More Bounty Items for Monsters
Just a suggestion to increase some of the bounty item drops or add them to currently missing:
Frost Giants - Had to fight two of them and neither dropped a head. They are much harder than mountain giants and could benefit from a bounty item.
Frost Orcs - Very rarely drop an item. I think for about 50+ that I killed in the Stormhorns I got like 4 heads.
Ogres - I have yet to see an ogre in the stormhorns drop a head. Had about 1 in 5 drop one in the Hullack. It might be tied to a specific named spawn.
Goblins - About 1 in 10 in the king's forest dropped an ear. May be tied to only specific named spawns.
Kobalds - Seem to have the most consistent and highest chance of drop so far
I could see why maybe limiting the orc head drops and goblin ear drops might be intentional to balance the system and not give a metric ton of XP/gold from something that spawns alot, however, if something could be changed to at least get something each encounter, that would make it more fun.
I feel like harder spawns like giants should all drop something. That got a bit dicey for me, even fully buffed.
All of these will be considered with the upcoming phase of the trinity system.
ogres, goblins and kobolds hav ebeen updated
orcs & giants are on my "to-do" list. -
E Echo moved this topic from Suggestions on
orcs have been added
frost orcs and mountain orcs have their own special heads that are worth different amounts than 'normal' orcs
strong spear orcs now have better chance to drop heads than before