I like the central image and the mosaic effect, looks very nice, but the rest of it.. i'm not too sure about. I'll be blunt, the corners are too bright and too "planer" as opposed to having a bit of shadow or variation in colour tone there, and easily noticable texture. The title is okay, but I think some better font might be available. Try Dafont if you want to try another font, but this one's fine too, just maybe not fitting in with the rest of the picture in my view. The background is a bit of a downer, it's too blank. If you could get a similiar mosaic effect on it like the dragon shield to give it that 'leathery' appearence it might work better.
I was aiming for a cloth cover with a leather emblem on it. The gold edges didn't turn out at all.
I'll keep coming up with many ideas and we'll be able to take from different ones. I'm saving in the framed format, so I'll be able to take things and swap them up.
Thanks for the input!
Edit: I think I'm going to need to pull out my 3d tools to get some of this right. We'll see what I can do. I'm not a super artist. :)
I may try at the cover if i get the time. I would like to know what you are looking for in a book cover for project arabel and what should go on it.
also, i've various art available, mostly house bhaliir's logo, house thond, LeTest (which will get a little redo) and a few character arts. I can post those in a seperate post and make them ready to use. they will all have my tag and if used, needs to show the tag.
Hm, perhaps we could add in an appendix at the end of the stories for the major factions.
Like House Bhaliir's logo, followed by a brief history of their most notorious members and their actions, or just a list of faction members/major NPCs to help the reader understand the heirarchy, if the retainers/such already have their major plots covered elsewhere. Or both.
You're tag isn't one of those big watermarks that gets slapped on top of the picture is it?
I think Wilin had it spot on for the concept of the book cover, though if you're feeling adventurous you could aim for a more epic cover, like say a view of the city from far away, but I wouldn't reccomend that unless you're really confident at drawing medieval cities. Wil's idea is fine, just needs to be neatened up a bit.
my tag is within the images its like a small signature.
if you look carefully on the banner in the right fold, there it is.
Sure, that's perfect. I was a little worried that every picture would end up with a little signiture on the page which might ruin the effect somewhat. But that's completely fine, though acknowledgements to writers, artists and everyone else involved will be made as well.
I can try to add some art here and there for a chapter if i can try may take some time though i just got a waccom tablet and been itching to try it out!!
The hard part is focusing on the screen when i'm used to looking at the paper in my lap when i'm usually drawing. -
I can try to add some art here and there for a chapter if i can try may take some time though i just got a waccom tablet and been itching to try it out!!
The hard part is focusing on the screen when i'm used to looking at the paper in my lap when i'm usually drawing.How's about you do a practice first and post it here, as a try-out. Just whatever you want, a warrior, a dragon, a wizard, an ogre.. whatever.
any of the art i have now posted in my diary in the forum is at your disposal, you have permission to use whatever you wish if you would like that is
Thanks, I'm sure it'll be put in somewhere. Though obviously, some of it's of more recent characters.
if you dig through my diary..there is a bit of a mix of current with past characters (soon it will be new characters mainly once i have gotten done with some of the sketches i am working on)
Within the Gates of East of Arabel. ((May 2009))
The Lair of the Broken Bottle Inn ((May 2009))