water genasi, too many attribute bonuses
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Server Version: 8505
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Time: https://www.timeanddate.com/Issue Description: according to the forums water genasi gets +2 constitution, but i have also gotten +2 wisdom. i think wisdom makes sense for a water genasi as the genasis are a little underwhelming compared to other races, but it does not match with what the forums says. i also raised this with @Voss on creation but forgot to follow it up
I’ll have a look. Thanks.
I looked at the scripting and Water Genasi get +2 con and +2 wis so working as intended. The genasi subraces will be looked at in general to make them more appealing and to offset the ECL. For now though, not a bug. Closing and moving topic. I'll also update the forums.
Happy Gaming!
P Prof. Misclick moved this topic from Bug Reports on