Potion of clarity alchemy recipe
This potion is one of the hardest to make but barely turns a profit. They are as expensive to make as cat's grace, bull's strength etc which sell for 242 in the npc market shop but potions of clarity are only 202, which is capping my selling price. Can the recipe be amended to use less/different reagents to make it cheaper rather than increasing the market stall cost? The cost of making it needs to decrease by at least 40gp to make it comparable with the mark up on other potions. I would argue the mark up should be more considering they are difficult to make. Simplest fix would be to require only one reagent instead of two.
This is probably the most useful suggestion in terms of explanation. Thank you. I'll look at adjusting the recipe over the next couple days.
changed to 1 reagent
v8549 -
E Echo moved this topic from Suggestions on