Expectations and advice regarding Player Behaviour
It's almost time to start removing rude people from this community.
…If you can't remain civil OOC, you don't belong in CoA...
...Once again, if you are found to have been abusive, no matter how grievous your disagreement with the player, you will be banned...
...Insulting or harassing other players OOC for ANY reason is a bannable offense, and we will ban you before we deal with the original alleged offender.
…And to make this crystal clear: It does not matter how or where you harass another player.
Every player is entitled to his or her own opinion on every aspect of this server. NO player is entitled to verbally abuse another player in any way, shape, or form whether it be about their style of play, lifestyle, age, or anything else you can think of.
Compliments are fine, and are encouraged. Those who do believe they have the right to verbally harrass another player over their playing style, character build, or any other criteria will find they also have the right to be banned from the forums, irc, and server.
In regards to character builds or playing style, if you feel the need to give constructive criticism, take it to PMs and only continue at the player's discretion. If the player does not want to listen to your criticism that is their right, and you should back off immediately if they've made their displeasure known to you. If you believe their behavior or whatever factor you were offering criticism on lies directly against a rule of the server, then notify a DM and allow us to handle the matter.
Remember, verbal harrassment of ANY kind can and will result in bans. Everyone is here to have fun, no matter which way they decide to pursue it.
I'm not at all sure why it is necessary to remind players, but scenes of a Sexually Violent nature are never acceptable on CoA and will result in a Ban. It's not just against the rules, it's way off the reservation. Anyone who has any social sense at all should know that this kind of roleplay is unacceptable.
This is just a friendly reminder, but we do not desire to catch people engaging in cyber sex.
Further, while this server deals with some mature issues and violence is a part of the game. Do recall that certain graphic acts of violence, specifically rape should not be roleplayed here under any circumstances.
This is a game, I do not log in to deal with a crime that has victimized every single woman I know in real life, which many still awake from in the middle of the night screaming with nightmares. This is not something "fun" to bring into this game world. Keep it out.
I'm posting a reminder of this.
Rape specifically should not be alluded to, nor is it something to joke about. It is not something to roleplay. It is not something to play with at all.
This is a graphic act of violence, one inflicted upon nearly one half of all women in the world during their lives, nearly 10% of men will be raped during their lives. These women include my sisters and daughters and mother as well as numerous friends.
While we portray plenty of violence in CoA, this is one of those things that is simply too psychologically traumatic to bring into a game we play to escape the real world.
If you are in an situation you are not comfortable with, explain to the player in tells and ask them to stop. If this is ignored, leave and contact a DM.
Cyber sex should NOT be joked about, keep it out of CoA, IG, on IRC and the Forums. Also, this server deals with some mature issues and violence is a part of the game. Do recall that certain graphic acts of violence, specifically rape or extreme torture should not be roleplayed here under any circumstances. Rape specifically should not be alluded to, nor is it something to joke about. It is not something to roleplay. It is not something to play with at all. It does not belong here.
#CoA is for chatting about the server, but not for dropping IG secrets that most people won't know about. If you want to talk about something everyone knows already, such as "Orc attacked the city last week" or "All the guards have blue helmets now", that's fine, but telling the entire channel that XX secretly killed YY in the sewers and XX is actually a follower of Bale is out of order. It's unfair for the players involved, and spoils the mystery for everyone else.
This means IC information stays IC. Do not bring up information that could be metagamed ICly on the IRC channel. And especially DO NOT bring up IC information on the IRC channel to taunt other players for any reason or in any way.
Bumping this along with the reminder about comments involving rape especially. That's a "trigger" that many people will not be expecting, prepared for, or want to deal with at all when logging into a fantasy game. I realize there is "violence" roleplayed all the time here, but when I log in to play a game about killing dragons in dungeons, I expect violence. So no excuses or wiggle room or negotiating here, this is a firm rule we ask everyone to abide by to keep the community healthy in real life.
Extreme torture should not be roleplayed here under any circumstances, if you are asked to stop then do so without argument. This goes to all creatures IG
Just two friendly reminders folks.
1). If someone is not comfortable roleplaying something (particularly scenes of violence), then do not try to make them, cajole them, or force them. Walk away, leave them alone. We're a PvP server; but that doesn't mean we're going to force it on people either when they go out of their way to avoid it.
2). If you dislike the way someone roleplays, but they're not breaking any rules. You don't really know the person on the other side of the screen, just their game persona. So judge not, speak no ill. Just avoid them and be nice.
Game world is big, we like to cater to all types of players and want everyone welcome. Best advise, play, have fun, if you're not having fun say so or log off or ask a DM to intervene. If you have a problem with someone, relax, avoid them and ask them to avoid you.
DMs are here to help arbitrate disputes and problems, grab us if they're happening and we'll help so everyone can still play on CoA and enjoy themselves.
@mr-moloch said in Expectations and advice regarding Player Behaviour:
Just two friendly reminders folks.
1). If someone is not comfortable roleplaying something (particularly scenes of violence), then do not try to make them, cajole them, or force them. Walk away, leave them alone. We're a PvP server; but that doesn't mean we're going to force it on people either when they go out of their way to avoid it.
2). If you dislike the way someone roleplays, but they're not breaking any rules. You don't really know the person on the other side of the screen, just their game persona. So judge not, speak no ill. Just avoid them and be nice.
Game world is big, we like to cater to all types of players and want everyone welcome. Best advise, play, have fun, if you're not having fun say so or log off or ask a DM to intervene. If you have a problem with someone, relax, avoid them and ask them to avoid you.
DMs are here to help arbitrate disputes and problems, grab us if they're happening and we'll help so everyone can still play on CoA and enjoy themselves.
Giving this a bump.
The City of Arabel welcomes everyone, but for the health and future of our community we have rules in place to ensure that we remain a welcoming place for everyone. When these rules are broken, we wish to give the offender a second chance. We are humans and we all make mistakes, both players and DMs. Over the years, the DM team have given various people quite a few chances, but in the end there comes a time when the DM team cannot trust the person to be given any more chances.
Sometimes the person returns years later, and is once again given another chance. For the DM team believe people learn from their mistakes and will mature over time. However, those whom do not learn and burn their chances at the cost of our community cannot be given another chance. When no other options remain, we ban the person whom has violated our rules. No matter whom they are, a friend, an old DM or someone new, we take this action and this is always a team decision. This is one of the most important and difficult responsibility as a DM team which ensures the safety and wellbeing of our community, including the DMs themselves.
We do not take these actions lightly, nor do we like to ban anyone. However, at times it is for the best of everyone, including the offender. Often there are questions which follow from this, but the DM team do not wish to burn anyone by hanging them out. After all, it makes it much harder to return and start anew.
If there are concerns of unfair treatment, the DM team is happy to help, but we do wish to stress that how these questions are delivered is also very important to consider. Hounding down DMs for answers, making public protests over a private manner and rude behaviour is very draining for a DM to handle. We are currently in a very rough period as we prepare for the transition to EE, which many of ours are spending hundreds of hours on to ensure it goes through.Should anyone have concerns, they are welcome to approach a member in regards of it, but please have patience and understand we handle this as a team and thus our answers may be slow. Similarly, we will not explain everything which occurs behind the scene, for we wish to give everyone a fair chance to return without any stigma or public disgrace.
Thank you all for your understanding and support.
Lots of Love,
The CoA DM Team