Hidden Peaks Exits
Does it check the whole party? I never carry one, and it has never failed to open for me before.
@TuesdayParade step 1 is a hidden door step 2 is a grappling hook point
@Puffy I couldn't find the exit portal. I loaded in exactly where I found it when I logged out. An hour of search checks later and still nothing. I had to get saved by a capeless missclick
TuesdayParade had to log out while in the area. They jumped back over the climb check so they would not get stuck, but unfortunately, they were unable to find the hidden portal to get out.
Could the DC to spot it be lowered for the way out of the Hidden Vale?
i think i found the issue
fix attempted 8592 -
any further testing on this?
RL being a pain, haven't had the chance yet.
still an issue?
Seems to be working. Haven't tested the broken exit yet
fix confirmed
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