Earth Drakes and other Hullack creatures
The Earth Drakes only rarely drop a scale when defeated, last evening I encountered 2 of them, and neither dropped a scale, however in the combat log, i did notice the Earth Drake did use the Scale. Could this be why they rarely have a scale available?
I also noticed that some of the more formidable creatures like hill giants and many other of the tougher creatures do not drop anything.
Orcs which are not quite as scary as the larger things do drop items you can turn in for gold.
It might be useful and nice if some of these creatures left items of small value, especially with some of the more dangerous creatures. Many of the less dangerous creatures do drop items worth 1gp or 1 pp, which makes them worth carrying for those who are scavenging coins (i do not need to, but i have been gathering them for rest coin and sendings so i do not need to use the coins i accumulated for a "rainy day")
@darlene-te-len said in Earth Drakes and other Hullack creatures:
Could this be why they rarely have a scale available?
Huh, yep!
@darlene-te-len said in Earth Drakes and other Hullack creatures:
hill giants
Hill giants should drop heads. Added v8011
@darlene-te-len said in Earth Drakes and other Hullack creatures:
the Earth Drake did use the Scale. Could this be why they rarely have a scale available?
Yeah, the loot intended to be found by players should be handled in a better way.
In this instance, it's entirely my fault, I made these scales- and there are several types.
What I did was, made a system that spawns from a list of possible items, when the item is "Acquired"
So, the base item, doesn't have any properties, it's just a scale with a description. When it is "acquired" a script runs and grabs an item from a selection of them, then spawns that into the inventory, and deletes the original.
Here's the thing..... when the drake spawns, he "acquires" the scale... so it makes the one with the item properties, and deletes the old one.
The one with properties can be used, the AI supports using items with spell charges.... so.... yeah.The best way to universally solve it is to make all loot items spawn on death (more annoying for DMs to set up though) Or for the script to check if a player "acquired" the item first for these instances.
Anyway, yeah, sorry.
earthdrakes should no longer use their scales
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