Instakill Traps in Quests
Can we please talk about these? I've literally never done this quest before and had no way of knowing there was even a threat of instakill. It ripped through my entire stoneskin and still did 102 damage on top of that. I 100% agree that traps should be a thing in quests and there should always be a good reason to have a rogue or other trap springer, but this is just mean for no reason. It also 100% encourages metagaming. I'm not rage-quitting the character, but I also chose not to respawn just yet and to go to bed instead because that was just super frustrating.
I tried to talk to a DM about it, but none were available tonight.
in an era where there are not a lot of people on, this is not really conducive for players who might have trouble finding a trap spring-er or even a large enough group to tackle something of this magnitude, these really need to be rethought
P Prof. Misclick moved this topic from Suggestions on
I moved this to bug reports. This is not as intended. Traps are meant to be a challenge and risk, not an unfun thing.
I’m still on vacation but if another dm hasn’t gotten to sorting you out, I’ll help in the next day or so when I return.
Thanks for reporting this.
Should be resolved as of version 20240819 Strife 8516.
Please confirm, gently, after the version is live. -
E Echo moved this topic from Bug Reports on