Armor ac from shield spell not working underwater
Issue Location: Underwater area by Immersea
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Server Version: 8501
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Time: 2 hours prior to this postIssue Description: A group of us were underwater. Area is very nice. I noticed that the armor bonus from the shield spell (abjuration and gsf) didn't apply. I equipped medium armor and it applied fine though. Wasn't able to check if mage armor.
@Temporal-Paradox check other AC boosting spells and let me know. Should be no relation between the shield spell and being underwater.
The +4 deflection from the shield spell works. The +6 armor granted by the change to shield for spell focuses and abjuration specialist custom spell (+6 armor) does not I don't think. Can't cast mage armor to check it.
Tested it myself with an Abjurer(With GSF Abjuration).
Was able to go in and out of water, retaining a bonus of 10AC(+4 Natural and +6 Armor).The only time I didnt have the +6 Armor bonus was when I removed my robe, which I used to cast the spell with. The spell actually applies the bonus AC to the robe itself and not the character. Once I equipped back the robe I had the AC again.
Seems to be working as intended.
That makes sense. Needs an equipped item for the armor bonus but the shield bonus part of the spell does not.
so... not a bug? just dont be naked?
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