New Fungal Quest, Pathfinding Issue
Area: ZQA: Moonsea Ride, Saprophyte Infested Home
Details: I did the new fungal quest today just off the Moonsea Ride. All is fine until you get to the final area - the infested house per above. You're unable to melee the mushrooms due to distance / pathfinding, so you jockey back and forth beside them at an impasse and can't complete the quest.To clarify, all mushroom placeables in the penultimate room are affected.
i know when the quest was in the city the questgiver told you to bring a ranged weapon for the fungi for this reason. looks like the new questgiver conversation does not do this.
ok waypoints adjusted v8476
someone test and verify it's better -
Can confirm its working as intended now. Thank you!
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