Merchant scales duplicating items once setting price
Area name: arabel Historic District
Issue Location: Merchant scales near the two player shop NPCs
Quest Name: n/a
Store Name:
NPC Name:
NPC Location:
Server Version: 8669
Screen Shot:
Time: Friday 21 feb, 430am UK timeIssue Description:
After an odd Server crash- when adding items to the merchant scales, many (but not all) of the items would duplicate. Experienced this with both stackable and non-stackable items. The session was connected through NWN Android app via phone, so interacting with objects and custom UI elements was challenging leading to other small oddities - inconsistency in properly recording the set price (would not save the price, or would record the price but not allow loading to store, or would work fine). Sometimes clicking in the number fields of the price setting pop-up would cause the character to walk to the location where the "mouse" would have clicked if no custom-merchant-price-setting-UI would be present.
Duplication has occurred with both stolen and normal items. Some can be added to the store, some cannot (don't want to fence the item message).
Does it still recreate for you? Are you using a mobile or something else?
Others are unable to recreate it so far. Please send me steps to recreate via Discord or a forum PM. -
Fixed and confirmed.
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