Changes to the module
Next reset druidic staves should be properly fixed this time….. honest... (It was just the water and earth ones that couldn't be upgrade due to a tag mispell, so I fixed it)
also Aldeks bear claw has been editted a little. Climb checks dropped by 2DC
A lower CR ranger added to make auto scaling better.
Lower CR animals added to make auto scaling better. -
Scrambled eggs shouldn't spawn almost all Githyanki Gish anymore.
The Frost Giants who are part of "okrigs" tribe have been adjusted a little, some of the ones that shuld have spawned (most notably some shamens) were apparently not spawning, they should spawn more often now (if your party is powerful enough) They also have a few more hitpoints to account for the more powerful weapons players are able to gain.
Should be able to use socketting kits to add two sockets to weapons again (as it's ok now, because you can't put multiple damage gems into them anyway which is why the single socket limit was being enfroced originally)
Rangers shuld no longer lose animal empathy when taking the beast master kit. Thought it was worth noting here, I have also changed the classes information to show that this bug does not exist anymore.
Fixed a problem which was stopping escaped Bherskhan workers getting into the ruins, and therefore allowing more netherese alloy to be found. Now these guys can actually escape, and be found wandering the ruins.
Also upped the amount of alloy you get from the "boss" version, so it's more worthwhile to fight one of those if your planning to make steel items.
Steel weapons are now flat +1 AB instead of +1 AB vs (almost) everything. They still also have their realy nice damage bonus. These weapons should be decent to have now as standard issue weapons, and as crafter can make any weapons type there is, it means your weird build that duel wields a kukri and a light flail can have decent weapons.
a whole bunch of spell alterrations, but especially the death touched sorc themed spells, have been "fixed" as some of them probably werent using the right DC's properly, or were hitting friendlies when they shouldn't have been, or both.
Fixed a problem with the druidic bone stave recipes not working.
Fixed a problem with certain elementals not working for both hardcastle weapons, and druidic staves.
Various bugs have been fixed, some quite old ones.
If anyone wish to test Ashby and see if part 2 is possible again, please let me know.
All alteration scrolls that weren't scribing should be fixed. This includes Scry and the Cloak of Shadows. The Elemental Orb spells should now function correctly.
The rust attack used by rust monsters will now corrode your items, not destroy them. Corroded items can't be used, and will possess the weight of the original item. It will be named "Rusted ".
These can be repaired to reverse the effects of corrosion, but that won't be in game for a couple of days. In case you get an item corroded, keep it with you until the repair system is online.
I will eventually make the "Rust attack" available to players as well, through spells, weapons and the like, as well as counters.
Should be able to dispel invisibility separately from the crafting menu after the next reset.
Snowdrop and Snowflake are removed Immersea Selunite Shrine after IC events. FOIG.
Flavour and lore added IG, NPC rumours have been updated.
The rust remover item should be available in Neb's shop.
Added in updated Adventurers' Guild. Inform me of issues. I think I got everyone's stuff transferred over.
Fixed transition to Lhal estate
put doors back in HC & Lhal estatesBugs addressed/fixed:
tracker.php?p=1&t=1882A few cosmetic updates/fixes/changes.
New areas for exploration being added in slowly. When you find them and there are issues, PM me. -
Balor has been removed from mertoi optional
Red Dragon has been replaced on scramble with a wyrmlingThe reason these has been changed is for epic creatures like balor and dragons are for Epic DM events, slaying such creatures should be VERY special and not part of daily questing. That way, when players do come upon facing such creatures it will be an epic tale to tell for everyone to hear. Any previous balor/dragon slaying in quests have been removed, thus no character can claim to be a dragon slayer or balor slayer simply for they did a quest. If you wish to slay dragons or balors, you earn your way towards it and make yourself a legend!
XP gain has been editted. You should now gain XP more slowly from level 7 upwards.
XP gain has been editted. You should now gain XP more slowly from level 7 upwards.
About the above.
We've re tweaked the amounts. You'll still gain XP slower once you hit level 7, but there are some caveats.
Taking more people on a quest gives everyone more XP as the end quest reward. This is to try and promote larger groups being good, instead of "three manning it" being optimal.
Xp is not divided by the number of people on a quest anymore, it's a flat amount now, plus the bonus for extra party members.
But yeah, you still should be gaining XP slower than before. Please give us reports on XP amounts on quests if you think they are too low or too high.
Karla has moved to the new hardcastle factory
new hardcastle factory area available in Arabel, North
couple of bugs fixed