[Archived]Approved Applications
Removed Petey from Misrim faction at his request. New character.
- Mox Beryl / Sionned Nereidian / White Dragontouched
- RandomOldGuy(Professor)/ Martaen Tallanvyr/Crimson Gaurd
- Orin/Aric Polk/Rank 3 [Professor]
- Cat / Sanura / Misrim Rank 2 [Echo]
- Dagon / Dorian Reventlow / House Misrim and Black Dragontouched [Professor]
- Cat / Sanura / Werecat [Echo]
- Dagon / Dorian Reventlow / House Misrim and Black Dragontouched
- Sharkinajar / Eris / Wererat
Did a prune, added * Valkyrie/ Rynn Anderson / Rank 2 Crimson (IC recommendation) [Puffy]
- Rabblerouser(Ruler)/Taitus Thornwind/Fighter NG/Gold Dragontouched/Order of the Aster and item
- Zolm/ Therene Tanner / Rank 2 Crimson (IC recommendation) [Puffy]
- Burgesse / Kirin Ashewood / Rank 2 Crimson [Puffy]
- Harlequin(Echo)/ Osco Appleblossom/Rank 4 [Professor]
- Toportime/Rismente Waldon Misrim Rank 3 - IC Recommendation [Professor]
- Minion (Matriarch) / Nanthleene [Echo] Great Druid - Redwood Grove
- Fizzgig (Puffy) / Ottilie [Prof] Official Clergy - Tymora, Council Commander
- Gruffman /Nicholas Alwin Appleberry/High Dawnknight, Order of the Aster (PDK) [Professor]
- Mox/ Laurel Wildwalker/ Tiefling
*Petey/Slade Greymantle/Tiefling
- Mortui / Vossler Wolfsblood / Lycan-Werewolf [Professor]
- AusGre / Aesiryn Sivallus / Tiefling
Major update, probably missing a few, please update!
Changes a little to only including PCs who been set up by a DM
List updated.
- Bryce Ampharen / Verk / Greywatch (25gp) [Puffy]
Set up Sailor_Tori (Primordial) as Rank 2 in the Wildwalker faction. Pure Druid. No application or IC recommendation etc needed.
- Brooch
- 25 gp wage
- Forum access
- Discord access
General clean up of approved applications.
Set up Verk/V-Rage- Pierre Cambrian as Rank 2 in the Ravens based on IC recommendation of Gruffman- James Rawen
- Raven Feather
- 25 gp wage
- Forum access
- Already had discord
P Prof. Misclick unpinned this topic on
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on