fruits: Raspberry, Juniper Berry, Grape, Eldberry, Cranberry, Cherry, Blueberry, Blackberry
Mushrooms: Yellow, White, Striped, Spotted, Red, Purple, Black,
Nuts: Almond, Chestnut, Hazelnut, Pecan, WalnutStacks of 5:
Fruits: Pear, Apple
I'll work on the leaves & flowers when I have time.
This will apply to newly-harvested materials only.
No, I will not replace the hundreds of plants/nuts/fruits in your inventory for you.
- People's Palace updated
- Misrim House Guards updated
- City updated in General
- Areas updated across the mod to reflect recent events
Barbarian Changes
Rogue Changes
Starter Store update
Starting Gold increased
Level 4-6 end quest xp doubled
Scummy Store added to module -
Crafting DC base lowered from 11 to 10
Stackable versions of Owl, Raven, Falcon Feathers added
Stackable versions of Roots: Black Cohosh, Comfrey, Echinacea, Ginger, Ginseng, Terinav
Tailoring Models added to Immersea and Eveningstar
New items in the bazaar -
- Immersea has been updated with new fishing village features
- Nuggets of ore now offer prestige reward to the Dwarven Embassy
- The rare gem minerals now offer prestige reward to the Elven Embassy
- Treasure Map loot has been updated
- New prestige items available in the Dwarven Embassy, Elven Embassy and Sembian Embassy
- Minor bugs fixed to Immersea
- Tweaked some Prestige Store items that were a little too strong or cheap
- White Horde updates to reflect recent developments IG
- Cobalt and Adaminium can now be mined in deadly areas
- Cave of Wickedness is now accessible IG, please note the area is -deadly-
- Tailoring: Boots and Cloaks recipes available
- Adjustmens made to leatherworking stat requirements (55/10/35 dex/con/int)
- New stats on bows/crossbows from wood crafting
- Added prestige points to animal skins
- another attempt at fixing auto AE & animal companions
- Imported Titanium-coated Items to the palette.
- Updated stats on Titanium items
- Added messenger raven to Misrim estate
- Fixed an issue with deity books only using the last name of a 2-named deity
- Tinkering changes
- added Cobalt Armors to crafting. recipe levels, ingot requirements, crafting xp, and stats info here
- Bospir's prestige store is now available, items to be made
- Lowbie loot tweaked slightly
- Lowbie loot now offers prestige points (All city quests covered, some outer ones to be done)
- Improvements to crafting
- weapon crafters will notice a big jump in xp gained
- wood crafted gear updated
- wood crafting got a small bump in xp gain
- Improvements to crafting
Crafting Changes
Alchemy -- increased crafting xp
Gem Cutting and Polishing -- increased crafting xp
Gem Crushing -- increased # of dust from cut and fine gems
Armor Anvil -- increased crafting xp; put game xp on par with other crafting styles
Bakers Oven -- increased crafting xp; increased crafting xp
Silver-Coating Brazier -- increased crafting xp
Titanium Brazier -- increased crafting xp
Brewers Keg -- increased crafting xp; put game xp on par with other crafting styles
Brewers Kettle -- increased crafting xp; put game xp on par with other crafting styles
Brewers Oven -- increased crafting xp; put game xp on par with other crafting styles
Curing Tub -- increased crafting xp, increased recipe level for grizzly, malar panther, polar bear, dire tiger and dire bear
Enchanting Altar -- increased crafting xp
Enchanting Pool - -- increased crafting xp, moved spear from throwing to polearms category
Enchanting Statue -- increased crafting xpFarmers Mill
- increased crafting xp (this was the lowest of all crafting types for xp)
- lowered meal recipes from 2 to 1, adjusted xp accordingly
- lowered flour recipes from 3 to 2, adjusted xp accordingly
- increased malt recipes from 1 to 4, adjusted xp accordingly
Farmers Press
- added required recipe levels on oils (they had 0 for all of them)
- corn/rice/almond RL1, Game XP 5, Crafting XP 20
- chestnut/pecan RL 2, Game XP 10, Crafting XP 30
- hazelnut/walnut RL 3, Game XP 15, Crafting XP 40
- increased crafting xp on juices from 10 to 30
- increased crafting xp on raw parchment from 10 to 20
Hide Rack -- increased crafting xp
Tinkers Furnace -- increased crafting xp
Ink Desk -- increased crafting xp, added to Misrim Estate, People's Palace, Sembian Merchant area in Immersea
Scroll Scribing Desk -- increased crafting xp, added to Misrim Estate, People's Palace, Sembian Merchant area in Immersea
Tinkers Device- reduced number of ingots required for arrow heads from 4 to 1
- reduced number of ingots required for studs from 2 to 1
- reduced number of ingots required for iron spikes from 2 to 1
- increased crafting xp gained
- reduced caltrops recipe from 3 to 1
- reduced compound bow cam recipe from 7 to 5
Tinkers Toolbox
- increased xp gained for making tools
- lowered recipe level for minor traps from 8 to 6, adjusted xp
- lowered recipe level for average traps from 9 to 8, adjusted xp
- left strong traps recipes at 10, but adjusted xp
Tailor's Table
- adjusted recipe levels (down on some , up on others)
- increased crafting xp gain across the board
- Reduced "hardness" on mineable rocks
- Coal is no longer marked 'stolen'
- Changed requirements for smelting from 25/75 str/dex to 25/55/20 str/dex/wis
- Reduced number of nuggets required to make ingots (for those that previously required more than one nugget)
Carpenters Bench
- Reduced the output for wood shafts from 2 to 1.
Tinker Shop
- Replaced outdated feathers in tinker shop with updated ones.
- Replaced some of the mundane pelts with cool-looking new ones, like this, for dire tiger: