[Archived]Approved Applications
@Prof-Misclick said in Approved Applications:
I guess he was set up as a Sgt at the completion of his IC tasks.
wops yeah
Set up
- CandyCorn/Agnes Milliron/ Mirsim Rank 2
Set up
- Latok(DarkDecay) as Battleguard/Official Clergy of Tempus
- DracoS /Susan Greenwood/Tower Mage[Rank 2] Professor
- Gloomy/Hignius Gold-Brother/Rank 3
Set up
- Slippers(Nothing but Smiles) / Osvetchinnaya Tsoimbovoko / True Sun Rank 2 IC recommendation [Professor]
Set up
- Scholararium (Sinister MooCow) / Vladislak Kozakov/ True Sun Rank 2
Set up
- Rose(Rose)/Character name: Vera/Shadow-dragontouched Sorceress
Note: This is her main character.
- Rose(Rose)/Character name: Vera/Shadow-dragontouched Sorceress
Set up
- One-armed scissor / Grisha Krovopuskov / Rank 2 IC actions(dm recommendation) / [Lord Ace/Professor]
- Nymeria / Shaela Iathaumil [Puffy] Rank 3
- gloomy_sunday/saw tooth/kenku [Puffy]
- Rose/Alea Flamespoken/ Aasimar [Puffy]
Rose(Rose)/Character name: Zaravella/Shadow-dragontouched Druid.
Note: Due to a distaste for her previous character, it was canned, this is her main character. Vera is gone.
Discord: Dendar/arlam Character name: Arlam Brishorn login name: Your Majesty, class: Sorcerer, perk: Casin
- Missbehaviour/Misery/ [Puffy] Rank 3
- DarkDecay (latok) / Virgil Asgerson / Aasimar [Professor] Honorary Rank 3
- DracoS /Susan Greenwood/[Professor] Rank 2
- Sljippers / Balma Wright / CG Rank 2
- DagonScum/ Reibreth Vaelthui / Rank 2 [Professor]
Set up
- Fargle / Alistair Bischoff / Tower Rank 2
Set up
- Cadiz(Tower Mage) / Danat Ashby / Rank 2
- DarkDecay (latok) / Virgil Asgerson / Official Clergy of Tempus [Professor]
- Zolm / Alexia Petersen [Prof and Spiffy] Rank 3
- Gloomy_Sunday / Hignius / [Professor] Rank 3
- Slippers(Nothing but Smiles) / Osvetchinnaya Tsoimbovoko / True Sun Rank 2 IC recommendation [Professor]
- Cadiz / KKlinKK [Kenku]
Set up
- Gloomy_Sunday/Antonio Barese/Sembian Envoy
- Custom armour, Custome Scimitar, Custom Hat
- Wage 5gp, Free access to Falcon's Rest
- Gloomy_Sunday/Antonio Barese/Sembian Envoy
- Sljip/Sljippers/Grimm Sixhand/Dragontouched Shadow
Set up
- Verk / Francis Devalle / DC(Helm) [Professor]
Updated, basically everything was out dated.
- Valkyrie / Dauen Stormshield / Rank 3 [Puffy]
- FlockOfOwls(Hominid) / Elbereth Avara / Rank 2 [Puffy]
Wulfric/Elmar Venlamin/Rank 2 Crimson
Ruler/Drakuseth Valylun/Rank 2 Misrim
Added: CB / Dragon-Touched Copper