[Archived]Approved Applications
Cat / Sanura / Werecat & Misrim [Echo] -
FYI: Did a remake of CandyCorn's Hafling Tiefling to address the dreaded buff bug. Seems to be working fine. Downside is that all her gear now says OOC: This was given by Professor. I forgot about that so didn't transfer the stuff from a copy of the PC.
EiG promotion to Fang
- DaWarboss(Candyman)/Lilah Miirym
- CandyCorn/DelilahVelHiri
They've been moving the Nemesis plot along and doing a good job for the faction.
Sharkadin set up with gear as Dawnsquire in the Order of the Aster. Basically a stepping stone to earn Official Clergy.
Retired ICly from faction......
- Bibi the Alien/ Fang Zee Len-Isthar/Rank 3[Professor]
Updated the list
Added- Foamcastle/Gauwalt/Rank 2 [Echo]
- Sharkandin/Aritian Faressain/Dawnsquire of the Order of Aster
- Foley/Goragorak/wereboar [Puffy]
- DracoS /Helga Mulberry/Selunite connections
- Orin/Aric Polk/Rank 3 [Professor]
- Toportime/Rismente Waldon Misrim Rank 2- IC Recommendation
- Ruler55(RabbleRouser) / Dario Darkmore/ Wererat
- Gruffman /Nicholas Alwin Appleberry/Aster Order
- Dagon / Dorian Reventlow / House Misrim and Black Dragontouched
- CandyCorn / Deliah VelHiri promoted to rank 3 Crimson
- BookWrittenTwice / Keline Hallenthen / Official Clergy of The Red Knight
- Sharkinajar/ Faressain/Dawnknight of the Order of Aster
- Gruffman /Nicholas Alwin Appleberry/Dawnknight of Order of the Aster
- TwoTones / Octavia Laine / Rank 2 Misrim [IC recommendation]
- Cpt_Elrad / Amara Vandiir / Rank 2 Crimson [IC recommendation]
- FlyByNight -Trace Sinow (aka Allister Snow) - Group concept of people on the run from bad guys
- Cassiopia - Tarina (aka Katerina LeBeau) - Group concept of people on the run from bad guys
Pretty sure Foley dropped his wereboar.
@Matriarch said in Approved Applications:
Pretty sure Foley dropped his wereboar.
He did! Thanks for the reminder :D
- Latok / Rufus Mossbeard / Wereboar [Unknown]
- Latok / Rufus Mossbeard / Wereboar [Unknown]
- Sharkandin/Aritian Faressain/Dawnknight, Order of Aster [Professor]
- Sharkadin / Aritian Faressain / Dawnknight, Order of the Aster (working to OC) [Professor]
- CB / Succubus / Christina Winters
Removed Petey from Misrim faction at his request. New character.
- Mox Beryl / Sionned Nereidian / White Dragontouched
- RandomOldGuy(Professor)/ Martaen Tallanvyr/Crimson Gaurd
- Orin/Aric Polk/Rank 3 [Professor]
- Cat / Sanura / Misrim Rank 2 [Echo]
- Dagon / Dorian Reventlow / House Misrim and Black Dragontouched [Professor]
- Cat / Sanura / Werecat [Echo]
- Dagon / Dorian Reventlow / House Misrim and Black Dragontouched
- Sharkinajar / Eris / Wererat
Did a prune, added * Valkyrie/ Rynn Anderson / Rank 2 Crimson (IC recommendation) [Puffy]