Changes to the module
Keep in mind, Withering Heights will probably have been changed as well. I'll try and work on that today once I return from work.
Bowser 4061
Updated Lost Love Alley in Old Town to reflect the Gondan cleansing led by Bhaliir.
Updated Haunted Halls - Lair of the Lich King after the events of the "SKELETOR" event. Go check it out!
Citadel Entry message updated to reflect the rule of Chancellor Bhaliir. Tax man and stall removed.
Puffy 4062
- Feys no longer spawn in Tilverwood
- Glade of Freedom is blasted
- New description/tree in Tilverton
Puffy 4063
- Lair of Temptation removed, plot wrapped up long ago
- Arael removed to reflect recent events
- Tilverton area description updated
- Tilverton is going to be updated soon to reflect recent events, the update will also serve as a bug fixer to resolve some lag issues
- Undead Isle will be removed from the module to reflect it's destruction
As of 4069
Undead Isle Removed. The Reagent shop is ...somewhere new.
Gypsy Healer is now 6-11
Gladstone is now 6-11
Castle Assault is now 6-11 (may be boosted higher)
Waves Against the Grain is now 6-11
Pits of Shargaas is now 6-11
Off With Her Head (Bresk) is now 6-11
Tyche's Crypt is now 6-8, loot and spawns adjusted to accommodate. -
Io-Rach is now 6-11.
Gypsy is now 6-14. The first part is (slightly) harder. The optional is considerably harder.
Loot updated to reflect changes.
Missing Merchants is now 8-13 with XP/GP reward adjusted. Orc Champion encounter adjusted for the time being, may be tweaked again.
- Moonsea Ride is now located North of Arabel, as it is in canon
- Hillmarch and Redwood have been removed
- Eastway Village has been removed
- Eastern Wildlands are now renamed to East Way and links to the hullack, as it is in canon
- High Way is now High Road, located West of Arabel, as it is in canon
- King's Swamp: West Gate, has been renamed to King's Swamp: Calantar's Gate
- King's Swamp: Calantar's Gate is linked to Downtown and is located South West of Arabel, as it is in canon
- Tilverton and Tilverwood have been merged and are linked to Moonsearide to the North, as it is in Canon
- the Citadel, Downtown, Old Town, Militia Tower has been updated
Fixed a line in the medkits script. Medkits should now function properly. Please let me know if you find issues related to this particular change.
- Arabel has been changed, we now have 1 area rather than 3. Most city interiors have been renewed or edited as well
- The World Serpent Inn is now the main hub, replacing Maleen's Spire
- The Hullack Forest has been remade with a new exciting layout
Maleen's Spire and World Serpent Inn are now hooked up and available IG
- Fixed beaver appearance. (no dirty jokes, boys)
- Removed the qs_doors from Maysen Cellar
- Appearances fixed:
Area name: King's Swamp: Calantar's Gate
Appearance issue: Gater has turned into a giant Kenko, located next to the gates linked to DowntownArea name: Gilmor's Tower
Appearance issue: Paintings as Barrels, Poster-board as BottleArea Name: Wyvernwater - Isle of Immersea - Interiors
Appearance issues: Sailors outfit, Offering Bowl turned into a tableArea Name: Eveningstar
Appearance Issues: Purple Dragon Lionar Shield, runestones turned into a shelf, invisible boyarea name : kings swamp calantar gate
appearance issue : the gnomish contraption is now a wrecked shipArea: The lost Ring Quest, area where the dirge's spawn.
Issue: Dire dirges currently look like half invisible armored horses.Arabel: Factory, House of Creation
Fixed appearances on armors of some of the smiths. for some reason one leg of their armor was blue and red when the rest was brown/neutral colors.Area name: Entire Server
Appearance issue: All NPCs with the Blacksmith Apron clothing (I think I got them all)- Fixed the convo of the Shaundakul NPC in the WSI
- Fixed Repair Kits.
- Added a Skybox to King's Swamp Calantar's Gate
- Fixed Gryphon appearance.
The dye merchants have been fixed, you may now buy dyes from Doretta in Needles and Threads, Myriam in the WSI and from the dye merchant in the starting area.
- New PD Castle is live.
- Fixed the recipe for Iron Large Shield -- it requires 2 iron bars, not 1 as indicated on the recipe.
- Fixed ice elementals' appearances.
- Fixed "Floating Book" in Arabel City from Shark to book.
- Applied this fix to ALL flying books.
- Fixed appearances for Young Crocodile, Young Elephant, Displacer beasts (2 varieties),
- Refixed this bug.
The World Serpent Inn password is back, and its a new password -- you learn it on a quest for new players, old players who had a character transferred will have to find it the old fashioned way (or PM me, and I'll let you know cause I'm such a nice guy). cough its "scales"* ...I don't want a bunch of PMs really.
The Damp Caves quest is back for 6-8th level PCs; and improved!
Hell Cows is new and improved for v6.
Celas gives a quest to you when you're level 6, it'll lead to a few other 'fetch' style quests that are really only designed to help new players find their way around the city (I'll be working on this slowly though for a bit).
I accidentally broke some appearances....I'll be fixing this soon.
- made the slums slummier
- added a few description triggers in the city
- few details/modifications in the PD castle - including trash bins!
4107 - did MANY bug fixes.
You should no longer die and drop below sixth level.
Respawn penalty should be at 18 as proper now, it was set to 20%.
Repair kits and healing kits should hopefully all work now, except maybe +6 healing kits. I hit a snag.
Damp Caves quest should have the blade and altar both working correctly now.
Moved the Wand/Bookseller shop, Magical Mysteries across from the bazaar. Goal is to make a bit of easier for new players to learn their way around, they'll do Celas' fetch quest, that leads them past Froidoc and to the bazaar while giving a clue on how to get into the World Serpent Inn. This is a bit of a WIP.
City now has gates!
Stonelands quests should now all be updated and available.
This includes the Goblin/Kobold hunting quests.
Lost Soul Quest
Stingers QuestThese are all for 6-8th level PCs, low level rewards that should give roughly 250 xp and gold per person.
This shouldn't have affected anything else in the module since the Stonelands creatures are exclusively used there, as are the stingers; but the zombies/ghouls on the Lost Soul quest are boosted and may appear in other areas. I can't imagine that causes a problem since they're now balanced for the lowest level challenges though, but alert me to any bugs of any kind via the forums mates.