Changes to the module
The World Serpent Inn password is back, and its a new password -- you learn it on a quest for new players, old players who had a character transferred will have to find it the old fashioned way (or PM me, and I'll let you know cause I'm such a nice guy). cough its "scales"* ...I don't want a bunch of PMs really.
The Damp Caves quest is back for 6-8th level PCs; and improved!
Hell Cows is new and improved for v6.
Celas gives a quest to you when you're level 6, it'll lead to a few other 'fetch' style quests that are really only designed to help new players find their way around the city (I'll be working on this slowly though for a bit).
I accidentally broke some appearances....I'll be fixing this soon.
- made the slums slummier
- added a few description triggers in the city
- few details/modifications in the PD castle - including trash bins!
4107 - did MANY bug fixes.
You should no longer die and drop below sixth level.
Respawn penalty should be at 18 as proper now, it was set to 20%.
Repair kits and healing kits should hopefully all work now, except maybe +6 healing kits. I hit a snag.
Damp Caves quest should have the blade and altar both working correctly now.
Moved the Wand/Bookseller shop, Magical Mysteries across from the bazaar. Goal is to make a bit of easier for new players to learn their way around, they'll do Celas' fetch quest, that leads them past Froidoc and to the bazaar while giving a clue on how to get into the World Serpent Inn. This is a bit of a WIP.
City now has gates!
Stonelands quests should now all be updated and available.
This includes the Goblin/Kobold hunting quests.
Lost Soul Quest
Stingers QuestThese are all for 6-8th level PCs, low level rewards that should give roughly 250 xp and gold per person.
This shouldn't have affected anything else in the module since the Stonelands creatures are exclusively used there, as are the stingers; but the zombies/ghouls on the Lost Soul quest are boosted and may appear in other areas. I can't imagine that causes a problem since they're now balanced for the lowest level challenges though, but alert me to any bugs of any kind via the forums mates.
mostly a bunch of behind the scenes stuff fixed
LOTS of creature appearances fixed
House of Dead set up
Warforged shop maybe fixed
typos/grammar here and there fixedv4117
maybe fixed sending history
maybe fixed repair kits again
Removed Ratlandia quest
Updated Thrar's convo
Maybe fixed the issue with the door in the kobold cave quest area -
- Lots more appearance fixes for creatures and placeables
- Sending history dot command works now
- Alana's Ogre's Quest fixes
- Slaad quest fixes
- New Kanthea's Tower
- House of Death added
- Work on upcoming RCF (Really Cool Feature!)
- Behind-the-Scenes stuff done for release of upcoming RCAs (Really Cool Areas!)
- Mechanical Factory placeable appearances fixed
- Fixed transition to Ogre Quest cave.
- Relocated the transition to the Wailing Fog to its correct geographical location (ie, eastern side of the map, just past Firefall Keep).
We are now updated to Beamdog version 8179 (1.76).
Please update your Beamdog clients accordingly.
Lizardfolk Spawns have been updated across the board for reasons.
If you run into abnormally OP lizardfolk please do let me know.
Time Vortex nerfed significantly. Removed Hold Monster.
- King's Forest CARES updated
- Wyvernwater moved to the correct side of the King's Forest
- Some cosmetic changes to the King's Forest
- Some new IG lore sprinkled around the mod to discover
- King's Forest updated with some new lore, better CARES and fun lil' exploration rewards
- Stormhorns Mountains are now updated, many thanks to Echo for this beautiful area
- Scamerton is out of service as the quest is being remade
- Minor cosmetic changes here and there across the server
- Some minor location/link adjustments for a more realistic and fun world design
- Lore nuggets dropped here and there
Spawn Points work now, old PCs need to pass through the Departure NPC to be validated. This is does automatically with new PCs
Area damage/ drowning is new and improved
Bounty items should now spawn correctly
Player Password has been disabled
Lag should have been reduced A LOT -
City size is reduced with v4147. let me know if I skipped any special doors/transitions/placeables of importance.
The Pit has been removed from the module and remains a background object -
Maybe fixed Dorettas convo
Fixed lots of transitions in the cityGnomish Wonders
militia HQ
to enter Arabel from the High Road
exiting magical curiosities and books
gladstone quest entrance
sewer transitions Central & SW
Gilmore's quest entranceMaybe fixed Mertoi quest giver
Fixed Temon's & Shaundauk shrine heal kits should now work as intendedWOrking on updating healing kits in quest areas; this is a tedious process so have patience. If you find a healing kit that does not work, please PM me the EXACT location you found it. (ie. ZQAA: Hillmarch: Baleful Ravine, or whatever).
New dungeon levels available in the Haunted Halls, happy exploring.
- The Sewers, Sewer Bar, Effluvial Lake have all been remade. This will resolve a couple of bugs related to the areas, give new fun hideouts for criminals and give some fresh new areas for people to enjoy.
- Additionally, the Twisted Caverns have been redesigned, they no longer reach out to the Thunderpeaks, Wailing Fog or Hullack Forest.
- A new dungeon related to all of this will hopefully be released along with the area updates
These changes will be live within the next 24 hours
- EXP scaling has been edited to reflect our recent level changes
- The previous post changes are now live
- The underwater cavern areas have been removed for now
- Various cavern areas have been removed
- Malar Shrine is now located in the Twisted Caverns
- Druid Grove NPCs are now located in the Twisted Caverns
- Removed a large amount of doors from the sewers
- Various bugs fixed
- Slight tweak to King's Forest: Calantar's Gate to match Arabel
- East Way and the King's Forest: Graveyard are now linked
- HoD now has a OOC spawnpoint
- Bresk available in the House of the Dead
- Mino quest available in Eveningstar, Phoenix and Unicorn
- Helmlands cavern quest available in the Estate of House Winter in Eveningstar