Changes to the module
Temporary fix in for all infernalists, will have a full fix in when I get a chance. Research can continue for those who I asked to stop for now and you can now use the infernal circle to perform a minor act.
The new Old Town area is now live
- Changes/fixes to Old town are in place
New boat system in the server, which covers the whole server with 2 split services!
Blue Dragon Ferry:
Headstone Isle
Windfall Isle
Isle of Steel
Outset IsleRiver Saints Ship:
Old Town
Undead Isle
Headstone Isle
Windfall Isle
Isle of Steel
Outset Isle -
Albon's now has a store and the innkeeper isn't a man in disguise (or is she?)
Updates to the following estates: Winter, Wyvernspur, Mertoi
Shattered Tusk grounds removed from the mod due to PLOT
Mrs Fisher has opened shop in Eastway -
- Moved Dwarven Carpenter Gemma Glimmerforge to the Room with the Cauldron, where the Woodcrafting station is currently located
- Added to the Embassy the missing Leatherwork Station - Placed it in the location Gemma used to be
- Added also to the Embassy the Missing Trapsmaker Merchant and named him: Dwarven Trapmaker Thorask Fireheart
- It will no longer be possible to accidentally use Brewing Recipes as Scrolls for Scribing due to a baby proofing code I added.
- Up until now you were required to have the item crafted and then use your book on it - Only then could you scribe the designs. To fix that I have created a dot command, which allows you to scribe the design without the need of the item(Provided your skill is high enough). The command is: .drawblueprint {item}
- You will need a Quill, Blank Sheet of Paper and Ink as well as spelling the correct item. If your skill is high enough and provided the item is even in your book - You get to draw a design.
- This is in addition to the old way of grabbing a design from a crafted item - This is not to replace the old way.
Golden Caves Removed as of v3779. Maybe one day it will return...
- As of this version the Greater Magic Weapon Alterations will no longer stack with themselves or with Darkfire and Flame Weapon. If you accidentally cast the spell it wont go wasted, however, and it will simply strip the old Damage type and give you another - So if you need to switch to a different damage type all of a sudden it is now an option.
- The same fix was also applied to Darkfire and Flame Weapon. You will no longer get the old message that they cant be stack, but rather that the damage will be overwritten. This will also fix an old exploit that would allow players to stack Darkfire/Flame Weapon after being dispelled thus rending this exploit no longer possible.
- Fixed issues around mapping in Eveningstar and Eastway as of next reset
- Monument of Ooze, Cobble Demons, Nada's Pests and the Alley Kings Goblin quests were fixed and as of the next reset players should be able to retake them after a logical time interval.
- Additional change was made to the Brewing System Recipes to prevent them from stacking or being scribed upon.
We are rolling out a new Debugging System that should help us to test and troubleshoot various Bugs/Problems that occur during Production(During usual Server running time). Currently the system is still limited but it checks for the following, common pain points observed over the last year:
- Mapping Points Of Interest issues. Will ensure to let us know if any mappable area has issues preventing you guys from successfully mapping it.
- Item Creation. If any systems rely on creating items from a resref(Brewing System, Questing System, etc) we will be notified if that item no longer exists.
- Persistant Storage Uniqueness - In the past there were issues of several factions sharing the same Storage Chest do to lack of unique identifiers. This system will also ensure this stops happening.
We will slowly roll this out for more functionalities and integrate it with more systems on Arabel.
On your end you wont see much happening, unless an error occurred in which case you will be sent an error message via a tell from our Debugging System Messenger. The error message will look like this:Such messages will be sent via tells to ensure you dont miss them(Old ones used to get buried under piles of Combat log) and it will make it easier for you to make reports of the bugs via bug tickets. Ensure to still exercise sound judgement when reporting bugs since some of them might be exploits/shouldnt be posted over public forums.
You will see more and more of these messages instead of old Combat log ones.
Keep me informed if you notice any specific issues with this, or if you accidentally got a message and shouldnt have. -
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed issues with Mapping specific Points Of interests with the Mapping system, based on bug reports PMed to me.
- The Protection from Petrification potion stopped working and had to be fixed. It is now fixed, but if you have existing potions they will still not work(They will work like normal Stoneskins). If you want them replaced get a hold of a DM online, otherwise feel free to use your remaining ones like Stoneskin potions.
Upgrades to the Brewing System:
- In the past we had a method in place to replace very old recipes from before we made the first upgrade, and migrate them to the new system(Potions from before 3/3/2017). Due to some changes we are making to support more content in this system, we can no longer continue to support this fix. This means that very old recipes from before 3/3/2017(Six months ago) will be broken and not work. The team will not be replacing these old recipes with new ones - We believe we were more than fair to allow enough time for migration.
- We are working to add many more new recipes into the cycle and working to upgrade the system accordingly. This also include certain Alterations that will appear in bottle form and will be brewable.
- We are slowly moving away from the orthodox way Potion recipes are spawned and adopt the way they are randomly created with the other crafts. Might take some time but thats our direction.
7 new Potion recipes were added to the Brewing system, and more will be added in the near future(Some also give you access to alterations and other powerful spells).
Will be fully available to players after some balance testing.
Began to test the new Random Potion Recipe feature of the Brewing System and placed some Random Potion Recipes in several popular quests' loot tables. This means the new potion recipes we added will now begin to spawn. The system is integrated with our new debugging system and we will ensure there are no errors and that the Potion Recipe randomization is monitored for BI. As always: If you see something that is likely too good to be true - Report it to me via a PM right away.
Integrated several more key systems with our New Debugging System, so you will begin to see more Error messages delivered to you by it in case there is an issue. The system will only send you error messages, via the Debugging System Messenger. If you see that things become to crazy and that you get served too many error messages(That should help to troubleshoot bugs and fix them faster), let me know and I will create a dot command that allows you to opt out from the messages. The systems that were integrated are:
- The Brewing System
- Invasion System
- Mapping System
- Custom Portals System
- Create Item / Create Object Validators - To ensure these items/objects exist and werent deleted.
- Validation of Storage Chest unique Tag(To ensure you dont suffer from connected Storage syndrome).
Next we will work on integrating the Quest, Subraces, Class Kits and Crafting systems with the New Debugging System, to ensure we have more tools to troubleshoot issues faster and fix them. If you come have ideas for additional systems/cases that should be monitored by the system feel free to do so via PMs.
- Several Bugs were fixed:
- Additional New Brewing Potion Recipes were added in and will now spawn across the server. Additionally we have expanded our Random Potion Recipe spawn to more quests - So you will see the new recipes more and more often.
- We began working towards creating Negative Essences that will function like Healing Potions to Undead(NPC, PC and Summons). Once the kinks are taken care off we will open it up to be brewed/crafted as well, giving more support this way to Necromancers.
As of next reset
Mushroom and Knightswood quests should now reset
Changes to loot those quests and fixed some floating shit in Eastern Wilds.
- Vaasa, Chult, Papercut and Scholar Hunt are now available in the Spire again
- Nef is available in the Spire
- Updated to the Spire to reflect recent events
As of 3841:
- Penal Legion Quarters updated. Black Will can provide you guys with buffs.
- Fixes to Crypts of the Triumvirate.
- Raznor no longer sells socket gear.
- Bhersken Point updated- more to come, enjoy the piked heads.
- Fixed Bug:
- Fixed Bug:
- Fixed Bug:
- Fixed Bug:
- Changes to costs on Raise and Resurrection, for balance across the server.
Any issues or difference in cost that you believe is an issue, please PM me or send a bug report in.
- Updated Eastway Castle to reflex changes