Cojak81/Xavier/Companion of the Pallid Mask
The player Cojak81 (Xavier) has expressed and interest for his character to become a companion of the Pallid Mask within the HoA organisation.
Xavier has been taking actions to pursue this IG (most of which are details on his plot ticket). Most recently they have been leading the hunt for the Mistress of the Night.
I would like to offer him a place within the Pallid Mask should his actions during this bounty 'final' fall in line with someone from the group.
Namely. I would expect him to destroy the unsanctified undead but bring the Mistress, a necromancer, in to the HoA headquarters alive for questioning, re-education, whatever the HoA deems most appropriate.
What would the reward look like:
Being able to say they belong to the companions of the Pallid mask.
Rewarded with Full plate, a cloak and a helmet with the appropriate themed stats on them.
Potentially being sanctified by the Church to raise undead?
@Soothsayer said in Cojak81/Xavier/Companion of the Pallid Mask:
Being able to say they belong to the companions of the Pallid mask.
I would say he would then get rank 3 within HoA, with a specialist rank name called "Companion of the Pallid Mask" aka "Pallid" or "Companion" for short. However, no official clergy perks. Similar to when Elara was rank 3, before she became official clergy.
- No raising undead, Companion of the Pallid Mask does not have that sort of sway like Jergal's official clergy. It can however, be earned.
- Like other rank 3s, he doesnt get gear. But, he is allowed to fashion his faction gear to the same style as the Companion of the Pallid Mask NPC's. (DM help will be needed). He can get enough pp to buy himself the faction gear he has been saving up for. (We did this with Elara, gave her pp to buy the faction armour she was saving for when she reached rank 3)
In short:
- Can call himself a member of the Companion of the Pallid Mask
- Is rank 3, but not official clergy status/perks.
- Gets PP reward for his efforts, and can then buy the armour he has been saving for
- Gets to edit the faction gear he has to match NPCs IG
Because: This matches previous rewards. And gives the guy something to aim for in the future.
@Prof-Misclick said in Faction: House of Ash:
Rank 3- Cryptkeeper
Leadership rank (EiG promotion. May come with additional perks customized to character, special consideration in use of Necromancy, FOIG)
Works for me!
If everyone is in agreement to what Puffy has said. Please vote Yes. Or if you have other compromises please note them as well.
Many thanks
I would also like to see him try to hunt down this guy:
Less dm heavy
@Puffy I'm sure they will turn their attention to them next. In fact, I would assign it to them at the ceremony when they become a Pallid Mask
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