Module Changes
- Music updated for all Storm Horns areas
- Lore added across all Storm Horns areas
- CARES reworked in the Storm Horns areas
- Decoration and features added to all Storm Horns areas
Version 8330:
Complete reskin of animals from the following families, in an effort to give this ol' game a facelift(+Adding some new appearances):
- Swine
- Bears
- Canine
- Feline
For example:
- Work on project trinity(Over the last few versions) towards POC. More details soon
- CARES in the Storm Horns has been updated with new creatures, rearranged groups and some rebalancing
- Orc sub-species can now be disarmed
Version 8334:
Toolbar Changes(NUI):
- Made some major overhaul to the code in order for it to be more generalized and fit other use cases(DM toolbar for example). This is done to ensure our code remains clean, readable and multi-functional
- The change should be seamless but please keep a close eye once this version go live and report any oddities (Things that dont work, exploits or things you are not meant to see)
Project Trinity:
- Final touchups and BI coverage in preparation for release of POC over this weekend. Stay tuned!
Versions 8335-8337 (Echo and Strife):
Bug Fixes(Or attempted fixes):
- Myriad of floating placeables corrected
- CNR ingot recycler tweaks to correct issues with over-smelting
- Minor edits to crafting materials
Hak Changes:
- New creature appearances added, along with 27 new portraits to support them
- Some old creatures were overidden with new skin/appearance to give them a facelift
- Blink Dog, Cat and Chicken familiars updated(In and out of the game - Creation screen)
Rolled out New Systems:
New Fishing System:
- City of Arabel now has its own homebrewed fishing system, designed to give builders as much control as possible with minimal coding work
- The system is dynamic and support also reeling in aggro mobs from fishing spot(And in the very near future also a chance to reel in loot)
- The old skinning knife has been updated so get a new one from the market! The new version now has a unique power that allows you to fillet the you catch on the spot without need for the ol' scaling table
- New fishing rods were also introduced, replacing the old one. They are coupled with additional parts for the off chance your rod breaks such as fishing line or even hooks.
- The new system is also completely covered by our BI system, so we can monitor all numbers related to it
- In the near future we will introduce new crafting recipies that will require extracted items from fish, as well as introduce special bounties!
- As with any new system - Please report any issues/exploits you find
Trinity - POC Test:
- Trinity is a homebrewed natural resources system that allows for a more randomized yet organize spread of resources through the game-world
- The system is split into three sub-systems: Resource Nodes(Ore, Soil, Gems, etc), Flora and Fauna.
- Our POC(Proof of concept) test would deal with the first sub-system of the three: Resource Nodes.
- As part of our POC test we have designated the Hillmarch and mines as our POC region so for the duration of the test the resources there will behave and look differently than the rest of the server.
- Each resource node there will have its own unique look, name and even portrait! So you can easily distinguish between a Vein of Copper and a Vein of Platinum.
- Do not be concerned: You could still use the items you mine the same way. The light pickaxe however will not be usable only in this region - For those of you who want to carry light mining gear for mining, you can use the Gem Chisel but bear in mind it will be increasingly slower!
- The greatest part about this system is the following: Once a resource node is depleted, it has a very high chance not to spawn in the same place in the same region. This means you can no longer just camp the same spot and keep mining the same vein of Mithril. Additionally some resource nodes will have much longer respawn time than others.
- The location and quantity of resources inside the node is persistent to server resets, which means that unless depleted it will respawn back in the same place after a reset took place.
- The new sub-system is also completely covered by our BI system, so we can monitor all numbers related to it
- As with any new system - Please report any issues/exploits you find
- New quest, Ruins of Castle Kilgrave added
- Fixed the bug with orcish language placeables in the Storm Horns
- Tweaked some CARES issues in the Storm Horns
- Strife magic (toolbar stuff, trinity system, hak updates, facelift stuff, etc)
- Puffy stuff (traps reworked, lore, hidden stuff)
- Strife magic (merchant stall stuff, toolbar stuff
8351 Echo
- expanded trinity system to underpassages areas
- minor adjustments to trinity system in hillmarch areas
- additions to fishing system
- Bug fixes
- (Bramble, Brownie, Dobie, Oread, Pixie, Redcap, Redcap Elder)
- did some more work trying to fix the herb collector quest
- work on my semi-secret project
- Irondrake Rock quest currently under re-furbishment
8353 Echo
- Under Passages areas added to new resource system
- some work on secret stuff
8354-8355 Puffy
- changes/updates to Irondrake Rock quest
8356 Echo
- fixed some exploration xp markers in haunted halls that were throwing errors
- more work on Herb Collector quest - maybe stuff will spawn properly now? more testing needed
- added some soon-to-be-needed crafting items to palette
- updated some cloaks/pelts/crafting materials with new appearances
- fixed a typo in a recipe that was allowing an exploit
- prices on some crafting materials adjusted (some went down, a few went up)
- New merchant stalls available in Eveningstar, Hillmarch and Irondrake Rock
- Iseul Hanja - Eveningstar
- Evan Iverbourne - Hillmarch
- Gunter Icebrow - Irondrake Rock
- Hillmarch has had a facelift and been re-decorated
- New merchant stalls available in Eveningstar, Hillmarch and Irondrake Rock
- Irondrake Rock rebuilt
Merchant Stalls Update - Sales:
You are now able to set a sale on your Merchant Stall, via a new option under the Stall management section of the conversation.
A sale will let you set a percentage increase/decrease for all prices of either the entire stall inventory or more narrow selection of categories(I.E Only sale on weapons, etc). You are also able to set a time for the sale to end(Between 1-5 RL days), and can end a sale or start a new one at any time.
As anything new, please report any bugs or exploits you find.
Live from the next upcoming reset!
- Hillmarch Ogres now featuring... MORE OGRES!
- Minor decoration and layout tweaks
- Encounters re-adjusted to allow scouting RP
- New ogres added, soloers be warned they can be tough
- Palace interior has been redone and lore nodes updated
- South Horn mildly tweaked
V8371, Strawman:
- Added new tileset haks to our collection so we can build new areas completely
V8372, Strife:
- Added new reskins and appearances of creatures to continue giving our old game its much needed facelift
- Added Vial of Poison as a new base item that behaves like a potion, which means we can now give each poison its own unique appearance so they can be differentiated. The vials can also stack now.
- South Horn redesigned with new tileset, some lore updates
- Tempest Valley redesigned with new tileset and some lore updates
Minor bug fixes to the new areas
- Dragontrail, Drakewood redesigned with a new tileset and lore
- Area descriptions added to areas which were missing them
- Slingdyke redesigned with new tileset
- Ogres spawns tweaked
- Wild CARES updated, less brown bears at lvl 4
- Falcon's Rest redesigned