Changes to the module
Spawn point added for Tilverton.
Fast Travel Added to Tilverton (one way to Arabel).Cobble Demon Door Fixed.
Various changes made to Ratlandia quest. -
Fixed a dialogue error on the freedom fighter (ratlandia quest giver).
As of v4041:
- Temon will no longer purchase contraband (i.e., bloodstones, bleakstones, infernal stones, madcaps, and bottled fey). This change does not retroactively affect illegal items previously obtained, so please use common sense. If you can sell it to Temon and it falls into the above categories, you probably shouldn't sell it.
- Tilverton now features crafting stations and shops. If these do not work for some reason, please ping me over Discord.
- Anyone ever been up to the Primordial's Eye and see that weird wand that was always beneath the ice? I deleted it. Stupid V4 litterers!
- Minor bugfixes in shops in surrounding hamlets.
Nerf to half-dragons, their AC is natural AC now not deflection.
Fixed their breath weapons though to work properly.Fixed Polar Bear Claw and Vaasa Boots, were OP! Boots now have 5 cold resistance instead of 10. ;)
AC boots, rings, amulets are back in the module with merchants. There was never, honestly, a great reason to remove these and they made people more reliant on potions to boost AC, but the items here don't stack with potions. So they should not be a huge problem.
Deleted some little used/incomplete areas in the module: Hillmarch Springs, Stormhorns Snow Wildlands, etc. You probably won't miss them, no idea what they were for but they were not finished and hopefully not even accessible!
Deleted the magic store in the Merchant Hall, same exact store exists in three other spots on the module. Some just two transitions away; so it was bloated resources.
Axani now available for applications. Let your inner mechanus out!
Magma Genasi available.
Smoke Genasi Available.
Ice Genasi AvailableSoon to come:
Dust Genasi
Steam Genasi
Goliath (Maaaaybe)
Kenku (Maaaaybe)
Arctic Dwarf
Aquatic Elf
KataneBasic information will be made available for each in good time.
As of v4049:
Rali Esidian in the Dwarven Embassy, Wellby Underbrough in Downtown, and Milmandir in the Spire have all had their shops updated with new gear tied to their races (i.e., dwarf, halfling, and elf, respectively). Feedback welcomed on these changes.
Some small, under-the-hood fixes to Tilverton.
Changes to the Monument of the Ooze Quest Table. No more contraband.
Edit made to Ghul Subrace. No more onhit stun, instead, it has 1/day ghoul's touch. -
Moloch 4057
I've redone two quests to match our v6 guidelines and start testing some shifts and changes---so if anything is strange, out of balance, too good to be true, or way too much risk for reward on these quests as the updates go through let me know.
Garonius the Explorer in the ruins
Old Woman - Rescue the Kid (now located in Tilverton)Fixed Doretta's conversation
Balance changes to Stoned (Archprelate) quest--this quest had enemies regularly dropping cure critical wound potions which was too good to be true for a quest in this level range, they'll drop serious wound potions instead. Some foes were rebalanced.
Temon's buy prices for stolen goods was set to 1%, it was 2% and that's honestly too much considering the value of some items. He no longer buy's scrolls, but Nebririlimar should buy scrolls with a 50 gp cap; the fact that very high level scrolls can be found in the module means these changes keep people from making far too much gold off some quests.
Starting level is now sixth. Players will start currently with 5,000 gold. There has been an update to the starting store with better gear, which should be about what a sixth level player would have earned. You can only take 1000 gold with you out of the Road to Arabel; and this may need to be adjusted-we're going to be tracking gold and gear from this area very carefully to make sure no one is exploiting this; so if you find/discover a problem, please let us know right away!
You can not go below level 6 even with respawning/raises; it is possible to drop below six if you pay xp from other sources (like potion/scroll/wand making--so DO NOT do that right now!).
Moloch 4060
Updates to Hanse Quest; quest giver now conforms to v6 guidelines (ie: social rolls at the end of the quest for extra rewards, XP now based on individual rather than group, loot boost, level range 6-11). Fixed bandit "spams" of spells--problem was not the bandit spamming, so much as up to 8 mages/clerics could appear all able to cast spells and that made it lethal.
As with the Lost Kid and Slaad Crypts; please report any strange bugs or problems.
Also keep in mind, enemies that appear on any of these three quests were rebalanced for v6 (mostly meaning monsters below CR 6 got boosted up to the CR 6-11 range)--that could cause problems if these foes appear on other quests or areas. That's what REALLY went wrong with the mage/clerics on this quest. If you note a problem like that, let me know. I'll be trying to retool/revise one or two quests a week so if there is a problem quest that'll be the priority for revision.
Keep in mind, Withering Heights will probably have been changed as well. I'll try and work on that today once I return from work.
Bowser 4061
Updated Lost Love Alley in Old Town to reflect the Gondan cleansing led by Bhaliir.
Updated Haunted Halls - Lair of the Lich King after the events of the "SKELETOR" event. Go check it out!
Citadel Entry message updated to reflect the rule of Chancellor Bhaliir. Tax man and stall removed.
Puffy 4062
- Feys no longer spawn in Tilverwood
- Glade of Freedom is blasted
- New description/tree in Tilverton
Puffy 4063
- Lair of Temptation removed, plot wrapped up long ago
- Arael removed to reflect recent events
- Tilverton area description updated
- Tilverton is going to be updated soon to reflect recent events, the update will also serve as a bug fixer to resolve some lag issues
- Undead Isle will be removed from the module to reflect it's destruction
As of 4069
Undead Isle Removed. The Reagent shop is ...somewhere new.
Gypsy Healer is now 6-11
Gladstone is now 6-11
Castle Assault is now 6-11 (may be boosted higher)
Waves Against the Grain is now 6-11
Pits of Shargaas is now 6-11
Off With Her Head (Bresk) is now 6-11
Tyche's Crypt is now 6-8, loot and spawns adjusted to accommodate. -
Io-Rach is now 6-11.
Gypsy is now 6-14. The first part is (slightly) harder. The optional is considerably harder.
Loot updated to reflect changes.
Missing Merchants is now 8-13 with XP/GP reward adjusted. Orc Champion encounter adjusted for the time being, may be tweaked again.
- Moonsea Ride is now located North of Arabel, as it is in canon
- Hillmarch and Redwood have been removed
- Eastway Village has been removed
- Eastern Wildlands are now renamed to East Way and links to the hullack, as it is in canon
- High Way is now High Road, located West of Arabel, as it is in canon
- King's Swamp: West Gate, has been renamed to King's Swamp: Calantar's Gate
- King's Swamp: Calantar's Gate is linked to Downtown and is located South West of Arabel, as it is in canon
- Tilverton and Tilverwood have been merged and are linked to Moonsearide to the North, as it is in Canon
- the Citadel, Downtown, Old Town, Militia Tower has been updated
Fixed a line in the medkits script. Medkits should now function properly. Please let me know if you find issues related to this particular change.