Oak box with iron hinge
Crafted four oak boxes with iron hinges.
Looks like weight savings is set at 80% rather than 20% found in forums.
Also, forums show need for leather strap, but none needed in game.I can trash or donate if needed.
It may only be the wording on the description. The weight savings may be correct in game
Sorry, turf this one.
Looks good - I read the description wrong (hickory and oak boxes have different wording, but mean the same). -
Oak box weighs 80% of normal (0.8 instead of 1.0 lb)
Hickory box with Iron Hinge reduces CONTENT weight by 20% (but weighs 1lb)
Hickory box with Gold Hinge reduces CONTENT weight by 40% (but weighs 1lb)
Mahogany Box with Gold Hinge reduces CONTENT weight by 60% (but weighs 1lb) -
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