Changes to the module
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed issues with Mapping specific Points Of interests with the Mapping system, based on bug reports PMed to me.
- The Protection from Petrification potion stopped working and had to be fixed. It is now fixed, but if you have existing potions they will still not work(They will work like normal Stoneskins). If you want them replaced get a hold of a DM online, otherwise feel free to use your remaining ones like Stoneskin potions.
Upgrades to the Brewing System:
- In the past we had a method in place to replace very old recipes from before we made the first upgrade, and migrate them to the new system(Potions from before 3/3/2017). Due to some changes we are making to support more content in this system, we can no longer continue to support this fix. This means that very old recipes from before 3/3/2017(Six months ago) will be broken and not work. The team will not be replacing these old recipes with new ones - We believe we were more than fair to allow enough time for migration.
- We are working to add many more new recipes into the cycle and working to upgrade the system accordingly. This also include certain Alterations that will appear in bottle form and will be brewable.
- We are slowly moving away from the orthodox way Potion recipes are spawned and adopt the way they are randomly created with the other crafts. Might take some time but thats our direction.
7 new Potion recipes were added to the Brewing system, and more will be added in the near future(Some also give you access to alterations and other powerful spells).
Will be fully available to players after some balance testing.
Began to test the new Random Potion Recipe feature of the Brewing System and placed some Random Potion Recipes in several popular quests' loot tables. This means the new potion recipes we added will now begin to spawn. The system is integrated with our new debugging system and we will ensure there are no errors and that the Potion Recipe randomization is monitored for BI. As always: If you see something that is likely too good to be true - Report it to me via a PM right away.
Integrated several more key systems with our New Debugging System, so you will begin to see more Error messages delivered to you by it in case there is an issue. The system will only send you error messages, via the Debugging System Messenger. If you see that things become to crazy and that you get served too many error messages(That should help to troubleshoot bugs and fix them faster), let me know and I will create a dot command that allows you to opt out from the messages. The systems that were integrated are:
- The Brewing System
- Invasion System
- Mapping System
- Custom Portals System
- Create Item / Create Object Validators - To ensure these items/objects exist and werent deleted.
- Validation of Storage Chest unique Tag(To ensure you dont suffer from connected Storage syndrome).
Next we will work on integrating the Quest, Subraces, Class Kits and Crafting systems with the New Debugging System, to ensure we have more tools to troubleshoot issues faster and fix them. If you come have ideas for additional systems/cases that should be monitored by the system feel free to do so via PMs.
- Several Bugs were fixed:
- Additional New Brewing Potion Recipes were added in and will now spawn across the server. Additionally we have expanded our Random Potion Recipe spawn to more quests - So you will see the new recipes more and more often.
- We began working towards creating Negative Essences that will function like Healing Potions to Undead(NPC, PC and Summons). Once the kinks are taken care off we will open it up to be brewed/crafted as well, giving more support this way to Necromancers.
As of next reset
Mushroom and Knightswood quests should now reset
Changes to loot those quests and fixed some floating shit in Eastern Wilds.
- Vaasa, Chult, Papercut and Scholar Hunt are now available in the Spire again
- Nef is available in the Spire
- Updated to the Spire to reflect recent events
As of 3841:
- Penal Legion Quarters updated. Black Will can provide you guys with buffs.
- Fixes to Crypts of the Triumvirate.
- Raznor no longer sells socket gear.
- Bhersken Point updated- more to come, enjoy the piked heads.
- Fixed Bug:
- Fixed Bug:
- Fixed Bug:
- Fixed Bug:
- Changes to costs on Raise and Resurrection, for balance across the server.
Any issues or difference in cost that you believe is an issue, please PM me or send a bug report in.
- Updated Eastway Castle to reflex changes
- Citadel updated to reflect new Warden
- Downtown updated to reflect new Warden
- Militia Tower updated to reflect new Warden
- Castle Eveningstar updated to reflect new Warden
Fixed Guild Hall. Entry point now on the other side of old Lhal Estate
Warden Hawkin's Estate added. This includes Noble wage chest and was an update/change to the original Lhal estate to keep everything in place
Some issues/bugs fixed
- Stonelands updated
- Poison Water Inn updated
- Anauroch: Southern Border added
- Spelling mistakes inside Arabel fixed, some left
- Temple of Green Flames is know live!
- Eastway updated to reflect recent events
- Tilverton updated to reflect recent events
- New area called Tilverwood added, acts as a go between Moonsearide/Rauswana and Tilverton
Heal now does only 100 hp per level of healing.
Heal now only does 10hp of damage per level to undead. -
I found a bug in one of the main scripts that handles utilities and functions in the module. I fixed the bug, but what means we may now FIND MANY MORE bugs in any scripts that were made "since" the bug I found was created. Almost no scripts that needed this main one to function were actually running correctly. Oops. Watch for weird things!
Updated an area in the Underdark to be a little more interesting, ran out of time though unfortunately before I could give it all the functions I wanted--but we'll be back to it more. Salt Marches if you're curious, please provide feedback or ideas on anything else we could do to spice up this area that was 'interesting' but isn't quite yet "AWESOME". Specific CARES for the area are on the way too, hopefully tomorrow.
Fixed Mountain Yew, Juniper, Oak, Green Apple, Occasio trees to all have more HP, so they're not destroyed by a critical hit with an axe.
Any other suggestions for CRAFTING? Oh, yes. I'd like to do some more with crafting soon. Message or post for me.
- Xmas tree added last night, heard a rumor it was needed :)
Will remind myself to remove it
- Other minor updates to estates and such
Update to Smithing
Drop cost of Occasio Coal recipe from 60 to 40.
list itemDrop the cost of Tinder from 60 to 40. Tinder is needed to make coal, takes 2 occasio planks and tinder. (Means coal costs 40 gold base now instead of 60).
Drop the cost of store bought coal from 110 to 90. -
list itemI'm making "charcoal" (bs_charcoal); it'll cost a tinder and two oak planks to make. It produces 2 charcoals, so roughly we get:
list itemCharcoal 20 gold
list itemCoal 60 gold or 90 in store.
list itemIron Bars can be made with charcoal now instead of coal. Cost of Iron Bars then moves from 110 gold to 90 gold with store bought coal or 60 to 20 with charcoal. Charcoal can be bought for 30 gold, so its cheaper to make.
list itemCharcoal recipe is for sale for 4 gold in universal store. Iron Arrow recipe for 60. --these arrows are a cheap consumable players can sell, this will make smithing much easier to level for awhile and always give them a way to make money and take gold from other players.
list itemCharcoal (20 gold) instead of Coal (60 gold) is now needed to make iron weapons.
list itemThis puts them around the same cost as woodworking arrows now. (about 20 gold more-but reasonable)
list itemThis means an Iron Longsword which once cost:
list item110 coal, plus 220 iron bars, 100 cloth wrappings or 430 gold if you bought it all in a store (or 60 coal, plus 60 iron bars x 2, 100 cloth wrappings) 280 if you harvested everything yourself NOW would cost (35 charcoal, 35 iron bars x 2, 100 cloth wrapping) 205 gold if you buy everything in a shop or 160 if you make it all yourself.
list itemSimilar treatment to all the other iron weapons. This really puts them all much closer to woodcrafting costs.
Added Cure Potion recipes to Alchemist's shop. These were originally removed so we could update and improve the potion crafting system; if there are "must have" recipes that should be in shops still, let me know. But basic Cure/Animal Buff 2nd level Pots should be available for crafters.
Let me know if crafting stores don't open, I did a thing to make it easier to mod crafting in the future, and hopefully that did not break the stores.
Small number of technical changes to a half dozen creatures; these will just make them easier to work with in the toolset from now one. However, let me know if suddenly they disappear from quests or random spawns (which could happen theoretically)...
Salt Marches should now have a complete overhaul if you want to go there to die or explore. Its now mappable as well if anyone does cartography (does anyone do cartography? Some of you must enjoy map making!)
Minor balance adjustments to Starwater Gorge's Missing Merchant quest, I noticed every group that does this is leaping down through the pit trap, that tells me the trap itself and leaping down a hole without thinking is not risky enough-it should be a little riskier now but let me know. Minor balance adjustment on the more powerful creature that spawns there, should not make a huge difference but the toughest monster on that quest probably shouldn't fire of a level 1 spell when there is a better level 3 spell, and gave it 20 more HP.
Renamed Juvenile Stinger because honestly killing adolescent monsters is silly. Its now a Stinger Soldier, same creature though.
I forgot to add, a special holiday gift is in the module for everyone. Head on over to Outskirts: Eastern Wildlands to find the midwinter grove!
Various new items in the factory.
Bully Boots in the toy store should now work (use with caution).
Warforged are now an appable race.