• Project Arabel Lite

    4 Posts

    Wyvernwater - The Fall 3 (Hell on Earth)

    Pyth: I hope you meant that you wanted to write this section from Algar's perspective when you mentioned it before.

    The Wizard's continued absence no longer inspired unease amongst the villagers, but past the walls of the garrison and before the shores of the great lake, people took to living guarded lives. Construction had ceased since the announcement of Theliobar's lack of a claim to the lands, and not just a few villagers were leaving altogether rather than waiting for the real owner of the lands to be found - a task and a half in itself. The militia had a new lawbook on its hands, several times the size of their old one; thankfully, the Purple Dragon garrison from Arabel had seen fit to keep the militia in place, temporarily at least. Recruits were no longer pouring into the militia though, and the council was growing ever smaller. The end of the village's tale was coming, clear enough to all whether they wished to see it or not.

    When the sun set upon the stillwater of the lake, the Warden and Sergeant Jones of the militia were headed back for the garrison from a patrol in the wildlands. The sombre mood had carried over from the last few weeks, and what words passed between the two were little enough to call it a conversation. Not one remarked on the sight of nightfall, but perhaps if either had known it was the last sunset many of the village would ever see again, the sun would have had more attention that day.

    Not far from the garrison, the ground tore itself right in the path of the weary pair. Bright light pushed its way out of the ground - an unnatural blue, followed by yellow and then a crimson glow as the smell of brimstone filled their lungs. Out of thin air a humanoid figure emerged, which became more and more monstrous by the second. As it came fully into view its height increased; horns materialised upon its brows, as a pair of huge wings unfurled behind the creature, and huge fangs, blue eyes, rocky skin and all manner of demonic appendeges were drawn forth. As the two members of the militia backed off, struggling to draw their weapons, the demon stepped off the rough circle that the ground had drawn itself into beneath it. With a hellish roar, the beast lunged at the two. Months of fighting goblins, orcs, ogres, handling grey renders, giants, wolfpacks and surviving troll and bugbear clans kicked in instincts, as axe and sword ripped through the demonic entity. Dark blood poured out from the twitching bodyparts left in the middle of the road, as the two ran for the garrison, their previous weariness forgotten. The last rays of the sun flashed against storm clouds overhead as they ran into the cave and the Warden called for backup. Just as Nancy was running to send a message magically to the city to call for war wizards however, another circle began to tear out its shape within the garrison cave, cracking the rock as if it were little more than paper. This one was much larger though, and several of the creatures materialised inside it. With the help of Tragil and the militia hound they were brought down, though not before they had wrecked the militia sleeping quarters and disabled the village's quickest method of communication with the city of Arabel. Adre gave the order for a lockdown, and rushed back up the steps with his sergeant to open ground…
    ...only to find even more demons inside the garrison. Even as the gates slammed shut with magical force and spikes pulled up out of the dirt to stop attackers, the ground within was tearing up in a dozen places and the militia was becoming increasingly outnumbered. Between the shouting and the fighting, the Warden left for the village post-haste along with Private Perriwell and Nancy Jones. As they ran for the village, Green Dragons wrestled with tiger-headed men, matching each swing and growl with an axe-head and a roar. Atop the village's entrance crouched D'rain Nailor of the village watch, bow notched and ready in his hands. The four made for the raised plateau, searching for anything out of place while Adre and Nancy tried to explain what had happened to the other two. It proved unnecessary though, for as soon as they were on top and able to view the calm sight of the village at night, a ferocious tearing noise broke the peace behind them. The demons clawed their way as if they had dug through earth and stone to arrive, while the four tried desperately to cut them down before any could reach the village.

    Across the valley came the echoes of men fighting and dying at the garrison, while lights burst inside the Wyvern's Nest Inn windows as villagers were woken up from their sleep. The demon wave ebbed out a small while after the last screams ceased from the garrison. Turning around, drenched in the dark demonblood, Adre could see the faces of men, woman and children pressed against the windows of the village Inn, looking on from their windows as once again a battle had come within its boundries.
    The next moment, a horrific conflagration burst from the ground on the other side of the inn. In an instant the scene went from relative tranquility to chaos. The blast was enough to send Adre flying head-over-heels from where he stood, his axe lost and the shield strapped to his arm causing it to flail wildly against the force. Thudding into a rock-face, the Warden nearly went unconcious. Fortunately he was back to his senses in a short while. Heaving himself up, the sight of his village burning greeted him. Nancy was trying to talk sense out of a sobbing woman who had been blown clear of the inn, while Algar Perriwell of the spellguard began casting elemental resistance spells on himself and D'rain looked forlornly up at the burning upper-story of the inn. The statue of the Warden who had preceeded Adre's time - Casper Cleareyes of the Wyvernguard - lay face down in the dirt, cracked and caked in mud. Perriwell came out of the Wyvern's Nest with what survivors he could find in the crumbling building. The Sergeant had managed to piece out that the other woman was an exile from the city, a woman called Elektra Sandstorm, who wouldn't stop asking where she was to go now in desperation. There was no time for questions or answers and the four tugged what few survivors there were from the village towards the Purple Dragon camp in the hope of finding some respite. Only minutes dead, the burned bodies from the inn began to make their own way out. By the time they had reached the gate dozens of zombies were on their heels, empowered by some infernal force. Giving the order for Nancy and Algar to get help from the camp, Adre shut the gate and locked it shut, before climbing up a steep cliff beside it with D'rain to shoot down as many zombies as they could. Sergeant Jones and Algar came back earlier than expected, only to tell of how the camp was dead to a man past. Dispairing further, they decided on a daring plan to save what was left of the village and its people. As the Warden pushed open the gates and began to cut a path through the masses, Nancy made a break for it, to run all the way to the city. The Sergeant did not want to abandon the village when she knew she may never see any of it or its people ever again, but for once in the history of the militia under Adre's command, the order given was obeyed without argument. For that much, the Warden was thankful; it was no easy thing.

    Long after she had gone, the remaining three and who survived of the villagers had taken up position on a raised platform atop a sheer cliff with mounted ballistae to keep off any more attackers. Something caught the Warden's eye far below on the burning ground however, a shimmer of light so familliar...

    Out of a cave no one had checked for more survivors stepped out Theliobar, the Wizard of Wyvernwater, for once with nought but a modest stoneskin upon him. As Adre raced down, he saw one of the tiger-men turning to face the archmage. Rather than going down into the village, Adre ran in the opposite direction for the nearest ballista. The force of its magical bolt nearly brought the demon down in the first blow, and the second was enough to kill it before it could do any damage. Rushing down with the other survivors, they met the Wizard as cool as ever, speaking in a distant voice. The demons had broken loose. The wards were broken, the prison shattered. It was time to leave, Warden. As the archmage led the remnants of the village out towards the garrison, from where they could leave to Immersea, Nancy Jones arrived back, out of breath and with a dozen adventurers at her back. No sooner had they all come together than a wall of fire ten feet high rose behind them, where once the proud village gates had once stood, guarded by Green Dragons.
    The gathering turned as one to face the fire, which obscured the sky and sent shadows racing along the ground behind them. A huge horned skull appeared through the flames, followed by the massive body of a greater demon lord, deathly silent against the roaring of the fires behind it. It took a few steps towards the group, scorching and cracking the earth everywhere it stepped as a giant flaming sword hung lazily in its right hand. The Adventurers, villagers, and militia began to edge away, but Theliobar did not move. A second blade cut through the wall of fire, as a demon even larger than the first stepped through. A low rumbling, like a great, mocking laugh echoed across the lake, until Adre realised it was the demon. The Archmage of Wyvernwater stood facing the demons, his stoneskin since vanished, but he turned his head sideways all the same to give his last order as Lord of Wyvernwater: Go.
    The militia shouted the others through the garrison gates, and bodily pulled some who were too busy contemplating dying needlessly. A tremendous blast came from behind, where Theliobar and the demons had been moments ago. It was impossible to see, but somehow Adre knew that Theliobar was dead. His run slowed to a walk until he stood still on the bridge leading out. The water in the moat dug around the garrison and kept filled by the lake of Wyvernwater itself rippled, and then crashed, until it was as roiling as any sea. The shockwaves from the explosion tugged at his cloak, threatening to toss him down into the waters to die in the place he had reigned as Warden for nearly half a year, but the Warden steeled himself against it, clenching jaw and fist, and let the wind pass by him. For years the Wyvernguard had faced up to every challange set to them, and the council as well, and as the wind passed him by, Adre looked up towards the sky. There were no stars to be seen this night, as Wyvernwater burned around him, but there was a flaming orb racing across the sky towards the garrison and getting larger by the second. For a while, he thought about letting it all end here like Theliobar had, but when he turned around to give the order for the others to leave, he realised this was more than just about himself. A dozen of his Wyvernguard had died to give the villagers and him this chance of escape. Between D'rain's nervousness, and the determination of Algar and Nancy, his will was broken. Breaking back into a slow run as tired as he was, he gestured north towards Immersea to the others, and as they fell in behind him he glanced back, shouting one last order as Warden of Wyvernwater as a deep rumbling filled their ears, and a tremendous meteor raced for the garrison: "Lock the gates."

    EDIT: Eheheh. <_< maybe I got a bit carried away. Sorry.

  • Plot: The Life and Times of the Bhaliiran Power-Hungry!

    13 Posts

    Do Not Make Yourself at Home

    “Aldara? Is that you?â€

  • Art

    19 Posts

    Within the Gates of East of Arabel. ((May 2009))

    The Lair of the Broken Bottle Inn ((May 2009))

  • Side stories

    9 Posts

    Biff's Tale
    By Vince


    Here is the report, was my first DM quest, as well as first adventuer with both Charir and Salynda, so I thought it'd make a good entry into a topic called, "Tales of the followers of Tiamat" since no one else had posted any. Some sections could have more detail put in probably, and I noticed some misakes(wrong word, word missing) in there that isin't just part of Junar-speak. I asked Charir and Salynda if they had any chat logs from the parts of Firestorm they were present for. Charir's is still looking and I haven't heard from Salynda yet. I don't really want to have to make up dialog for people, because it probably would not properly repersent their characters if I did it. I can remember actions good, but what was actually said fades quick.

    Over the days following the return to Arabel, Junar writes his version of the Hunt-for-Cinder in small chunks as to not again hurt his hand. Being carefull not to leave out any details, he slowly writes page after page in his distinctive half-orc script…

    Tales ofs the Places withs Two Moons
    Bys: Junars Senpens, calleds Biffs.

    Its Begins, the Fives-of-Us

    It weres all beguns ins the citys. The Fives-of-Us is leaves the easts gates at nights, not tos is returns fors manys days...

    There weres a very strongs Kins, withs a helmets ands the chains shirts. Him is carrys fours canteens, a sacks of meat, huge golden sheilds, enoughs bandages fors an armys, box ofs axes fors the Throw, much bottles of magic ales, and manys gems. Is were smarts and wears a helmets to protects hims mind, the wizzards no woulds corrupts him. Hims is was mes, Junars. He is protecteds Vorels, the Wise Womans...

    Vorels is was Not-Uglys. Is easys to is notice because weezards is Uglys, ands Vorels not is bes a weezards. Hers no is has to steals the magics from the papers, has is bes blesseds bys Dragons Queens. Hers magics is comes froms bloods, so shes is bes frees froms the curse ofs the magics. Is has spears, muchs bettars weapons then weezards is normally carrys. Hers is knows much, and is follows behinds Loreak(Charirs), the Priests Man...

    Loreak is bes priests ofs the Queens. Hims is wise and knoweds much, probablys All. Is teacheds mes somes ofs the Dragons Queen and thats Jasons is bes a liars. I is had bes wonders why when I is goes to Jasons for helps from The Mob, him is tells to turns selfs intos guard-mens. Loreaks is sees throughs hims lies, and warneds mes! We is burneds Jasons Book-of-Lies ons alters, usings Dagger-of-Flames. Hes is prays much, and bes able to calls on the Dragon Queens fors helps. It weres Loreak's idea to brings little mans called Leo, the Scouts...

    Leo were is verys little, is look weaks and talks in squeaky annoyings voice, likes all the littles people. Alsos be likes the little peoples, him is hard to sees. He is tells Loreak that can is leads us to place in the Deserts, but must bes paid. Loreak is sees throughs little mans plans, and says he only is pays 100 coins up fronts. Little man is puts up much argues, and is gets 150s coins. We is weres headings to the easts gates when Vorels is think to brings Kins called Nathans, the Mercenary...

    Nathans is be a Kins that not likes Kins. Hims is backs the Blue-Mens whens they is trys to fights mes withs The-Talks. Harhar, Blue-Mens is turned againsts hims thoughs, twice. He is has strange armors withs pink on its, says plans to dyes it withs blood from enemys. Is good thinkings, blood not is as expensives as the others. Nathans has huge swords strapped to back, ands one handed swords on belts to uses when needs sheilds. Him not is talkeds much, as we beguns The-Journey...

    The Journey

    The Fives-of-Us is leaves outs of the East Gates, wells, excepts fors Leo. Hims is trys gos norths, I has is runs throughs the entire citys and gets him, then runs backs to the east. Leos is goes others way, around the citys, and is appears behinds the groups sayings "Lets get movings."

    We is goes easts fors whiles, not much is happens. Vorels is kills dear with spears(Is others way knows Vorels not is bes a wizzards, Wizzards woulds is has used the magics) and gives mes the meat, is fors the Dragons. Thats is what wes is goings to finds, a Dragons. Vorels says is hears of cave norths of Bane-Mens temples, wheres Dragon is lives.

    Is follows Vorels dirrections throughs snowy pass, is was colds and had many turns. Ups to this point, not is had to fights nothings. Is leaves snowy pass and travels throughs wilderness. Is goods we is has the Scouts with us, I had is never beens theres befores. Were manys hills, luckly no bears, and wes is climbs up intos the mountain.

    The-Mountain were be a sights to remembers. All of grounds was covered in snows, is was verys cold. The Fives-of-Us is crunchs throughs the snow for whiles, and is starting downs the mountains whens is attacks! Is bandits, they is comes downs and trys to stabs Leos, but hims is stab quickers. Huge Kins is comes and trys to cuts mes in halfs, is almost suceeds! I slams hims with sheilds and hurts much, withs big axe he was leaves much of selfs open when raises to chop. I is dives for covers and Nathans is comes to fights...

    Vorels is uses magics on mes, to makes everythings slows down. Everythings excepts mes! I is watches slowlys as Nathans swings huge sword and removes Bandit-Kins head froms hims body. Snows around thems both is goes red as the driplets of blood slowlys falled to the grounds. The-Speeds were is makes the trips down the mountains seems take forevers, no one is could keeps up withs mes...

    Leos is leads us outs of mountains, ands intos the Deserts. Were much changed froms the Mountains. Insteads of whites, land was tans. The winds is blows and was very hots. Wes is stops in Desert-Men camp so thats Vorels can rests, hers is tireds afters such long journeys through the Mountains. The Desert-Inns was intersting place...

    There were many mens who reminded mes of the Blue-Men, is looks strongs(fors humans) ands consume much of The-Drinks. I is decide to keeps watch as Vorels is rests. The Desert-Mens is no want messes withs mes, and is decideds to keeps aways. Loreak is also rests befores continues on, hims wanted to prays tos the Queens so that we is bes succes.

    While I is guards Vorel's restings and Loreak's prayings, Nathans is decides buys cloak from the Desert-Mens. Afters all is readys to goes, Leos is leads us tos the Bane-Mens temples, and thens farther norths, into the open Deserts...

    The Canyons

    The Deserts wind is flings sand at faces, Vorels is wears cloaks with hood, as is does Nathans. I not is had worrys, is always keeps helmets on. Leos and Loreak is also has cloaks.

    Leos is leads us intos canyons, with huge walls of rock. The first things we is encounters, is the Cat-Creatures. Theys is walks overs to us, and not seems bes un-friendlys. I is askings Loreak if is shoulds crushes, whens Nathan is makes choice of owns and stabs one withs sword. This is triggers the Cat-Creatures and alls is attacks us! They is quicklys killeds and wes continues.

    It is not longs afters this, that we encounter Bane-Warrior-Man. Loreak and hims is speaks. Loreak is asks Warrior-Man if hims want is helps finds Dragons. Warrior-Mans is says yes, is thens trys called Nathans and I weaks. I is startings to is questions hims withs The-Talk, whens ground is shakes!

    Loreak is seems think the Dragons has is finds us. Fires is shoots from ground behinds Warrior-Mans and outs of flames is comes The-Giant-Mans-Made-of-Bone! He is charges ats Warrior-Mans froms the back, and trys to crusheds withs boney fist!

    Warrior-Man is has much practice in fights, hes is turns and dodges fists. Nathans is draws swords, and togathers wes is charge in to crusheds the Giant-Bone-Mans. Vorels is uses somes magics, then is comes to helps fights withs her spears(Wizzards would is has, at this points, be is fars away, probably magiceds selfs away to Desert-Camp). Loreak is also bes fightings.

    Warrior-Man is knocks the Giant-Bone-Man tos the grounds with sword, and trys to stabs. I trys to is crushes hims bones with fists, but no is works. Nathans is has similers results. I is follows the leads ofs Warrior-Mans and begins keepings Giant-Bone-Man on the grounds. I is grabs at hims leg bones and pulls withs alls strengths! I is taked sheilds and slams into hims knee bone! Blows after blows is sends Giant-Bone-Man fallings intos the Sands!

    Whens Giant-Bone-Mans is falls, Vorels and Loreaks is stabbeds and causes Giant-Bone-Mans roar in hurts. Afters much battles, it is seem likes we has is almost cracked all ofs the bones. Giant-Bone-Man is realizes ends is nears, and is turns, grabs Nathans in huge fist and slams into rock walls. Is thens lifts up huge bone foot, and crusheds Nathans untill hims is Cease-to-Lives.

    After is sees Kins falls, I is puts all of strengths into mightys blow, and shatters Giant-Bone-Mans into manys peices!(with some helps froms the others). Is great victorys! Also bes great losses. Loreak is gives me magic stick withs powers to shoots Holy-Fire outs, for if has is fights other Giant-Bone-Mans. I then is picks up Nathans manys things, he is had manys bandages and magic ales.

    The Cowardly Scouts is returns after battles is dones, him is says founds caves. We is follows tos smalls cave entrance, is seems smalls fors Dragons. Then, fire is leaps out of cave mouths and sets trees aflame! Someone, is think were bes Loreak, is shouts out that this is a signs from the Queens! Is has findeds Lair-ofs-the-Dragons! Ats this points, Leos is demands rest of pays. Loreak is tells him job no be finished untills is finds "Old Friend." Harhar, Leo no is suspects we is lookings for Dragon, him not seems much smarts. Vorels is gives Leos protections from the heats, then he is goes ins to Scouts.

    Loreaks is begins to prays to the Queens, I is joins hims because I no know what else does. Is not wants angers the Queens, no would bes good. Loreak is prays thats Dragons is eateds the little mans, harhar, he were is onlys broughts to bes fresh meats, Loreaks is thinks of everys thing...

    ((Around this point, Leo was attempting to sneak across a very flat bridge, his silhouette clearly visable against the firey lava behind him. A fire elemental turns and laughs at him. Shocked that his attempt to hide behind absolutely nothing failed, Leo ran back towards the group, a large fiery monster ticking away at his limited protections from its flaming fists...))

    ... Vorels is casts protections on mes, Loreak is ables to gets hims protectons froms the Dragons Queen. Warrior-Man is not seem care about protections, hims is verys confidents. After is says final prayer, wes is enters the caves, in search ofs the great Reds Dragons, Cinders!

    ((Leo was now using his Wand of Invisibility to escape the Elemental that had started taking larger chunks off his protections... the Elemental saw through the magic and continued to chase him as he ran up the rocky slope towards the unsuspecting group...))

    The Lair

    Wes is goes downs intos the Lairs-of-the-Dragons, I is follows Loreak confidents that hims is knowings what is bests. We are walkings for little whiles, whens Warrior-Mans turns arounds... and is unders attack bys Fire! Thes heat is comes alives to killeds hims, he no is prays tos Dragons Queens befores is enters. Warrior-Man is ables to kills the Fires thoughs, I not is knows how this is happens, but not is bothers to question. Other heats is comes alives and attacks, Loreak says Warrior-Man is has angered the Dragons by killings hims guardians. He is says we needs move quicklys and avoids the Fires.

    Loreak is goes downs a rocky slopes, Warrior Mans withs him. I is followings, and Vorels were is behinds mes. We is comes tos a bridge, Loreak and Warrior-Man is begins to crosses, I is turns to to tells Vorels go firsts, but her not is theres! I is goes backs up slopes to finds hers...

    Vorels is talkings to selfs, thoughs is sounds like her is talks to Leos. Hers is asks hims to stays untills finds the Dragons, but Leos says no. Shes is hands coins tos the air... thens, is begins uses magics! Shes is points to spots and stops speaks, is says, "Follow" and begins to walks. I not knows what is happens, buts is follows. Wes is catchs ups withs Loreak and Warrior-Mans.

    Is goings across longs bridge whens the Bird-Men is comes flyings at us! Theys is breaths flames but is oks, alls but Warrior-Man-who-called-Mes-Weak is protected. Onlys hims is gets burned. Loreak is points at Bird-Men and demands theys obey hims, and they is does! Alls excepts ones. The others is turns and tears thes stupids ones to peices and tosses intos the lavas. Loreaks is has greats powers, all has does is points, and evens Birds-Men knows not to angers!

    Finallys, is comes tos end of bridges. Is goes ups slopes and finds, strange, device. Loreak is kneels to pray, and I is follows him. The lights in the centers of the device is thens catchs on fires! Just is likes trees outsides of caves! Loreak is thens leaps intos the fires, Vorels is follows, then mes. Warrior-Mans, harhar, hims is has thinks whiles, thens is desides tos follows. He not seem is gets burns too much, is had much armors on that flames had melts throughs firsts.

    After alls is makes throughs, I is looks arounds. We was ins lands withs much fires and lavas. Lands withs no plants, onlys gravels. Lands, which is has Two-Red-Moons!

    Land of the Two-Red-Moons

    Alls is confused, evens Loreak no is seem knows where we is. Loreak is kneels to prays more, I is follows. Loreak and I is bes prayings, Vorels is off to sides lookings arounds, I not know what Warrior-Man is does, just is stands. Out of no wheres, flamin rocks is comes! They is falls froms the skys and almost crushes! I is dives fors covers that is no theres, and waits for ends.

    When is looks up, everyone is seems bes still alives. Loreak says if is want turns back, is does, but hims is goes forwards. I not is abandons hims! Is goes forwards outs overs lavas, on bridge mades of rocks. Is very hots! Is bes difficults to moves and breaths, I begin not to is likes Land-With-Two-Moons.

    We is comes to large, open fields. The rocks themselves begin to is floats ups, towards the Two-Red-Moons! I is grabs big rocks so that I not is floats away, but then is remembers hows heavy is froms carrys all Nathans things, harhar, I is too heavys floats aways.

    This is whens the ghost is attacks. Theys is rise up outs of the grounds, we is completely surroundeds! Vorels is says Dragons not is woulds bes guarded bys the undeads, and wes is begins to crushes. Loreak says we has is pass overs the fields quickly, so we is starts to Hurrys. Ghosts are many, but not is so strongs, I is ables to splatters them on sheilds befores theys is ables does much hurts.

    We is eventuallys comes to another rocks bridge. This one is guarded bys, undead, warrior mens. Is no made of Ghosts-Parts, is not Bone-Mens either, ors Slows-Undeads. Seems is bes alls combined and is fights wells. One is shoots mes with manys arrows whiles other is holds us backs, it is shouts "No ones is ables defeats mes!"

    Him was is defeateds, and the archers is bes defenless, is bes killeds quicklys. Is goes ons more slowlygs, watchings out fors the archers. Is comes to end of bridge, where is bes a Fortress! Guarding the Fortress, is bes Huge-Creatures-With-Big-Swords. It is charges at us, but is so big has is moves slowlys. Wes is starts to retreats froms its, buts Warrior-Man is get hitted bys magic and not bes able to runs.

    Loreaks is turns to saves him, and I is throws axes at It to distracts. Vorels is trys uses magics, but is has difficultys. Not is bes easy fights, Loreak is almost get killeds, but It is begins to weaken. Vorels is gets magic to works, and is charges in to helps fights withs spears, I is decides, axes not is workings, so is shoulds goes crushes with sheilds!

    I is charges readys to jumps on It and crusheds under sheild! I is just abouts rams intos whens is effected bys Magic-of-the-Minds. Alls is changes, friends is grows horns and bursts into flames. The Fires is crawls ups outs ofs the lavas and trys to burns mes, is too hots! I is has to runs aways, no is ables over comes this!

    Rock bridge is bursts into flames in fronts of mes, Fires is crowds in behinds mes, I is has no chances, is has cowers and waits fors the ends, is seems bes onlys option. Thens I is remembers I is strongs! No is cower likes wizzard and waits to dies, is crusheds fires, no matters if is bes burns when does! I is rises to fights last battles, buts friends is backs, and Fires is gones. This when I is realize It had useds powerfull Magics-of-the-Minds. Evens mys helmet is not ables to protects mes.

    The Fours-of-Us, Leos seems to has vanished for goods, is enters the Fortress, to whichs the gate is locks behinds us. We were has no choice but is continues onwards.

    The Fortress

    The Fortress is was verys bigs on the insdies. Is has evens mores fires, was hots, but nots as hots as was outsides unders the Twos-Red-Moons. Is walkings forwards, and then is sees it...

    Is a Dragons! Huge blues ones! Loreak is kneels befores its, as is does I and Vorels. Warrior-Mans is keeps fars aways. Loreaks is speaks tos the Dragons, Vorels is says is looks strange fors Dragon, then is vanishes! Is bes a Demon-Man behinds its, hims is sends Dragons aways. Demon-Man is has twos Demon-Guards, ands a Demon-Womans.

    Loreak is want knows what Demon-Man is does heres insteads of Dragons, Vorels is stands nexts to Loreak but slightlys behind, I is stands nexts tos Vorels. Warrior Man is stands fars behinds Loreak, and says nothings. Demon-Man is seems to knows Vorels, thens is begins shifts shapes. First hims is looks likes Warriors Mans, then mes, then Vorels, and finallys Loreak befores returns to others shape. Hims is strange Demons.

    Demon-Man and Loreaks is talk, I is trys to keeps attention, but was hards. Room was bigs, much to looks ats, Loreak and Demon-Mans is talkings ofs things I not is knows...

    Demon-Man says somethings abouts him is Prince, and has taken overs the Lair-ofs-the-Dragon. Thens, Prince-Demon-Man is says "This is shows good faiths" ors somethings, and is uses magics ons Vorels! Her is shrieks and blacks... smokes, magics, stuffs, and snakes arounds hers. Then is stops. Hers not is looked hurts, I offers is to crusheds Prince-Demon-Mans but hers says probably best not tos.

    Loreak is asks where Cinder has is gones, but Prince-Demon-Man says he no is tell if we not is can pays. Hims says wes is probablys want to keeps souls, so want us is gives somethings else. I is tells hims we is has manys gems. Vorels is goes and gives him box withs manys gems insides, but Prince-Demon-Man is says he not is wants.

    Loreak is offers armors, and Prince-Demon-Man says is betters. Hims is takes armors, and thens has mirrors is appears. Ins mirrors, I is sees mountains, likes the ones we is comes throughs! Thens, is sees Fortress! Thens, is sees manys Purple-Mens and Purple-Wizzards. Finallys, mirror is shows huge mans, even biggers than I is, withs huge axe and red armors. Prince-Demon-Mans is says Red-Armored-Man is bes Cinder, I guess is bes in disguises, not is looks much likes Dragons.

    Prince-Demon-Mans is waves hand, and alls is vanish. Hims says "I guess I is shoulds sends yous backs now..." and waves hands agains, wes is alls surrounded bys magics circles. I is shouts, "Looks outs!" then all is goes blacks. When is can sees again, is in ruins much likes ones in Stonelands, excepts there were is no sand. Is Statue of Dragons with hands alter in fronts ofs.

    Warrior-Man, who not is has saids much for whiles, says "We are in Arabel." Afters some wanderings, wes is comes to old stairs leadings up, and is bes in sewers. Warrior-Man is leads us to ladders and wes is backs in the citys, is in the Slums.

    The Return

    Warrior Man is leaves, thens is bes justs Loreaks, Vorels, and mes. Is stands togathers talkings In-the-Low. Vorels is wants to recovers Nathans body, returns him from the deads, and gets to worships Dragon Queens. Loreak not is so sures, but is decides could is bes fors best. Hims is gives Vorels coins, hers and I is returns to deserts to look for bodys.

    Without the Scouts, was not easys to finds the body, but after much searchs we did recovers its. I had is drinks magic ale to makes strong enough to carrys. Vorel is makes boths of us unseens, and wes returns to city.

    Is gets Nathans returns to lifes, but hims is weaks. Is takes hims to house, where Vorel is uses Talks and Magics to make him sees Dragons Queen is powerfulls Godess. Vorel is leaves then, Nathans an I is speaks much, I is reutrns hims things, and wes is goes to Inn to recovers strengths afters long journey.

    The Journey is were a Grand-Adventures, I is thinks bes success. We now is knows where Dragons really is bes, and can goes to finds theres. Nathans is feels much pains, but is turns outs fors the best, now hes is begins understands powers of the Queens. I is thinks that this is bes mighty adventures that all is shoulds remembers!

  • State of the Writers' Union

    13 Posts

    Well, my bubble was burst when my computer died a few days ago and i'm currently confined to a lap-top (i had something written up) so… yeah, eventually.

  • Plot: Kar'thax'alon

    2 Posts

    Since lizard said to post backgrounds of involved characters here…



    The room was dark, save the candles spread around the room. An odd pentagram was sketched into the center of it, seemingly that of a wizard’s summoning circle. A cloaked figure, entirely in black, male by their build, stepped into the middle of the area, chanting an unusual phrase and shouting a singular command. Around him were gathered numerous men and women, whispering amongst themselves as the magic was woven in front of their very eyes.

    “Abyssal Gate, open! I call upon you! Come forth to me, demon and answer my bidding!”

    The room filled with an eerie smoke and bright red light as wind appeared to be sucked into the circle itself, then darkness spilled into the room as a figure stepped forth, seemingly quite closely resembling a naked human female with long, silky black hair, a large bosom and medium form. She looked over the figure before her, smirking.

    “And who is this human who summons me? Who dares summon Reykul?”

    Reykul looked around the room, a harsh gaze upon all those gathered, and her look seemingly capable of withering stone itself. The shrouded figure stepped forward, pulling his head back to reveal a pale-skinned male with short brown hair. Looking her over, he slightly grinned, folding his arms.

    “I am Xanenar Kane, patriarch of the family. I seek you for the basest of reasons; power. Pure and unconditional power, demon.” Tapping his forehead, he spoke again, his gaze fixed on Reykul. “Your true form, if you would please. My sight is not defeated by your magic.”

    The demon laughed softly as she began to shape-change, growing leathery, bat-like wings, seemingly out of nowhere. Her feet and hands turned into furry claws, and her hair stood on end. She now clearly appeared to be a somewhat-clothed succubus as her expression continued to be one of amusement, clearly looking at Xanenar.

    “Ah, so it is. You bargain with a demon and yet you have not provided something I would care to be interested in to breed with you and your family, male. Tell me, what can you -possibly- offer me?”

    The crowd whispered again, gossiping as to what their patriarch could give up to enrich their line. Xanenar held a hand up, motioning for silence, immediately the crowd fell into silence, their hooded gazes centered upon the outsider and wizard before them.

    “Your choice of payment, Reykul.”

    The demoness looked taken aback briefly, her expression becoming a devious smile as she narrowed her eyes, folding her arms. The crowd became a sea of whispers once more, excitedly.

    “Then surely you know that if I agree and your bloodline spawns descendants of mine, that there will be tieflings. I will make it simple for a mortal such as you to understand. The first tiefling borne unto this family. Specifically, a female one will be my payment.”

    Xanenar took on a contemplative look, looking towards the crowd surrounding him and the demon before his face. Without emotion or another thought, he nodded his agreement. Reykul smirked again, seductive look upon her face.

    “Very well, bargained and done. The tiefling will be mine, humans.”

    **TIME: 25 YEARS AGO

    “Name her. Quickly. Reykul comes shortly.”

    Crying was heard in the air as a baby squealed in the arms of her mother, a raven headed human woman, looking panicked slightly. She had given birth to many babies, but this one was different, and everybody around her could tell. When held near lights, the baby reflected no shadow, and smelled strongly of rotten eggs. The baby was also female, and already had a massing of black hair upon her scalp as she squirmed in the woman’s arms.

    Swirling black mist filled the room as a bright red light appeared in front of an opened portal, the other side seemingly reflecting some otherworldly realm, the succubus Reykul surveying the gathered people. She snorted briefly, moving towards the whining child. The demoness was in a human form as before, her arms outstretched, awaiting the bundle that was the infant female.

    “Her name…her name…her name is Xenthym.”

    Sighing, the human released the child into the succubus’s arms, the demoness grinning. Reykul turned her back on the gathering, moving towards the still active portal, stepping through it. The portal led not to the Abyss, but the planar city known as Sigil. Walking through the city in her human form, albeit with clothing on, Reykul found her residence, an apartment in the demon district of the city.

    Stepping in, she murmured an unintelligible phrase, lighting the nearby candles, seating herself in a lavishly designed chair. The infant Xenthym woke up, reaching forward, crying. Reykul muttered, sliding a breast out of her shirt, placing the child’s mouth upon it, ceasing her crying, immediately followed by suckling.

    “How many damn years of this form and raising will I have to endure?”

    **TIME: 22 YEARS AGO

    “Speak, child. Who are you? What are you?”

    Reykul patiently looked at Xenthym, dressed in a black dress, now three years old, with an inquisitive look upon the child’s face a frequent amount of the time. The succubus locked her hands behind her head, waiting. The tiefling pursed her lips, trying to form words. She clenched her hands into tiny fists at her side, puffing her cheeks up a little.

    “Aesthyrkothar!” (Demon woman)

    The demoness perked an eyebrow, chuckling. Looking at her descendant, she gestured for further speech, crossing her legs as she watched, amusedly. Xenthym continued attempting to speak further, Reykul gesturing at herself, as if indicating what to say.

    “Reykul kotharvirlymlevex?” (Reykul, the enchanting demon thief)

    Nodding, the succubus rose to her feet, guiding the tiefling along with her. They reached one of the windows looking out from the apartment, at the bustling city behind the earthen worked frames. The city looked as normal as it was for their section, demons being kept in check by the mysterious ruler of Sigil, the Lady of Pain.

    Taking Xenthym in her arms, the outsider took her grandchild to her bedroom, tucking her into the well-made bed in the center of the room, undoubtedly “acquired” through her own unusual methods, the young child drifting off to sleep.

    **TIME: 15 YEARS AGO

    In their home within Sigil, the two demonesses silently stared at each other, seated at a luxurious dining table, a bowl of odd-looking larva upon it. Reykul, still taking on the form of a human, looked at the bowl, which held a small amount of the crawling vermin, slithering around its bottom.

    “Well? Eat. If you are truly of my blood, Xenthym, you will be able to consume our foodstuffs. These are the traitors and gluttonous of the Prime Material Plane. They seek new life in the Abyss, but alas, only find this. Feast, my child.”

    Reluctantly, the tiefling child reached into the bowl, grabbing a small handful of the wriggling insectae, shoving them into her mouth. Chewing, she managed to swallow, much to the outsider’s approval. Hungrily, she finished off the rest of the bowl, looking up at the succubus.

    “Very good, girl. I suppose as a reward, you deserve to see my true form.”

    Reykul stood, stretching out as large, bat-like leathery wings began sprouting from her back, and her arms and legs becoming furry at the end, tipped by claws. Her hair became pointed, sticking into the air as she looked at her charge, seemingly unfazed by the transformation, but transfixed with a look of awe.

    “Good, you have become accustomed to me. You will see many horrors within your life, no weakling frightened of such will be related to me, and allowed to live, my dear Xenthym.”

    **TIME: 10 YEARS AGO

    The succubus, once again in human form, pointed at a drawing held up against a wall of her home, instructing the young tiefling child Xenthym to gaze upon it. It appeared to be that of an angelic being, with large white-feathered wings, bright gold-and-silver armor, and a large great sword.

    “What is this, child? And speak in Common, not Draconic.”

    Xenthym looked at the drawing, tapping her foot as her arms were folded. A contemplative look adorned her face as she pursed her lips, attempting to recall a previous lesson; it would seem, regarding the picture. Her face lighting up, she finally spoke.

    “Arthear!” (Celestial)

    Reykul glared, reaching over to slap the tiefling’s left cheek with the back of a hand, soft and silky, much like the young girl’s. She pointed at the painting again, the mean look still upon her face. Rubbing her cheek, Xenthym formed a word again.

    “Celestial, High Mother Reykul.”

    The demon smirked, the title before her name being a recent title of addressing her as of late, the child adoring her, from a young age. She resumed looking at the drawing, her arms folded.

    “These are our enemies, Xenthym. Pureblooded celestials, which occasionally mate with humans to produce bastard spawn half-celestials and eventually Aasimars. Your own enemies, no less. They hate us, and we hate them. We are superior, never once forget that. Your very blood, granddaughter, flows with mine, superior above mere humans. Now, summon your latent powers. In your mind, focus and create yourself a globe of darkness.”

    Xenthym squinted, gathering her thoughts. In her right hand, a small orb of pure black mist appeared. The tiefling instinctively threw it to her side, coating the entire room in darkness. The succubus laughed, clapping her hands. The darkness soon faded away, the two figures watching each other.

    “Excellent work, child! You are truly of my blood. Let me tell you of the Blood War. Seat yourself.” At this, the teenager sat herself on a comfortable-looking chair, her attention focused on the demoness.

    “We are demons, kothar as you are fond of referring to yourself as outside of our home. Our sworn enemies, more so than the foul celestials, are devils. Residents of the Nine Hells. While we have the glorious Abyss, they have the Hells. One day, we will triumph, but whenever that is, even the most powerful lords of our kind cannot say. For now, wage war against devils and their kin. Slay their tiefling descendants. Should you grow powerful enough, eliminate their direct offspring. Show no mercy, such a thing is for the weak.”

    Reykul continued on, her arms folded, her eyes half-closed.

    “We must decide a profession for you, girl. Seek you to follow in my footsteps? Draining men’s souls, charming them into doing your bidding? A lofty position should you desire it.”

    Xenthym could only nod, looking in wonder at her ancestor.

    “Then you seek the path of the arcane. There is much fun to be had with magic such as that, my child. The manipulation of souls is often upon the path of the necromancer. Thusly, we shall see to you learning those arts. A wizardling, you shall be. No bastard fool of a sorcerer, unlike those pitiful celestials.”


    The succubus Reykul entered her home, looking over her teenaged tiefling granddaughter, who appeared to be quite lovely, wearing a blue-and-black tunic of sorts. The demon girl looked up at her ancestor, greeting with a brief wave of acknowledgement.

    “Time for your test, Xenthym. I have found you a target. Your mission is to seduce him, and make him into a puppet, to see if my years spent training you have all been for naught. Fail and you will not be allowed back into this home, and cast out into the Prime Material Plane.”

    Xenthym swallowed hard, nodding her agreement. The outsider led her descendant to a portal, taking them to an inn room, where a nineteen year old boy awaited them. Apparently he did not see the succubus, possibly due to some unknown magic Xenthym was not able to identify.

    The demoness exited, leaving the two alone. After hours came by, she returned, to find the boy completely under the tiefling’s control, with an eager look to serve her upon his face.

    Knocking him unconscious, Reykul opened another portal, taking the two back to her home in Sigil, laughing. Seating themselves, grandmother and granddaughter looked at each other.

    “My, my. Truly of my blood if you were able to complete such a task, dear Xenthym. Ah, but it was to be expected of you. I knew you would not fail me. As a reward, I shall tell you of this lovely inn I know, called the World Serpent…”


    Xenthym walked the streets of the demon quarter in Sigil, browsing the nearby merchants’ wares, when she came upon an unusually dressed figure. Seemingly spouting off religious drivel about the Demon Prince of Undead, known to her as Orcus. Conversing with him, apparently a fanatical human unlike herself, for days on end, she agreed to enter service of his lord.

    Returning home, Reykul looked at her curiously, shrugging as she was told of her new patron in life. After Xenthym took her leave to sleep, Reykul went to the windows of the apartment, overlooking the city as she rolled back a sleeve of her shirt, looking at the now exposed arm. The arm, much like her current form, was quite human in appearance. Strangely, however, along its underside, it held a symbol of a black mask, seemingly pitch-black in appearance. The succubus chuckled to herself, looking out the window again.

    “How long will it be, child, before your true heart wins out? Who shall be the victor, the Prince, or the Laughing Lord? I shall be watching you. You will not be under the demon’s influence for long, not if you are of my blood…”

    **TIME: 1 YEAR AGO

    Xenthym was seated in a room filled with complete darkness, apparently magically created. Unusual patrons lurked about in it, the owner of the establishment named Mitchifer, the inn itself being one she was told about years ago, called the World Serpent Inn. She was enjoying a relaxing drink, her ancestor off on the Prime Material Plane, tempting more mortals into doing her bidding whilst she socialized with others at the Serpent.

    Two cloaked travelers were at a nearby table, rambling about things that did not interest her too greatly. Their conversation was mostly dull, until the talk shifted to that of necromantic activity near a city. The city in question being the Caravan City of Arabel, situated within Cormyr, a kingdom in the Heartlands.

    Returning to Reykul’s home, she left a note, mentally reminding herself to visit sometime.

    “Gone to play with the mortals in Cormyr, High Mother. I’ll see you another time.


    Her arrival was uneventful, save making towards a seedy bar within an even seedier district. She was immediately welcomed by others, including another tiefling, albeit with pale skin and sharp fangs. Xenthym suspected this one had a quick attraction to her, as he acted similar to men she seduced in the past. Mentally shrugging it off, she took in the sights as he explained how the inn, called the Three Bars, was operated.

    A day later, she walked around topside, coming upon a black-haired woman selling some kind of tickets to raise funds, introducing herself as Elsbeth. Smiling thinly, she introduced herself as Kothar, a short form of her alias Kothar Levethix.

    Time passed in the form of a few days, which included her being beaten up by a local dwarf, threatened by a newfound enemy named Wellington, meeting with a Red Wizard named Vorn, and a new friend she called Masked Beauty.

    Yes, things were going to be quite interesting for her, she thought as she laid to sleep in her accommodations at the inn.


    A long time has it been since I laid down to quill and parchment my thoughts. Thinking about my past, how I’ve come to being has brought forth insight into my life I never knew existed. My arrogance, my pride, my beauty are all gifts given unto me from High Mother Reykul. My power is vast, and unrivalled. All tremble before me, and my enemies shall be crushed beneath my shoe heel.

    None can stand against me, lest they face my wrath. Abyss have no fury like a woman scorned, and when I prey upon those foolish enough to scorn me, they will wish I gave them quick death. I have seen peace, I have seen war. I have seen the anger of balors, and the deadliest of assassins. I’ve befriended lycanthropes, duergar and slain celestials. I’ve murdered many in cold blood. I show no fear of these weaklings who dare to usurp my throne.

    What, then, can stop the unstoppable? My plans will be nurtured and bear fruit. Life, however, is meaningless without things to pursue. Shall I kill even allies of mine who aggravate me? It’s a curious thought indeed, one I’ve contemplated many times. But no, too many things will occupy my mind for some time. Revenge is a dish best served cold.

    Sometimes I think of High Mother Reykul. Her last communications with me indicated she was quite well and enjoying her games. How I adore that being, the true example of my art. I wish I could visit her still, but alas, the same things occupying my mind keep me here. I can’t even use a portal to visit the World Serpent. Idiotic mages locked off areas around most of the public ones. Probably drunken man fools.

    Time goes on and on, it will tell if I’m the victor, or the loser. My name will be written in history’s lore books, as the greatest fear this damn city has ever known.

    Xenthym Kane******************
  • Plot: Pyatt Pree

    15 Posts

    I don't know. You could try to spam inboxes with PMs under an alias until people start posting tid-bits again.

    I guess people are just doing other things right now, but so long as there doesn't come a need to shut down coa.ender or anything, it's just here for whenever someone passes by with something to add.

  • Plot: Zhentarim - ON HOLD

    8 Posts

    It's fine, I mean O'louth has WvW and the Kelteel plots to write, and you've got the Bresk plot, and Aldrien is writing the Tales of Ollie Baba, so I think it might be for the best if this is put on hold for now.

  • Plot: Wyvernwater

    12 Posts

    Enter: The Banite

    Chapter VI
    Bane’s will

    The files were a mess, there were records waiting to be filled left, right, and center, and construction plans and meetings and recruiting and far, far too much for any one man to handle. The Warden’s job was seeming more and more distant than what Adre had imagined it to be – maintaining the lands’ security – and coming ever closer to leaving the bulk of its day-to-day handling in the hands of himself and Myra. The Night Warden was rarely seen now, by him at least, and no trace was to be found in terms of notes left, or letters it seemed. The area had calmed down a bit since all the recent turmoil, and relative peace had dawned on Wyvernrest, save the occasional troll tribe attacking, or an orc raiding party, goblin warband – the usual. Trade routes had been reopened to the Anauroch desert far to the north and orders issued to begin patrols on them once more. An Alarphon of Cormyr turned out to be the new owner of the Wyvern’s Nest Inn. At this time it was fairly hard to grasp just what this meant for Adre, all War Wizards were people not to be messed with, but this one liked to show up in rather revealing tunics as though she was going to some fancy dinner whenever she came to pay her rent, and the way her eyes were both separate colours was more than a little off-putting. The inn itself was maintained by its current workforce, minus one councilor now, and it seemed few if any were complaining, which suggested not just a few knew of the new owner. Of course, this was all meant to be strictly confidential and apart from Adre, Myra, and Tragil – who had been promoted duly to Sergeant for… dependency – no one else was supposed to know, but somehow the talk spread regardless, through some medium the War Wizards could not, or cared not to track. Adre wondered if the high druidess had taught their dog to speak while his back was turned.

    On returning from his afternoon patrol – the last one for his day – Adre entered the Garrison to find Theliobar standing by the odd sink-like contraption into which rents were paid when they were collected. The Wizard was in his usual stony form, magic-staff-with-swirling-vortex-at-the-end held casually in one arm, as usual, but there was something out of place. Tragil seemed to have spotted it too. The Wizard of Wyvernwater was emptying a large sack – like one might use to store potatoes in – into the sink, and this sack was full of glimmering gold coins. Purple smoke frothed from the sink’s focal point as the coins disappeared, and Adre and Tragil both stood their distance for a good minute or so, until the last coin had been emptied into the sink, before Theliobar made his way past Adre to the surface once more with the smallest of nods.
    “I think I’m willing to guess.”
    “Banite temple, Warden. Banite temple.”
    Tragil picked up the empty sack where the wizard had dropped it, and folded it neatly as he could. “It’s starting now, they’re going to start building east of the village, there’s not a living thing left there now. Wolves, trolls, goblins, orcs, and the rest: they’ve all been driven out finally, so they’re going to start building everything, and I think his lordship just got the down payment for that temple – or fortress, if the builders are to be believed. Apparently it’s going to look more like a small castle keep than any temple.”
    “Well damn, and things just looked like they were getting peaceful again.”

    Sure enough, builders were already moving wooden scaffolding into place on a hill overlooking the village, not just for the temple but for everything else as well: Purple Dragon garrisons, a compound for the local knightly order – sure to spark off trouble with the Bane temple – and a tower for diplomats from Thay, along with the construction of Theliobar’s own tower. On one of the small cliffs overlooking the village and the lands stood three figures. One of them was recognisable as Theliobar by his staff, the second was clearly a War Wizard by her robes – the Alarphon, most like – but the third was a stranger, a woman armoured in dark platemail. They were simply inspecting the builders as they went about their business it seemed. Adre turned around to leave – it didn’t do good to be seen dilly-dallying when there were visitors afoot - through the gateway entrance to the village from whence he came, only to find a tanned bald man in red robes and a woman in yellow silk with bright red hair coming through. Thayans.
    “Greetings, I am here to see the constructions which have begun on the tower I am financing to be built here. Please inform Archmage Theliobar that Senior Magus Vorn of the Thayvian Enclave is here.”
    Adre looked over the two again, more carefully, before turning his head to face Theliobar’s distant position. “His lordship’s currently unavailable, might be that I can show you what you want instead, though, unless you had some pressing business with him.”
    “Oh no, nothing of the sort, do go on. And you are?”
    “Warden Darksteel, of the Wyvernguard.”
    The bald man smiled at his shy companion, who seemed to be blushing for the third time in the last minute, before stepping in behind Adre.

    After some talking of how apparently the tower had been moved from one cliff to another, and its now close proximity to the temple of Bane – Adre assured the mage that it could only result in increased security – he left the pair at a raised plateau which was a sort of natural garden, to whatever the magus had in mind, but his companion was still red in the cheeks.

    Back in the village, Theliobar and the armoured woman were speaking outside the Inn, and the Alarphon seemed to have taken her leave.
    “Ah. Right on time.” Adre saluted Theliobar in reply, but kept his helmet on as the woman studied him.
    “And you are?”
    “Day Warden Darksteel, ma’am. Glad to be of assistance, milord.”
    “Very good, I am Tyrant Tamal Bentant, and it seems you and yours have done a fine job of cleansing these lands of their previous inhabitants.”
    An odd title, Adre thought, but then she must be a Banite. She had a stern face and dark hair, but didn’t seem to give off the totalitarian air he was suspecting whoever was heading up the temple to have. “We do what we can… Tyrant.” Adre was glad for having his helmet.
    “I must take my leave now, Warden, and it seems to me your shift is coming to a close, and you must be eager to get some rest. If anything should happen regarding the Banite temple, you may contact Dreadmaster Raemos Dagmoth, though he will doubtlessly make himself known to you soon.”
    He remained silent, as Theliobar’s figure strode alongside the Tyrant to escort her to the gates.

    The days were growing longer, and longer as summer drew on and the lands were alive with life and colour despite the daily killings held across its face. It had taken near a year to clear the lands east of the village, and work had started long before Adre had ever arrived in Wyvernrest. He did not want to try and estimate how long it would take for the western forest, let alone the southern wildlands which the Wizard had more recently decreed to be cleared for construction. The Green Dragons patrolled the roads dutifully as ever, but they were more a threat to Adre now, than any companions: a constant reminder of what awaited Wyvernrest should the militia ever fail it. The Dragons were always eager to expand their domain, and Adre did not want them taking the one place he’d found solitude in. A long time ago he himself had applied to join their ranks, and until they found out he’d had a record for being dangerous it seemed he might have become one, but after seeing the blank gaze of each and every one of these men, even those he counted among close friends within the city, he became glad that he had been refused.

    Back at the garrison, there were ballistae being mounted on the walls and cliffs overlooking the two entrances to the small fort. Builders and workmen were moving around here as much as the village to see the designs implemented. The sun was falling though, disappearing in a red haze over the Wyvernwater itself, all its blue glory shimmering yellow and orange instead with dusk. Myra’s figure came into focus in the middle of the garrison’s yard, and more interestingly there was a man facing her bearing metal platemail dyed to the colours the tyrant had worn. A Banite, no less, his face was covered by a full-helm and all manner of weaponry and equipment hung tight about him.
    Adre walked over and set his thumbs into his belt, blatantly studying the stranger while Myra turned her own uncovered head to him. The warrior looked to face Adre, and was as unreadable under the armour as Adre found himself hoping he was just now.
    “Ah. Day Warden Darksteel, this is a new recruit for the militia. Torgor Bor’tal.” The warrior didn’t so much as nod.
    “Torgor eh. Well, glad to have you aboard then, I don’t suppose you can fight?”
    “I can.”
    “Good, good. Pay’s not bad. Advancement prospects are pretty high just now considering that there are no ranking members of the militia besides the Wardens, and the death rate of new privates has nearly doubled since the dragon showed back up. Hah.
    Myra gave Adre a puzzled look, and offered a shrug to Torgor who was still gazing blankly right back at Adre. “Well, Private, come on inside and we’ll get you kitted out with militia gear and I’ll give you a rundown of the basics of what this job entails. Warden Darksteel’s off the beat now, and I’m sure he’d like to get some rest.”
    Adre gave an uncertain nod, and the Banite finally turned away his gaze to follow Myra into the garrison. Oh boy, well this was to be expected sooner or later. The Banites were moving into Wyvernrest, and they had long-term plans for the place. Looking towards the road to Arabel, Adre saw some Green Dragons lead by a retainer of Lord Deschurr unpacking a mining trip’s work into piles. It was ironic, really, since the rivalries between Green Dragons and Banites had risen literally over the night - supposedly because the Banites wore similar colours – and yet these building materials would more likely than not be going towards the construction of the fortress.
    “Hey lads, nice of you to drop by down. I hope you got yourselves a giant on the way down, or if not you can find yourselves one down in the wilds, courtesy of Wyvernwater.”
    Some of them paused as Adre came over, and he tried to recognise as many as he could. Kael, the battlepriest of Tempus, was easy enough to spot in his distinctive armour, even with the helmet on. One day I’ll try and learn more about that man. The massive soldier beside him was Edward Morth, a demon swordsman who might have been feared much as a Banite if he did not keep himself so restrained out of battle – Adre always felt uneasy around him ever since he won the hand of a girl Ed was after, Natalia, there always remained a cold wall between them, every word spoken out of duty or necessity rather than the banter they both normally got amongst their own friends. Retainer Wilera Dilinger was ordering them about, and gave Adre a nod. How dare she, he thought, perhaps still drunk on power, I am King here if I wish to be, how dare she nod at me? Regardless, he returned the nod, and decided to save his delusions of grandeur for the night. The others were recruits, or people he did not know too well for good or bad.
    “I hope you’ve a fat purse ready Warden, my boys and girls have been chopping and mining since dawn to bring down this lot for ya.” Wilera allowed them to continue on as they were for a moment, and Adre wondered how important her ordering what goes where all the time really was just now.
    He looked over at the resources being unloaded and got a number in his head for each type. “Seems to me that’s near a three hundred in total, but I’d need to get figures to give you an exact.”
    “Three hundred, is it? I guess we’ll carry more next time. What do you pay most for?”
    “Iron. Iron ore, though bars will do just as fine.” She just grunted, and turned back to the others. “Most I ever paid out in one go was – let me think now – to Lyonarshby, the woman with the big sword. Damn near four hundred, and she was going at it alone too.”
    Kael stretched his back after dropping another large stone from a wagon into the pile building up outside the garrison wall and faced Adre. “I hear they’re starting to build now, and I thought a shrine to Tempus wouldn’t be amiss around here, considering what it is you do.”
    “Aye, Kael, I’ll give my personal recommendation on that one for whatever it’s worth.”
    “Good, maybe I’ll stick around after and you can show me the lands for a spot.”
    “Aye, just let me see to all this first.”
    Another shrine, well at least this is one bound to be happy. Whatever else might happen, the Banite temple will certainly bring war to Wyvernwater.

  • Plot: Grey Circle

    5 Posts

    As Celdor arrived outside the garrison he saw Senior Retainer De’syr step out of the shadows and nod to him briefly. He returned the nod curtly and wondered whether inside she was as angry as he was, yet the two did not exchange words. It would not to do to speak freely out here, nor to let their emotions show. With a soft clatter of metal on stone, Laird Stoneguard of the Iron Anvil arrived flanked by two of his men, clad from head to toe in their clan colours. With the visors down on their helmets Celdor could barely distinguish between them, to him they were as three metal rocks, solid and unyielding. ‘Thanks for coming Karl, lads.’ Bluebeard took off his helm and nodded stoically. He gestured for his men-at-arms to await him outside.

    As the three entered the garrison War Wizard Keridon was waiting for them and ushered them into a back room. There they saw Retainer Carpenter of Thond, sat quietly in a chair surrounded by militia and purple dragons. Lionar Bryant leant across the table toward her, glancing up as the group approached. ‘Ah, the rest of this little conspiracy, so nice of you to join us. Take a seat, all of you.’ Nayah smiled to Celdor as she caught his gaze and he returned the smile. They had been through tougher ordeals than this together and would go through tougher yet. ‘May I remind you all, that withholding information from peace officials is a treasonable offence, particularly when it concerns something as serious as this!’ Bryant bellowed across the room, his face reddening. He held up a thick file, with two words written on the front in Carpenter’s writing, ‘Grey Circle’.

    The four civilians looked at each other. Celdor was the first to speak. ‘Lionar Bryant, war wizards.’ he nodded to each in turn, ‘as it seems you have discovered most astutely, a group of … concerned citizens …’ he gestured to his colleagues, ‘has been undertaking a private investigation of a certain group, the fruits of which you currently hold in your hand. Naturally, being loyal and dedicated servants of the crown, like yourselves, we fully intended to pass the knowledge we gleaned through our undertakings to you, but we would not want to pass on, ah… unvalidated facts that may have misled you in your investigation, and hence the delay.’

    Lionar Bryant circled the table slowly and leaned over toward Celdor, ‘Do you expect me to believe that, Celdor? I thought you were a better man than this, after we fought together against the Lurker, against Etheldrek. And now you skulk around like a common thief, do you believe yourself above the law?’ The dwarf Stoneguard cleared his throat pointedly, cutting off the guard. He spoke deliberately and with great authority, ‘I’m sure I speak for all concerned here in saying that no disrespect was meant against the Crown. As you know, the Iron Anvil has always stood alongside the city and will continue to do so, in this matter as with all others. If what we’ve found here is true, it looks like this group of bandits pose a real threat, and we’ll all need to stand together again. Let’s none of us say anything we’re going to regret.’

    Bryant’s face seemed to relax a little and he breathed more steadily, ‘Karl, the city appreciates your kin’s contribution to its well-being and will always be welcome,’ he glanced to the three elves, Ky’ra, Celdor and Nayah, ‘perhaps more so than some others’. Ky’ra smirked, Celdor and Nayah sat impassive. ‘Now, I’m a forgiving man, but I have my limits. I consider all of you friends and allies, but I cannot brook insubordination, and I cannot tolerate non-disclosure of information relevant to the security of the crown. From now on, we work together against this threat, understood?’ He gestured to War Wizard Keridon who stepped forward holding a thick tome.

    ‘This represents our current state of knowledge on the organization known as the Grey Circle, overlapping your own in many respects. Consider it a gesture of good will.’ He handed the file to Nayah who accepted it with a smile. The war wizard continued, ‘Cross-referencing the information contained in your file with your own, we believe we have located four Grey Circle camps surrounding the city. From these camps, they lay siege to the trade-routes, possibly in an attempt to starve the city of supplies. So far, enough caravans continue to make it through to keep the shortages tolerable, but we cannot rely on this continuing indefinitely. Therefore it is imperative that these camps are eliminated urgently. We propose that joint operations between your relative organizations and the Crown be initiated promptly to do so.’

    ‘Naturally, House Deschurr will be at the forefront of any battle for the good of Arabel. Always.’ Senior Retainer De’syr spoke in velvet, confident tones. ‘Such was always our intention.’ She smiled a winning smile to Lionar Bryant. He held her gaze for a moment. ‘Good. Then it is settled. Let’s forget this ever happened, and give these Grey Circle bastards a thrashing they won’t recover from in a hurry.’

  • Plot: Octavious Kelteel

    14 Posts

    Chapter V
    Judge, Jury, Executioner.

    Michal tried to make sense of the recent events in his mind while his feet carried him across the narrowing stone alleys towards the northwestern part of town, towards the Wild Goose inn. The same inn where Bradley Larks – a former retainer to Lord Fezznick himself – once backhanded a man in the face for making a suggestive magical sending across the city; besides that one incident it had no real claim to fame.
    Since the Sharpened Shield broke off from the other Helmites, it had only become clearer that people seeking protection would sooner approach Lenik and his sect than Sarah. One such person was the merchant Trystan, who had indeed asked both groups for aid; Sarah had offered him Helmite bodyguards to combat the threats on him and his wife; Michal could only imagine what Lenik had offered, or done, but he had not heard much from Trystan since.

    Barging through the doors, Michal remembered why he had come. The sending - much like a rogue had done long ago, a boast and a bluff, which had brought Larks’ iron gauntlet to the culprit’s face. Trystan and his wife stood at the bar, ordering some drinks while Lenik stood alongside the man named Khasim – the only other member of the Sharpened Shield Michal knew of. It took a while for him to realise that, again, he had arrived in full battle-array whereas Lenik and the others had garbed themselves in casual clothing… all but Khasim. Before he could wonder if that piece of information was significant the doors burst open again behind him, and three men entered, the target of Lenik’s sending: Banites.
    “You’re walking a thin line, Trystan,â€

  • Rise and Fall of Thune

    5 Posts

    Good stuff. I think Moloch covered the most important part for the timeline. Some of this might find its way into "Winter 1381: The Vision - Siege of Arabel" as well. I still don't know what all this Vision business was about though, so I can't write that up yet!

  • Clar Banda, The Dark Queen

    12 Posts


    The many voices in dark places speak of evil, everyone knows the truth but time and time again efforts to stop this evil before it spread have been turned back. For evil to be vanquished, good must stand united, and the greatest efforts to purge the darkness with the light must be made. Talk to your friends, talk to your allies, seek out higher powers, let the noble houses that such vileness cannot be stood any longer. If we speak as one, if we act as one, anything is possible.

  • Baneblades

    3 Posts

    *The first few chapters deal with the history of Demron's early life in the paradise of Myth Drannor, deep in the heart of the forest of Cormanthyr.

    However, the later chapters begin to discuss his works, specifically the enchantment and creation of the Baneblades for which his name is famous for*

    The baneblades of Demron encompass three hundred years of enchanting by this human mage that resided in Myth Drannor.

    They are a masterful set of blades, each with it's own set of special properties.

    The first three were created at the behest of Arms-Major Pirphal Faerondaryl for his newest lieutenants. The Major wanted a blade for each of his non-elven officers, and as such, Demron set about the creation of Evaelathil, Mhaorathil and Morvian in the Year of the Battle Talons.

    More than a century later, in the Year of the Empty Helm, Faervian was created for the use of the seniror officers of the Akh'Faer.

    In the Year of the Gored Griffon, Demron completed his enchantments on Dragathil for Major Pirphal, but the sword was lost a mere 16 years later in a battle against the black dragon Crinabnahor.

    Fifty-nine years later, Demron completed a three-year long process of enchanting the sixth and final baneblae, Keryvian. It was to be the new symbol of the Arms-Major after the loss of Dragathil, and the undoing of Demron, who was found slumped over his work table dead, the magic of the newely laid enchantment still flickering on the blade.

    Known as the most powerful of the baneblades, Keryvian's edge struck the final blow to the Grand Commander of the Army of Darkness.

    While the blades bare Demron's name, they are a result of a collaborative effort of dwarven forgers and elven and halfling crafters.

    Below is an appendix of the six blades:

    The Flamebane
    Assigned wielders: Halfling
    Type: Short sword

    The Plaguebane
    Assigned wielders: Dwarf
    Type: Short sword

    The Darkbane
    Assigned wielder: Warrior
    Type: Two-handed sword

    The Battlebane
    Assigned wielder: Wizard
    Type: Long sword

    The Hatebane
    Assigned wielder: Warrior
    Type: Long sword

    The Foebane
    Assigned wielder: Warrior
    Type: Bastard Sword

    While speculation abounds as to the fate of these blades no one knows their true location. Most believe that the ones taken by the defenders of Myth Drannor before it's fall were spread among the countryside, hidden from the oncoming foes.

    Those that fell to the Army of Darkness are thought to have been lost to toll of time and war, or destroyed altogether.

  • Odds and Sods and Fun facts

    3 Posts

    More fun with Prophecies

    The beast of no form shall stalk the nightmares of the condemed
    The Spectral Bebilith accidentally (created by Ky''ran crashing a summoning ritual) that hunted amidst the slums under the guidance an alhoon dwelling (under) there. A few attempts were made to hunt the former, whilst the latter was generally undisturbed despite having its lair exposed several times.

    The wolfs head shall be set ablaze and drink the blood of the innocent
    One of the few PC's generally got right, referring to Black Bloods, and the renegade druid with the fire staff.

    The dragons own claw shall tear its heart out
    Theories bounced around a lot. Then corrupted war wizards killed Dauneth Marliir and the point got across.

    _The city of the fallen sun shall give shealter to a master of blood and his [hunger shall be great summoning heros to do war apon him [/i]
    See - Nostra Ayitheren

    A great calamity in the desert shall be change to the forest realm. The dragons will fight against it, but alone they will fail
    They sure didn't take the hint here for the longest time, turning down or alienating possible allies left and right over (relative to the threat) minor differences.

    "Deep within the blasted lands, dark magic pulls the blood of the world, twisting it to feed the sands, and bring back once more the times of old. Through sand and water, fire and cold, must heroes of light destroy the obelisk of old."

    Most of its obvious. The inobvious part (Sand=Earth, Water=Water, Fire=Fire, Cold=Air) was Use #298177262767374839101 for the Staff of Elemental Authority that never saw daylight. (Strangely, the PCs immediately set about trying to find a made up (I don't know by who) set of brand new Elemental Runes, rather than considering the existing staves.

    Seek the Gate of Moon by riding upon the Wheel of Fates, blessing of the Mother above and the Emissary will go forth.
    With the PCs having ditched most of their potential allies due to questionable nature, we resurrected the Gates plot out of early conceptual brainstorming (its a canon thing). They rushed things rather a tad, and ended up opening the Gates to the wrong place due to Shadovar interference.

    A weaver of dark webs plagues the nightmares of the downtrodden, The twin crawlers upon the minds of others gather in the forgotten strongholds, and the bird of fire seeks to fly to the moon. Followers of the Oath shall gather, some deceived, some not, and cast down the False guardian, and free the Red Oak once more. These are the signs that the Rotting One draws near once more, though in the guise of a shepherd's cloth.

    Spectral bebilith still kicking around. The pair of Phaerimm (One in Naz'tualgar/Drakengard/Nowadays better known as Zhools volcano, one under Thunderhome fighting the Dracolich for territory). Bird of Fire (The Emissary/Phoenix celestial) and the Gates again (Not to be confused with the literal moon. An entire bit on the Staves (accurate at the time, later retconned) being used to remove the Guardian, itself a disruption to the Balance and feeding off the Red Oak (that gave the glade its name). The Rotting One, and the Shepherds were part of the new character metaplot project, but was later dropped as I retired out of DMing, v4 started, and the players involved mostly ditched the characters anyways._

  • Character Tales

    2 Posts

    Since I was running over the time period for him anyways, Aueft is long departed, and some people may wonder at the backstory of that ranting nutjob in the fugue (if he's still there)

    Riautu Er'kust

    _A half-red dragon of uncertain origin, Riautu Er'kust was a figure in numerous events of 1374. A member of the Cult of the Dragon, and a worshipper of the Dragon Death God, Null, he came to Arabel with his bodyguard to act on the cult's interests.

    Initially seeming to be a friendly, if unsociable, presence, his frightful natural talents gained him some prestige amongst the adventuring populace. His Cults first notable success was in contacting the black dragon Othokentvivex, and securing an alliance with him by recovering for him the Elemental Staff of Air (ironically purchasing it from House Bresk, who was looking to kill Otho at the time).

    While Riautu was successful in convincing Othokentvivex to undergo the ritual to become a dracolich, the dragon was slain before final preparations could occur. The presence of the elemental staff in the dragons belongings pointed a quick finger to Riautu, and he became heavily opposed by goodly groups.

    Seeking to consolidate himself, he embarked on a journey, joined by those allies who could still be convinced to travel with him. Leading a "raid" into the crypt where Clar Banda was sealed, he was able to reach her pocket dimension, receiving an answer from her on the matter of a potential patron, in exchange for a sample of his draconic life force.

    His companions, unknown as to what transpired within Banda's pocket plane inside the crypt, continued with him north into the edge of the Anauroch. A brief encounter with a shadowy mage pointed him a ruined outpost, wherein he located the sanctuary of Kar'thax'alon, the Dark Flame. Amused by his boldness, Kar'thax demanded a sacrifice in exchange for bestowing championship upon Riautu.

    An elven cleric, thus far deluded into the journey, was acknowledged by Riautu, and despite an attempt to escape, ensnared by Kar'thax. The elf's soul was then trapped inside Riautu's scythe, and bestowed upon him as a token and reminder of his oaths to the demon.

    Riautu and the cult would then seek out the next known dragon in the region, the blue Mahrlee, and persuade her to undertake the ritual to protect her recent offspring. This agenda failed to come to fruition when Riautu (having become an outlaw at this point as suspicions became verified, including the elf's murder) was taken down by a large scale ambush perpetrated by the Iron Anvil.

    Riautu's soul remained unable to progress to his proper afterlife due to his oaths to Kar'thax, and was summoned to do battle with the Knights of the Merciful Sword when they confronted the demon. The paladins defeat of Kar'thax would free him, but he remains wandering the fugue, guiding the other souls of draconic heritage in service to his lord._

  • The Purpose of this Forum

    2 Posts


    Embellishing stories to make for a better read and a bit of artistic license is fine, but please, don't go overboard with it. It might not seem to you so, but what your characters has actually done and seen ingame is quite enough to make captivating stories. Adding in events that never happened will only make for conflicting and confusing stories down the line.


    Adding specific beings that you really have no idea behind.
    A minor example of this came up with Wanderer, on the old forums, where he was described in an odd almost 180 way of his actual personality, by someone other then me. If you intend to portray others, you should check with the person behind them for accuracy, and if you're adding generic thugs or the like for story, keep them generic.

    -Incorporating canonical (or otherwise) elements without verifying them.
    Evil Helmties can't slaughter children, no matter what, they'd lose their powers instantly, and probably attract some form of divine wrath even if not clerics by misusing Helm's name. simialr cases would be naming/knowing the Shadow Weave, claiming memberships you don't have, making up blatantly false orders, and so on. An IC lie should be portrayed as such, in an OOC history.

    While self-aggrandizing to some extent is going to occur, and since it's written form is the character's perspective, even more likely. We're more then likely to step in and point out stuff that completely is out of touch with the factual basis of what happened.

    lizard's note:

    Story writers are going to be putting in enough effort as it is, and going and checking and double-checking if their work portrays another character correctly or not may be a bit much to ask. So, if you write about a character in your story and you think they may not be following this project, send them a PM with the chapter(s) that concern them and ask them to read over and say if they're not happy with the portrayel of their character. In the author's eyes what they're writing is fine, without conflicts, or else they wouldn't write it or would voice their unsureness. We do need editors to check on spelling, grammer, readability, but we also need people involved in the plots to check in and make sure what's being written is true, or if it isn't 100% true, then it is still covering all the major points, and if you feel a change is needed then say so. No one here can read another's mind in any sense but the guessing game, we need you to tell us where we've stepped wrong.

    Just make a post in the relevent plot thread and say how you feel. If your character was braver than shown, if they never ran but stood and fought after drawing their opponent into a trap, or if your character was never so compassionate and charismatic but a true jerk, and you don't feel he's being portrayed enough as such. If you feel you've been treated unfairly by the author, whatever it is, let us know.


    I'd appreciate it if anyone outside of the project who wants to post something do so in the General Discussion thread on this forum than anywhere else, for the sake of keeping it all ordered.

    If you are involved with the project and havn't been given moderator privelages yet (ie. if you can edit this post, you're good!) then send me a PM.

    Oh, and i'd appreciate if people disabled sigs while posting in the "Plot:" threads. Makes it easier to read, trust me.